Some nice prices here for local stock of planet earth from JB hifi
Subscribe to the JB email newsletter and you should get your 20% off coupon
Here is mine 92EU32M0Z0A8S1 (in the past deals, it hasn't been unique)
Some nice prices here for local stock of planet earth from JB hifi
Subscribe to the JB email newsletter and you should get your 20% off coupon
Here is mine 92EU32M0Z0A8S1 (in the past deals, it hasn't been unique)
I got a different code so in case it's unique and someone wants it.
Amazon UK, delivered to Oz
Planet Earth II Blu Ray : ~$31.50
Planet Earth I&II Collection Blu Ray : $43.60
Planet Earth II UHD : ~$46.30
So the Blu Ray and UHD are cheaper here, but the collection is more expensive, even after the 20% off.
Uhd are terribly priced overseas, regardless of exchange rate.
Here's another code.
Thanks OP.
Is there anywhere to stream this in UHD/4K?
BBC iPlayer but I believe you need a VPN
That's not a code.
Get with the program.
I purchased the 4k uhd.. Even with postage I'm very happy.
Thanks EC, looking forward to the 4k set….Now I just need to wait for another cheap 4k Player :)
Xbox 1s is your best bet atm
Here's another one : 92XWUBHPDG0V6V
And another code: 92HZBL5JOFTZR1
I was literally contemplating to get the 4K version this arvo. But then I thought I'd wait for 20% off, best decision ever.
How do you literally contemplate something?
Like this:
He was specifying that "this arvo" was not an exaggeration.
I was going to pick it up today but got stuck at work! So glad I did lol. Great deal on the UHD.
Same. Was literally in store today looking at it. Lucky I waited.
Wouldn't have made a difference. I bought it yesterday and just went back today and got a refund on the difference.
Thanks op. Can anyone tell me whether uhd read on a blu ray player?
You need a 4K (UHD) Blu-ray player.
The 4K UHD release is being called THE best demo of 4K so far…just like the original Planet Earth pushed the Blu Ray HD format.
Ironically, the original release mostly had footage shot in 720P, which was on par with the free-to-air HDTV at the time. For all the fantastic photography I wasn't blown away by the video quality.
I'd love to see the second series but I don't have a 4K BD player yet, and would only get a hybrid edition.
Most of the new footage was shot in 4K 120fps on a RED camera. Some clips are 1080p up convert but who cares!
Exactly why I said I'd love to see the the 4k version!
Would love a code if someone has one spare.
I upgraded purely to see this series in 4K, can't wait :)
Here you go mate
This would look good on the new 7 series LG OLED I reckon.
looks like all the above codes are gone
Does the 4K UHD version also include the standard Blu-ray disc?
Does anyone has one spare? Thanks
Here you go 92IL74PVGFYMJD
i just created a new customer but cant see where to sign up to the newsletter for the discount?
cant wait to see this on the oled
Think this is the one
Not sure how long it takes to come through as I haven't received one yet after about 30 mins.
thankyou :)
Thanks mate
Thanks! Seems like they are multi use.
amazingly, this one worked. multi-use. not sure why?
Because he is trump?!
Hope someone finds it useful: 925HVDYTYEICPD
Thank you! Used the code. I've signed up for the emailing list so hopefully I can pay it forward when the discount email arrives.
oh well! i had that code and it was accepted but i was too late to checkout.
Shame the JB one appears to be 4K UHD only unlike the Amazon UK copy which seems to be UHD + BR. Was after the one with both purely for future proofing purposes. Moving into a new place in a couple of months and was gonna make the upgrade but I want to watch now and only have a BR set up at the moment. Dilemma.
Agreed would be nice to have both, and in the perfect world when you buy some movies it would be nice to have 4K, 3D and 2D blurays versions in the one package.
If you buy both 2D + 4K versions you're looking at $56, which is about $10 more than buying from amazon after currency conversion and not accounting for delivery fees which probably makes it the same price minus the waiting and you're supporting local workers.
I actually think having two separate media types is better (assuming similar price) as you can then at lend a friend one copy and have the other safe, or decide to sell either (probably the 1080P version) in the future once 4K becomes more common and 4K players are sold for $100 (one day in the future).
Spare code anyone?
Here you go: 923SYL2EP7ARY0
Thank you :)
My code 928SSP38JLZHC0
Mine is: 926ISEINA4K4YC
Cheers :)
Just checked my emails. I also have a code available: 92HF84ZR855L2E
If a picture tells a thousand words, then this trailer for the series probably speaks a million
anyone seen the UHD version yet? How much better is it compared to The Revenant which was one of the top demo for UHD until now? definitely going to pick it up at this price.
Could someone please send me a code?
4K UHD sounds like a good idea but if you dont bundle it with ATMOS and a decent dedicated 4K UHD player or 4K UHD drive on PC
whats the point of buying the discs
I'd prefer to be able to buy movies without having to buy a new player every time.
You can't play back UHD discs on a PC at this point in time. I use an xbox1s attached to a Samsung 4K TV but no way I could afford a true atmos setup atm. Visual fidelity is great though.
I would also appreciate it if someone could PM me a code if you don't need it! Thanks!
looks like i need a coupon code, as i signed up to newsletter but nothing yet. not sure if it will ever come. edit: nm, see above
My code: 92269755865
It seems every time I tuned into this on TV it seemed to be lots of attempted "killing" for want of a better word. For anyone who watched the entire series is it all like that? Have they gone overboard on the "predatory violence" or did I just have extra bad timing?
Not sure but agree the "raw nature" thing is a bit tired these days.
another vegan.
I signed up to the newsletter but the only code I got was a discount on a Korg piano ha ha, anyone kind enough to pm me a code they're not using?
Here's my code if it helps anyone: 92SF2JTPGIR7QV
Looks like it's expired.
Looks like its not unique.
I could use the OP's code and the discount was applied.
Thanks OP I have been waiting for a 4k planet earth to come out. Looking forward to watching it.
Just in case you hadn't realised, this is Planet Earth II, not a new 4K version of Planet Earth (at least thats what I understand anyway).
Thanks OP, the original code works.
In case there are those as lost as I was, you put in the coupon code on the payment page (the page before confirmation, where you select to pay via credit card, paypal etc). There's section to add coupon codes.
I spent some time stupidly trying to find where to put the code on the cart page.
I'm going to wait for the Flat Earth edition
Hi, Is there a digital downloadable version of this? I have a 4K TV, but don't have a 4K player.
theres no digital download of it
grab a xbox one S pretty cheap now and has a BR player in it
Already got the collection from Amazon UK previously, spare code if anyone is still looking for one:
Thanks OP, I've been waiting for this!
cheers op and jb 5 hrs of 4k uhd goodness for $33 delivered :)
Thx OP - ur code works.
More codes for those who haven't got one
Thanks !!
No worries mate hopefully someone found it useful :)
More spare codes here:
OP's original code still works. Bought the blu-ray. Thank OP!
Is 4K UHD > BR in terms of pic quality or both the same as I am keen to get the collection?
much sharper/more details on the 4k. the bigger thing though is the HDR component
so if you have a 4k HDR tv get the UHD, sit close for the details and pull out your popcorn
Received this email in the morning, the girl at the JB counter just said 'another one!!!?'
the girl at the JB counter just said 'another one!!!?
Did you also ask for her number ?
Just grabbed one op,s code still working another Uhd to my collection
Thank you :)
the original Planet Earth was my first experience of HD content. I bought it on HD-DVD .. hahaha
Me too!! RIP HD-DVD!!
Original code is still working. Thanks OP.
Thanks OP! Just bought one, perfect to test my new OLED tv i got on prev ebay sale
even without the discount, the retail price is excellent considering this is a new series. I remember the first series retailing for close to 100 dollars locally when it came out.
Edit: never mind
Watched half so far and it's great. A shame there's only 6 episodes though, the first series had 11.
Planet Earth 2 UHD 4K version is problematic to play in a Xbox One S. Both discs just loop the premenu footage.
No menus
Here are my two just incase they end up being unique : 92LBBFQQ2487VS 92I36Z37O0IKEP