This was posted 8 years 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Witcher 3 GOTY Steam USD $24.99 (~AUD $33)


Lowest price ever for a Steam copy!

Just added the game to wishlist last night and received a Sales notification in the morning.


You may find bettet price for a GOG DRM free copy somewhere else but this is for people like me who prefer Steam.

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closed Comments

  • +1
  • +7

    Amazing game, can't recommend enough.

  • +1

    I can just imagine Geralt in FNQ right now stuck on repeat "Wind, howling." "Wind, howling." "Wind, howling."

    • +1

      more like "Whoa" "Whoa" "Whoa" "Whoa"

  • +3

    Just started playing this - goddam is it a purty game with extremely high production values. Everything seems … very realistic despite the fact that it has wizards and monsters everywhere!

    i5 7600 + GTX 1070 @ 3440x1440:

    30 - 50 FPS maximum graphics settings incl. Hairworks

    45 - 60 FPS maximum graphics settings without Hairworks

    • as a fellow 1070'er I appreciate this info :)
      What do you chose, with or without Hairworks ? Worth the drop in framerate ?

      • +1

        Hairworks is not worth a 10-15fps drop

      • +1

        Without - but when Hairworks is on for everything animal fur and horses manes look amazing.

    • +1

      Do you have an X34 monitor? Ive got one and gtx1070. Would love a 1080ti now.

      • +1

        Indeed that is my monitor. And I could use a 1080 Ti :D

        • We were warned about the update hell of having this monitor. Its so good tho. That extra screen is an advantage in shooters.

    • Thank you kind sir.

      I'm running a 3770k + 1070 w/ a 34" Ultrawide as well. This info is great!

  • +5

    Can't believe people would actually pay more for DRM.

    Amazing game - worth every cent! 160hrs in and I haven't even finished the main quest yet

    • +3

      Yeah. Buy on GOG and actually support CDProjektRed completely. Better platform too.

      • +3

        I'm probably going to get this on Steam though for the benefits of the Steam ecosystem (Steam cloud, Steam link, Steam controller).

        • +3

          Just add it as a nonsteam game and then you have those benefits. I have GOG version and use steam controller and stream it.

        • +3

          Witcher 3 supports cloud saves too. So now you have all three of those features with GoG and get the ability to support CDProjektRed. As Arnor pointed out you can Stream and use Steam controller. You also get GoG achievements, if that's important to you.


        • @FabMan: This is all good, but does track your time played now?

        • @the frost: No clue, I've never wanted such a feature. It can't tell when I've walked away from the game so it's no good at being accurate. In game time keeping seems like a better option for when you pause it, it doesn't keep counting.

        • +4

          @the frost:

          It gives time played now.

        • @FabMan: Thanks, I have been waiting for GOG to have cloud saves :)

    • +1

      The Witcher 3 is DRM free on PC, including Steam.…

      • +1

        Um i'm not sure if you actually read the article you just posted but the last couple of lines,

        Which is tremendous news. Of course people then – like a school assembly – immediately chorused together, “Buuuut Steeeaaaaaam iisss DRM!” Yes, yes it is. So he added,
        “It’ll be on Steam; the team isn’t going to exclude that community by any means. Gamers have a choice in where they buy their games, but where CDPR does have control — like — there will be absolutely no DRM.”

        imply the steam copy has DRM attached.

        • WTF is DRM and why does it matter?

          Edit: googled it.. steam, hardly has a "DRM" . i Share my account with my sister that lives somewhere else.. as long as we don't play games online at the same time, everything is fine.. so her playing stardew valley and skyrim offline, doesn't effect my BF1 online in anyway…

          Its hard to imagine them allowing multiple people playing online with the same game key.. Publishers would be pissed off .. lol

        • @Most Wanted:

          DRM = digital rights management. It applies to all types of digital media and not just games. It's software that's primarily designed to prevent you from pirating that movie/game/book/song however it can also have unfortunate side effects.

          Example 1 - you have a blu-ray movie and a blu-ray drive in your computer. Surely you can just pop the movie in and watch it on whatever player? Nope! You've gotta buy some other software which includes a license to play blu-rays.

          Example 2 - you've just bought and downloaded a game from [steam/uplay/origin/whatever] because you've got a 20hr flight the next day and you need to kill some time. At home you make sure it's working well and everything is sweet. Get on the plane, turn your laptop on and what the hell, you need to log in to some stupid online service otherwise you can't play. I admit steam is pretty good these days with offline play however it used to be much worse (e.g. needing to login online first to activate the offline mode.)

          In most cases DRM is fine and unobtrusive however there are definitely scenarios where you'd be better off without it. Unlike OP, I definitely wouldn't pay MORE for it.

        • +1

          @Most Wanted: The fact it detects whether two people are on at the same time and prevents it is Digital Rights Management. I like and use Steam and it's DRM seems to be the least problematic I've used, but it doesn't stop it being DRM.

          GoG allows you to download an installer that simply installs the game without any restrictions. Install it on all of your machines, install it on all of your friends, they do not track it. I'm not suggesting you do this, I recommend buying from them as they are trusting people to do the right thing.

        • It's DRM-free on Steam. You don't need Steam to be active in order to run it.

          You do realise you can get DRM-free games on Steam, right? Not sure what axe you have to grind with Steam.

          Here's a non-exhaustive list of games on Steam which are DRM-free (and yes, The Witcher 3 is on the list):


          Seriously folks, The Witcher 3 is a great game. Buy it on whatever platform you like, and enjoy!

        • @44sunsets: No axe to grind with Steam, I use it, I love it, doesn't change what it is. I've not bad mouthed it, so not sure why you state I have an axe to grind.

          I can download a game from GoG, including Witcher 3, it doesn't install other background applications such as Steam or GoG Galaxy. These DRM free games on Steam, can you download and install them without Steam being installed as well? Looks good it doesn't have to run with the game, but is it installed with it? I didn't kniw they could run without the Steam Client, that's awesome.

          The list you provided of DRM free games are 3rd party DRM free. 3rd party is the key component, it still uses it's own first party DRM software Steam. It states UPlay as DRM when UPlay is Ubisofts version of Steam.

        • @FabMan:
          I wasn't replying to you when I was asking what axe he had to grind — yeah I know, the comment threading is kinda hard to read.

          I'm not going to turn this into a religious war, clearly you have a very different definition of "DRM" than most people. We'll have to leave it at that.

          (and yes, I use GOG as well and I love it, but unfortunately I don't get quota-free downloads for GOG on Internode, whereas I do with Steam. Without that, I wouldn't be able to download all these modern games which often clock in at > 50GB each. Hopefully GOG will grow enough that ISPs will offer quota free downloads some day.)

        • @44sunsets: From Steams wiki page:

          "Steam is a digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation, which offers digital rights management (DRM), multiplayer gaming, and social networking services."

          It is DRM, the majority of people know that, it isn't my religious belief, it isn't what crazy people think. Again, I like Steam, but I'm not going to pretend it isn't DRM, just like UPlay, Origin and GoG Galaxy.

          DRM doesn't equal evil.

      • Which is tremendous news. Of course people then – like a school assembly – immediately chorused together, “Buuuut Steeeaaaaaam iisss DRM!” Yes, yes it is. So he added,

        “It’ll be on Steam; the team isn’t going to exclude that community by any means. Gamers have a choice in where they buy their games, but where CDPR does have control — like — there will be absolutely no DRM.”

        From the very link you posted.

        • Luckily The Witcher 3 is DRM-free on Steam. Bless CD Projekt and CDPR!

        • @44sunsets: Steam is DRM

        • +1

          @FabMan: Steam is a service, Steamworks has a DRM option which developers can implement if they want to. There's a lot of games on Steam that don't use the Steamworks DRM or other DRM methods. That means you can copy the game files elsewhere and play them just like you can if you download a game from GOG.

        • +1

          @Torrunt: Cheers, for this.

          So you can't download it from Steam directly, but you can copy the data across to another PC without issues?

          So the Steam client is still DRM, but developers/publishers have the choice to utilise it when a game/application is activated. That is great.

        • @Torrunt: I checked, if you uninstall Steam, the DRM free Steam games get removed too. Also if you copy the game files, you are still missing the registry files, so the game doesn't work.

          As such, you still need to install the Steam client, to download and install the games unless you are pre-pared to copy registry information across too.

          Not that similar to GoG downloads, where you can download the files from the website, install and run on any compatible PC.

        • +1

          @FabMan: Depends on the game, not all games require registry information.

          I've also never uninstalled Steam before (I just moved it whenever I upgraded drives) but sounds pretty weird if it didn't ask if you wanted to keep your game files / steamapps folder.

        • @Torrunt:

          Just downloaded and installed Steam again and VVVVV (small and DRM free), copied VVVVV to another folder, uninstalled Steam and it doesn't ask if you want to keep your games. Which sucks if you don't realise and you have a ton of games.

          VVVVV without Steam installed still works, but that is as simple as video games get and doesn't require Registry changes, this solution definitely isn't as good as GoG downloads. However, it is good if you have a couple of machines that you want to have games played on without Steam being accessed.

  • +3

    If you haven't bought this yet with the expansions.. Do this.. do this now. I have put 210 hours into this game and only now coming close to the end of the last expansion.

    Keep in mind that I have taken the time to do every little quest and upgrade all the witcher gear so I can display it in my home.

    But the game is amazing and a major time sink.

    • But the game is amazing and a major time sink.

      Talking about time-sinks, I have already poured over 30+ hours into Gwent - the standalone card game based off the minigame from The Witcher 3.

      It's probably the only free-to-play game (I've played) that does not push micro-transactions heavily and when people do indulge in them, it doesn't make them overpowered over non-paying players.

      • +1

        I played every quest including the gwent ones only to find out due to an early bug when the game was released that I missed a few gwent cards and failed a couple of missions falling short of full completion. It was possibly 500hours worth of gaming time. I've just restarted the game on the highest difficulty instead of picking up Mass TrainWrek. I know what I'm in for and I love this game to bits.

    • I couldn't get into Witcher 2 for some reason, is 3 that much better?

      • +7


        Witcher 1 and 2 were made by the same dedicated developers but they lacked the monetary resources and experience to build a polished RPG. Witcher 2 sold well enough for them to have a decent budget while making 3.

        You don't have to believe the fans who love it, it has an average review of 93/100, it has won over 250 Game of the Year awards and over 800 awards in total.

        • +1

          That said, it's not a game for everyone. Me for example. I get overwhelmed by games that are too massive. I like short games.

        • @lostn: I can completely understand that, many of these open games can make me feel lost, especially if there are long gaps between plays. Having a good in game Quest Log can help with that.

  • Should I buy this now if I don't plan on playing it until November/December or should I wait and hope it gets cheaper?

    • +4

      It's only gonna get cheaper…

      • +2

        True this. Will at least repeat this offer if not cheaper.

    • Flip a coin, heads you buy now.

    • +1

      best game ever !!

  • +1

    And OMG. Dat soundtrack ! Always gives me chills

    220 hours and only starting blood and wine DLC

  • Bought it at $45. Have already got 45 hours+ on it. At this price its a must buy!

  • +1

    Dammit, was waiting for the price to come down to AUD $20 but all these overwhelmingly positive reviews and feedbacks made me buy it this morning. Thanks a lot OzBargain (in both bad and good ways).

    • bad luck mate, great value either way regardless.

  • +1

    Interestingly CDProjekt Red's own site has a link to the Steam deal.

    It doesn't make much business sense, but whatever.

  • How's this game compare to Skyrim? Playwise I mean, not so much updated graphics etc?

    • It's everything Skyrim failed to be

  • You may find bettet price for a GOG DRM free copy somewhere else but this is for people like me who prefer Steam.

    I got an email about it being 85% off on GoG but didn't read it before deleting it.

    Just added the game to wishlist last night and received a Sales notification in the morning.

    I'll see you in 400 hours then.

  • I brought this game instead of Mass Effect Down Syndrome which looks like a massive train wreck.

  • Never played 1 & 2, even they have been sitting in my Steam library for like 4 years. Do I need to play them first before getting on 3?

    • Definitely not, but I'd recommend playing Witcher 2 as it still stands up today and it's a much more focussed game than 3. It introduces a lot of the characters which also play a part in 3 so it's helpful to know their background.

  • +1

    Looks like I missed it. 50% discount no longer applying :(

  • Anyone else having trouble downloading this game?
    Mine is stuck about half-way and no amount of restarting steam or the PC (or the router) is having any effect.

    Maybe that's why it's half price?

    • Just completed my download this morning, no issues.

      • It's weird, I'm downloading it on the laptop ATM and it looks like it's going to complete. I wonder if kaspersky is borking things up? Funny that it downloads half way though?

        • Well it downloaded OK on my laptop and when I bypassed my router it seems to be working too…..grrr, hopefully a reset will fix it, it's only 3-4 years old.

        • @EightImmortals: So did a FW update on the router and it didn't make a difference. Did a factory reset and everything is sweet again. (Just an FYI in case anyone else is having problems)

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