This was posted 7 years 11 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Export Spray Paint Cans 5 for $10 @ Supercheap Auto (29/3)


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Export Spray Paint Cans 5 for $10 starts on 29/3/2017 Limit 10 per Customer.

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Supercheap Auto
Supercheap Auto

closed Comments

  • Looks like the normal price at Supercheap is $4.29 for one can.

    • OK, I give up. What is that site supposed to do?

      I pick a letter of the alphabet and it gives me random collections of letters starting with that letter, so I can…?

      • +1

        That random collection of letters (3, 4, or 5 words) is your new graffiti name! Congratulations!


    • +3

      The font for that site should be some weird unreadable font. Like the product of 95% of all graffiti.

      If you're going to write/spray your name everywhere, make it readable. Use Verdana, Arial. If you want to be creative, use a serif font.

      • +7

        No, No, You have to use Comic Sans …

        • +2

          I'll have comic sans on my grave stone: Even in death i will annoy you by using a shit font.

        • +2

          I assume that is the caption for your headstone ? Nice touch with the non-capitalised "i"

        • @Martijn: People who are pedantic about fonts aren't annoying at all!

  • Nice, it's usually 4 for $10 when on sale which is already a good price.

    • +4

      If they give $5 credit on Wednesday then this will be 5 for $5.

      • Wow, what credit are you referring to?

        • Wednesday 29/3 Club members night.

        • @monty.melb: Oooh. Damn, I'm not a member but maybe I should be…

  • +5

    Hey! Welcome back Monty. Been ages :)

  • +19

    Good timing, my neighbour just put up a new fence.

  • +1

    No… Seriously. Can I use this to paint a fence?

    • +13

      No, these are export only, read the description.

      • export meaning?

        • It means you have to be atleast 5-6 cans deep of Emu Export before use.

    • +1

      You can, but it will look pretty crap. Is it a metal fence? It comes out uneven and flaky compared to proper powdercoating.

      (New colorbond fence panels aren't really expensive for what they are, if you need one buy one).

    • Go to a hardware store and buy Fence Paint. It is cheap, around $25 for 4 litres, some are 2 litre tubs. Even cheap as chips have it from time to time. I used an electric sprayer and painted an old tin fence dark grey. Worked a treat. I'm sure you could brush it on fine, but it is thinner than normal paint.

  • This can be used to spray my manhole cover green?

    • +3

      Why would you want your man hole to be green?

      • +10

        And why is he covering it?

      • +4

        to blend into with my lawn..

        • So yes or no?

        • +3

          Now you sound even more suss lol

    • +15

      I suppose you could, but professional anal bleaching would probably be more effective. And reduce the risk of sealing your manhole shut… :P

      • +5

        He wants it green though, not bleached.

    • +10

      Spray paint is for external use only, see a doctor for advise on colouring your 'manhole'

    • +2

      Kinky…Guess there is kinks for everything these days ;)

      • +2

        Stop thinking you all dirty ozbagainers

    • +2

      buy 1m of artificial grass, cut to size, voila.

  • +14

    The kids on my street give me $5 a can, I'm gonna be rich

  • +4

    Came for deal, stayed for the banter.

  • Isn't this a club plus member special for Wednesday ONLY?
    I received the same email you did, and the spray paint is under 'Club Night Specials'

  • Much better than the NZ version which is 4 for $12.

    • Oh yee choice bro

  • instore only or online aswell?

    • online as well

  • Do these come with a guy fawkes mask?

  • Limit 10 per Vandal.

  • 21 jump Street?

  • awesome 5 for $5.

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