• expired

20 FREE Disney eBooks (& 16 more with a VPN) @ DisneyStoryCentral.com (+ iOS and Android App)


Get 20 free Disney eBooks when you follow the 3 steps listed below:

Note, the Disney Story Central App is available for iOS or Android as well.

  1. Click here and sign-up for free or sign into your account
  2. Once you are signed in, move your cursor over the red list icon located in the upper right corner of the page to open the menu
  3. In the menu options click on "Redeem Code", enter the following codes one by one and then click "Redeem":
GASTONCAST Belle's Royal Wedding
ABUCAST Disney Princess: A Pet for a Princess
NICKCAST Zootopia: Super Animals
ANNACAST Frozen - Adventures in Arendelle
BUZZCAST Toy Story - Woody's quest for a date
MAUICAST Moana - Find the way
OLAFCAST Frozen - A day in the sun
SULLYCAST Monsters inc - The spooky sleepover
FLOUNDERCAST Little mermaid - Sealed with a kiss
MACQUACKCAST Brave - A friend for Merida
REXCAST Toy Story 3 - So long partner
MERIDACAST Brave - Magic in the mist
MATERCAST Cars - Mater in Paris
DORYCAST Nemo - A fish terror
NEMOCAST Nemo - Best dad in the world
BALOOCAST The Jungle Book with audio

The eBooks will be added to your account after the codes have been redeemed

Note, via the mobile app, once you redeem the code, make sure you download them under your "My Books"

  • You will get 4 free books when you sign up:
    The Incredibles
    Minnie Mouse
    Mickey Mouse

You can redeem codes faster by just loading the standalone redeem page. Once you've redeemed a code, just reload the page to redeem another.

Thanks to Slickdeals.

Update: If you use a VPN then you can get an extra 16 books:

Follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your VPN, choose USA
  2. Clear all (Disney) cookies
  3. Restart your browser
  4. Download the books

Finddory7373 for Finding Dory Movie Special Magazine
Planes144748 for Planes: Wings Around the Globe
Princess8958 for Disney Princess Take-Along Tales
Zootopia6514 for Zootopia Movie Special Magazine
Toystory7054 for Toy Story: Partysaurus Rex
GOODDINO9228 for The Good Dinosaur Movie Special Magazine
FROZEN305919 for Frozen: A Sister More Like Me
Princess6069 for Princesses Through the Seasons: Winter & Spring
freedscbook for one of the following: Dumbo Happy to Help, Toy Story A Tight Squeeze, Cars Mater in Paris, or Disney Princess Belle and the Perfect Pearl or Aurora and the Helpful Dragon
Whisker90843 for Whisker Haven: A Visit to Whisker Haven
KIDCUISINEFROZEN Frozen: Anna & Elsa: A New Reindeer Friend
PRINCESS4343 Disney Princess: The Beauty of Nature
PIXAR1256473 A Bug's Life: The Not So Perfect Picnic
INSIDEOUT596 InsideOut: Sadly Ever After?
FINDDORY4243 Finding Dory Movie Special Magazine (Looks like same as Finddory7373 - Finding Dory: A New Journey Begins! )

Thanks to thydzik, nickxau and everyone else who tested with a VPN.

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Disney Story Central

closed Comments

  • +1

    last time this was offered, i downloaded the app and it crashed so many times it was ridiculous. I ended up uninstalling the app because it was useless

    • Works great on my Nexus 6P

    • i think just after they updated the app
      it runs heaps better now. previously it was rubbish i agree.

  • +5

    Awesome OP; great tip on the standalone redeeming,

  • Worked fine! Thanks OP

  • Great additions, Thanks OP. Free always better 🙏

  • Hmm… When I try to create an account it told me I already have one, so I tried to login with what I thought the password would be, but nope, nothing working. So I click the 'Forgotten password' link and enter my email address, it says there is no account matching that email. Umm, k?

    Edit: Different email address works. Not sure what the story is with my usual one…

  • +8

    these also work
    Finddory7373 for Finding Dory Movie Special Magazine
    Planes144748 for Planes: Wings Around the Globe
    Princess8958 for Disney Princess Take-Along Tales
    Zootopia6514 for Zootopia Movie Special Magazine
    Toystory7054 for Toy Story: Partysaurus Rex
    GOODDINO9228 for The Good Dinosaur Movie Special Magazine
    FROZEN305919 for Frozen: A Sister More Like Me
    Princess6069 for Princesses Through the Seasons: Winter & Spring
    freedscbook for one of the following: Dumbo Happy to Help, Toy Story A Tight Squeeze, Cars Mater in Paris, or Disney Princess Belle and the Perfect Pearl or Aurora and the Helpful Dragon
    Whisker90843 for Whisker Haven: A Visit to Whisker Haven

    KIDCUISINEFROZEN Frozen: Anna & Elsa: A New Reindeer Friend
    NICKCAST Zootopia: Super Animals
    PRINCESS4343 Disney Princess: The Beauty of Nature
    PIXAR1256473 A Bug's Life: The Not So Perfect Picnic
    INSIDEOUT596 InsideOut: Sadly Ever After?
    ABUCAST Disney Princess: A Pet for a Princess
    FINDDORY4243 Finding Dory Movie Special Magazine (Looks like same as Finddory7373 - Finding Dory: A New Journey Begins! )
    GASTONCAST Belle's Royal Wedding


    • "Project not found" for me

    • +2

      Tested all of those before I posted the deal and none of those worked

      • they seemed to work for me.

        possibly need an american IP.

        • Yeah possibly. Can someone else check?
          You should probably mention it in your comment, as some people could be testing every one of those before realising none will work for them.

        • +2


          yeah, I didn't realise till people replied that it didn't work for them.

          then realised I'm on a laptop with american IP.

          I have checked my Optus mobile and the books do show up and download on the app.

        • Awesome! I'll test on my VPN when I get home and adjust the post if I can also get it to work.

        • My work has an American IP and i was able to redeem all the books in your post. I redeemed via browser.

      • +1

        I got "Project not found" with Aussie IP on Internet Explorer. Then I got "Project not found" with USA VPN on IE.

        Logged out of Disney. Closed IE and changed to Opera. Cleared Opera's cookies just in case. Logged back in with USA VPN and all these extra codes worked with the both full and the standalone redemption pages.

    • I'm getting "Project not found" when trying to redeem any of these codes. All codes in the OP worked however.

      • See above

      • Same here. As noted, only ones in the OP's post work.

    • Sorry but none of these codes work. I am only getting "project not found" error. The ones from OP worked perfectly. BTW, I tried redeeming them via browser and not via app.

    • Tried with US VPN, and none of these worked (Project not found), OPs worked fine though.

    • +1

      Yup can confirm these codes work with VPN just make sure you log out then log back in while connected to VPN

    • +17

      if anyone feels like entering there login details to a random ozbargainers webserver,
      it will automatically add all 31 books to the account.


      • Thanks mate, this worked a treat!

      • Perfect. Thanks.

      • Legend!

      • Awesome, thanks!

      • Hi, there's some further VPN needed books posted below. Would you be kind enough to update your site with them. Cheers mate.

        • +1

          updated, 49 codes, lots of dupes.

        • @thydzik: Thank you muchly.

      • Champ! Thank you!

      • Thank you!! Saved me a heap of time. The little one will be very happy!! :D

  • +2

    If you wanna claim them all on a desktop browser, open multiple tabs.

    The site wants to refresh itself slowly everytime you claim one.

  • +2

    All works after I use USA VPN, thanks.

    • can you please explain how to use USA VPN for a Noob? thanks

      • +2

        Sure, I use chrome, setup-plugin-more plugin- then search "VPN", you will find lots of VPN plugin, then choose one that seems to be good, The one I use called touch VPN. after installed, switch to USA ip (share to social account needed), then refresh the disney website, all code should work now.

  • +7

    Wow I got 40 books for my kids…..another 37 books I need to get a refund from disney as the old app expired.

    Thanks Op n Thydzik, you save me alot of tokens.

    I guess I will help back with the vpn for the people.

    1) Download Windows or Mac from:-


    2) Install it and create an account….its free and activate it via your email

    3) Change your region to United States and when it turn green

    4) Have fun downloading all the US promo books :)

    Tested all worked….just finished activating all the codes….going to download to my kids ipad now.
    I love the community of ozbargain.

    Big Hug~~~

  • Thanks heaps OP much àppreciated. Works fine on PC but with snapdragon 650 handset here (redmi note 3) starts locking up in the app. They really should know better

  • To add to my last comment i am no using the app anymore.

    I checked the data meter on the notification bar of my phone and everytime the app starts, it downloads something like 2MB of data. Like what the actual fark.

    • 2MB??? what the… thats like more than a floppy disk or 10 seconds of Skype or even uploading 1 photo off your phone to facebook

      • bang on. i just don't understand why it needs to download that crap every single time it loads. just integrate it all in the initial app download size on Google Play or App Store.

  • The iOS app is horrible. Most of the time if won't go past the load page. When it does, it's impossible to download your books. Wow, can't believe a company like Disney releases something so utterly useless.

    • What are you running it on? I'm using an ipad and having no problems at all. It does take a while to get past the load page, but other than that it seems fine.

      • iPhone SE on high speed cable.

  • My device isnt compatible with the app. Like wtf. Bloody disney.

  • I can confirm that it works when going via a US-based IP address AND FireFox. Did not seem to like Chrome for some reason

  • For those that want the extra eBooks posted by thydzik and dunno how:

    1. Get Hola VPN for Chrome
    2. Clear all (Disney) cookies from Chrome
    3. Restart Chrome
    4. Choose USA in the Hola VPN extension
    5. Download away
    • +1

      Just remember that Hola may sell your bandwidth to botnets without you knowing.

      • +1

        Didn't realise that!

        Here's the updated instructions:

        1. Get Hola VPN for Chrome
        2. Clear all (Disney) cookies from Chrome
        3. Restart Chrome
        4. Choose USA in the Hola VPN extension
        5. Download away
        6. REMOVE HOLA VPN
      • -1

        sorry what does this mean in english?

        • Here's instructions on how install extensions on Google Chrome

          Here's instructions on how to clear cookies

        • -1

          @nickxau: calm down tiger…I was referring to "botnets"…

  • +3

    Here are a few more:
    FROZEN204874 – Frozen Classic Story
    MOANA1190583 – Moana Quest For The Heart MAUICAST Moana
    require VPN USA too

  • some additional info.
    If the error is 'PROJECT_NOT_FOUND', that means US IP only.
    If the code doesn't exist it will return 'CODE_NOT_FOUND'.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Great share.

  • +6

    Princess2221: Disney Princess-Princesses Through the Seas
    Palacepet235: Palace Pets- A Visit to Whisker Haven
    Pixar8350313: A Bug's Life- The Not-So-Perfect Picnic
    Princess3242: Disney Princess- The Beauty of Nature
    Frozen903576: Frozen- Big Snowman, Little Snowman
    Pixarstar021: Toystory- Partysaurus Rex

  • +5

    few more

    Opera with inbuilt VPN also works for redeeming.

  • +6

    BUNNY2017 for 'Grandpa Bunny'
    No VPN required ;)

  • +1

    woohooo 45 books and magazines and still collecting ~~~ keep it coming

  • +7

    FLYNNCAST - Tangled: Outside my window

  • looks like their site is ozbargained !!!

    Thanks Op.

    Also for those wanted a simple and reliable VPN use Opera. Opera browser has built in VPN, enable in the settings and choose the country.

  • thanks for sharing

  • Redeem code DSCFREECOMIC2017 for one free comic Wizards of Mickey #1: The Great Tournament

    Code Expires 7/05/17

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