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Swisse Liver Detox 60 Pack $5 at Woolworths Rundle Mall Adelaide SA


First time deal poster.
Swisse Liver Detox 60 pack only $5, saving of $16.20 RRP $21.20 at Woolworths Rundle mall. Best before July 2017.

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closed Comments

  • What does this stuff do?

    • +1

      Helps clean out your liver. For it to be effective, it needs to be the first thing you consume in your day. Best had with lemon juice.

      Come back next week and we'll see how your doing…

      • +3

        Just drink lots of water. Your liver cleans itself out just fine.

        • -1

          Unless you mean 'replace alcohol with water' then that's kidney's you're thinking of.

          The liver is digestion not filtration so no it won't clean itself out fine you'll need to change your diet if you have liver problems, which most people who eat a lot of fat will have. Lack of water might not be good for the liver but no amount of water will clean it.

          Except of course if you want to leave your liver to a cannibal friend as fat marbles in the liver just like in a really good steak.

          However unlike all our other organs it can regenerate if it's not too far gone hence being the only organ where you can get half of one from a living donor and both of you can live normal, healthy lives.

        • +1

          @Rutger: >most people who eat a lot of fat will have


          Some people eating a high fat diet will have low levels of fat because they do not overeat.

        • @Diji1:

          Sure some, but a tiny minority compared to those who are the 66% of Aussies who are overweight or obese.

          It's 25% or about 6m who have liver disease, not just problems/on their way to liver disease (about 1m of those have liver disease for non-obesity related reasons).

          If you didn't think it could possibly be that high then fair enough as it's a shocking number but that's what being overweight does.


        • +2

          @Rutger: Either way, the solution isn't to pop a pill.

      • +2

        If it actually did, as opposed to having a possible positive effect but one that certainly hasn't been proven, then GP's would be prescribing them.

        Switching to an almost no fat/sugar, vegetable only diet with as little cooking and processing as possible however will.

        If such a diet is a new extreme for you it might be best to consult with your GP first just to make sure you don't die of lackoftoxic-shock.

        This has milk thistle which can be very dangerous for those on many types of medication so check with your GP before you take this but don't be surprised when they tell you not to waste your money. Don't bother asking a pharmacist's opinion unless they're one of the very few that don't sell homeopathic and other rubbish.

    • +1


  • Looks like someone ordered 50 instead of 5.

  • +9

    Anything with "detox" on the label just makes expensive urine

    • +1

      makes it taste worse too

      • +1

        Found Bear Grills

    • Correct.

  • +2


    GLOBE ARTICHOKE (Cynara scolymus) extract equiv. fresh leaf 1 g
    ST. MARY'S THISTLE (Silybum marianum) fruit (equiv. flavanolignans calculated as silybin >28.6 mg) 2.5 g
    TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) rhizome (equiv. curcuminoids 48.75 mg) 1.5 g

    No Added lactose, gluten, yeast, egg, soy and artificial flavours.

    or you know…. drink free tap water. Unless of course you also think that the added fluoride is a government conspiracy aimed at sedating the population, then by all means go for it!

    • I have been conditioned by the gov't to not believe in fluoride having sedative properties…

    • -1

      well, recent research shows it does nothing for cavities in people of any age. and fluoride in excessive amounts IS dangerous. it does accumulate and can cause issues. how much of this is actually irrefutable i dont know, but you're honestly better off without it, even if minor things, like dental fluorosis. however, drinking tap water is better than not drinking at all.

      most of europe, some US states etc aren't adding it to water anymore.

      • -1

        I'd like a cite to that - I'd find it quite likely that the `research' may be of the same standard as the 'independent studies' that the lab owned by the company owner's father runs…

        • most you can find yourself. especially the states and countries not using fluoride anymore. the conditions associated with fluoride poisoning (think it was india).

          dental fluorosis. i have. and easily googled.

          i'm not saying people need to rush out and buy a reverse osmosis filter, but i'd be wary of trusting the 'government'. dental health also overwhelmingly is dependent on environmental factors. perhaps some topical application of fluoride is useful, but theres another paste that is supposed to be better again (tooth mousse). you're screwed if you've got no enamel anyway.

          i question the 'calcification of pineal gland' theory, but i haven't seen it disproven adequately either.

          lastly, the thing about research is, it can be wrong as well.

        • +1

          @insular: I don't "google" research, I tend to prefer the biological abstracts and citation indices. There is such a thing as fluoride poisoning, however it is far more uncommon that poisoning from herbal concoctions.
          The epidemiological record and history is such that your comment that " recent research shows it does nothing for cavities in people of any age" is palbable nonsense.

        • +1


          I tend to prefer the biological abstracts and citation indices

          which are indexed by google. and i usually read the whole paper, not just the abstract/conclusion.

          The epidemiological record and history is such that your comment that " recent research shows it does nothing for cavities in people of any age" is palatable nonsense.

          re-iterating my last point, research, no matter how long and how many times academics have just regurgitated the same thing over and over, can be wrong. if we didn't change our opinion on things we'd still think the earth is flat.

          and yes, significant fluoride poisoning is rare and dependant on the level of exposure. it does accumulate in the bones and takes a very long time to expel. how much damage or whether drinking the 'goverment approved' amount has any significant detriment to health is still being questioned, as is the supposed 'benefit' to dental health. unless you're a dentist of course, in which case: FLUORIDE ALL THE WAY!

          now that'll be $1,000

      • +1

        This comment is on par with Pauline Hanson's quote about doing your own vaccine research lol

        • you know, pauline hanson has a point with a lot of things, as does donald trump, but vaccination is not necessarily one of them.

          it's just a shame people can't think and speak for themselves anymore.

    • turmeric is a good natural anti inflammatory. but you're better off buying specific turmeric capsules, or using turmeric in cooking - all the time.

      the problem with these 'multi vitamins', is the dosages are too low to be of any use. and if you don't have the problem you're trying to cure, agree, expensive urine.

  • +1

    If they take another $5.00 off then it will be worth the purchase price

  • +3

    Reducing the price of a useless product does not a bargain make!

    Anything with "detox" in the name is rubbish. Some vitamins will help anyone with a deficiency but don't believe a word Swisse says about who needs what.

    • +2

      What is worse is that this crowd are pushing hard atm for "industry self-regulation' and having mtheir products moved from under the TGA to the ACCC whilst still being able to claim "theraputic benefits'.…
      It's a good thing we have the best government money can buy…

  • +1

    Oh and @kelasen, welcome to Ozbargain. We're an opinionated lot.

  • +3

    This is a load of psuedoscience bullshit, no thanks.

  • +3

    Marketing bullshit. The amount of money they spend on advertising and celebrity endorsements is obscene and explains the ridiculous RRP.

    $5 is probably its true value if you need your Achilles tendons irrigated or whatever they claim to do.

  • -1

    Chinese rubbish. Pass!

  • I'm not sure why everyone is bagging this product. The main product in this liver detox pack is St Mary thistle that has been used safely for centuries and is a herb that had been proven to improve non-alcoholic fatty liver disease when used inconjunction with diet and exercise. Unlike many other natural remedies it doesn't just create expensive urine, it has hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic properties.

  • I have a condition called "lazy liver" which I take these for - else I would not bother unless my diet was such that I needed to help my liver.

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