It's currently the cheapest local copy for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Xbox One, PS4, PC) for $29 at JB Hi-Fi
Last edited 20/03/2017 - 22:01 by 1 other user
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Like the post says, this is the cheapest local copy. However, you can get a cheaper copy from the UK, less than A$20 for the PS4 version (according to…
$29? I never asked for this.
Great demo, it's a great showcase of what the game is capable of.
Only downside is, even with buying the season pass, it's still effectively a short demo :(
Unfortunately as we found out from the dev's they were working on two deus ex games at the time, so a lot of content from this got cut to put in the next game, then a lot of next game team got pulled to put microtransaction crap into this one and the shameless system rift mode.
Apparantly part 3 is now suspended as well due to the sales of this one and scoring more licenses to work on, square-enix get upset when they treat customers like crap and give them 1/4 of a game and load it with microtransactions and a pay to win game-addon that it didnt fly off the shelves :(
Hopefully with it being a budget title now everyone picks it up and square realize how much of a mistake they made with how they've handled the franchise and realizes the team can put out a great game if they are given the time and not forced to fill it with microtransactions.
I don't know how you figure this is a demo. I got 45 hours out of my first playthrough.
shameless system rift mode.
It's called Breach mode. System rift is one of the DLCs. Have you even played it?
The rest of your post is heavy on speculation and hyperbole, and are basically the internet's favourite talking points for pissing on the game.
The game is fine. Not the best, but still good. You wouldn't even know about the microtransactions if people didnt love to bitch about them so much. Calling it "pay to win" is a similar exaggeration, and doesn't even make sense for a single player game. Oh and the game was hardly cut into a quarter.
I find it ironic you "sad face" low sales, when hyperbolic, internet-circlejerked posts like this were part of that problem.
Could Square Enix have handled it better? Absolutely. Could the internet not have thrown an absolute tantrum over it? Also yes.
It's a good game. I don't see how you think your post does anything but further dissuade potential buyers from a worthwhile experience due to internet politicking.
I'm constantly surprised how short people always say this game is. I must have put 50 hours into it, at least before finishing it.
Perhaps most just bee lined the main missions. But I had a blast doing all the side missions and content given each one has a fair amount of love and labour poured into them and all are relatively unique somewhat standalone stories.
Completely agree that the main plot came and went and was really hampered by forced trilogy hooks, which sadly we'll never see because the game didn't meet sales targets.
Compare it to Human revolution.
It's tiny.
Yes you got 45 hours out of it.
Human revolution easily 70+ hours for a casual.
Already been said by the dev's quite a bit cut and how most of "the good stuff" left out for part 3 of what is being known as the "adam jensen trilogy".
And yes got the name wrong on it, breach, rift sounded similar, im referring to the side game that as a few of the dev's have even leaked that was whacked in as a pay to advance system.
For a $29 game now…. its a damn good price, hell would have been good for a $40.
Was it worth the 90 at launch? no.
There were great plans in place to "fill in the gaps" and build the deus ex universe as everything was to be branded, there were plans for a lot more novels, comics, short films and even an anime, but unfortunately that fell of the map.
Don't take anything im saying as negative for the game, the main campaign is excellent, yes it's only a quater of what it was meant to be, but that being said HR was only 4/5 of what it was meant to be (montreal hub was cut). This one was never meant to be confined to prague as a hub, there were meant to be another 2 hubs and a longer endgame so there is that.
From what i've seen so far as well a lot of the dlc was canned as well? think I heard the other day the one thats just come out was the final as well.
Makes you wonder what square-enix are thinking sometimes, I remember when tomb-raider reboot sold "terribly" despite doing gangbusters, sleeping dogs selling "terribly" despite good numbers, the hitman series as well.
Originally hitman 2016 was meant to be a complete game but like deus ex they wanted to chop it up and charge for it piece by piece.
Does this mean don't buy it ? hell no, hitman 2016 is great, do is deus ex hr, hell even deus ex the fall is decent for what it is (as a phone / tablet game).
But theres a price for what's there. Deffinately buy it, but deffinately let square-enix know that nickel and diming people and treating the devs like crap just isnt on.
They listened with tomb raider, they have not listened with sleeping dogs and it seems they arent listening with deus ex, but if it becomes a cult hit, maybe they will learn? so deffinately pick up a copy at this price or 5 and give them to some mates, they'l appreciate it.
mod edit: Removed inflammatory sentence.
It didn't suck, it was just nowhere near as much fun or as solid as the last game imho.
Doing all the side missions kinda took it out of me though, i did as many as i could before continuing each step of the main story, and by the last 1/4 of the main story i was just full assault mode cause i was sick of sneaking through another 40 minute section to advance the story a little.
Worst part was getting it on day 1 and finding out yet another AAA title had borked the dual video cards to where you either had to play with just 1 card or wait for patches.Still works better on 1 card after all this time too.
Can recommend if you like the series, but if you haven't played it by now, wait for it to drop more, it will…
Absolutely brilliant game. So much depth. Shame the way it ends. Can't wait for more!
The DLC's really redeemed my initial let downs of the main game, Criminal Past even fixed the out of sync lip dialogue.
Been wanting to pick it up but haven't as there still a pile of games i haven't unwrapped yet… but at $29 Its hard not to give them they money (not that i haven enough of it)