Starts Thursday
$299 Xbox One S 500GB Minecraft Console Bundle + Mass Effect Andromedia
Don't need Mass Effect? Try one of the $299 Bundles at MS store courtesy of TA Here
Starts Thursday
$299 Xbox One S 500GB Minecraft Console Bundle + Mass Effect Andromedia
Don't need Mass Effect? Try one of the $299 Bundles at MS store courtesy of TA Here
Thanks, fixed. Pic is coming soon.
This is the shit!
yabba dabba doo!
Halo wars bundle was better value, but this is still good
I agree. Maybe keep an eye out for an online only deal.
what was the bundle?
wasn't anything special about halo wars bundle unlike the gears of war and others that had other coloured controllers etc. wasn't really cool or special.
also i found the idea of play anywhere more appealing then possible resale of a disc.
Think he's talking about the halo wars one that came with tons of extra games.
I'm still waiting for the games from that bundle to be delivered :(
I finally got mine after two weeks and 3 emails.
Pretty poor when they aren't in the box to start with, then after emailing them they only send out the Halo games.
Then another email saying 'hey I'm still missing the Tom Clancys' they then send them out.
Any other gaming deals in the catalogue?
I agree. Shame that now is the worse time of the year for big bargains.
lol thanks will fix it
Andromeda has gotta be worth a solid 50/60 resal, Minecraft probably another tenner. Not a bad price for the Xbox if you have no interest in either.
How much is pro?
Under $500 not long ago from Target. Worth the extra bucks if you wanna play exclusives like Uncharted or Horizon: Zero Dawn, but u need a 4K HDR TV to take the full advantage of the Pro.
900p30 XB1
1080p30 PS4
1440p30 upscaled to 4k30 PS4 Pro
Whatever the (profanity) you want on PC
I don't own and game with PC though. "1440p30 upscaled to 4k30 PS4 Pro" is good enough for my TV.
Lol, if you prefer visuals i guess, and with those facial animations being top notch im sure it will look so very different.. I thought ps4 pro required a 4k tv either way, both it and the Xbox One S is upscaling 4k from what i understand (correct if wrong)…
Not that it matters because people dont really care that much, just console war stuff.
With that said, some of the combat looked interesting, i hope its a good game, seems its less cover based, action stuff was always a bit conflicting in past games, this one seems to have more action combat stuff. I hope it doesnt get bogged down in excessive story and little choice dialogue boxes.
I don't really care about the so called "console war", own both of them. In fact for the last few years I preferred Xbox due to Kinect and Xbox Live. I just got the PS4 Pro recently for Horizon Zero Dawn and man the experience alone worth every single cent.
The Pro is actually capable of running native 4K games while the One S is NOT, and it's a long wait (at least 8 months I guess) until Scorpio comes out. There are great games to play if you got the Pro:
Fifa 17: 4K (I really can't go back to play this on 1080p!)
Horizon Zero Dawn: 2160p checkerboard
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 2160p checkerboard
Uncharted 4: 1440p
And in my experience a Sony TV would go really well with the Pro (since they're both Sony I guess), for example my TV automatically switches to HDR video mode whenever I play Horizon or Uncharted 4 and switches back to Game mode (default mode I set for the Pro) for other games (like Nier: Automata).
Having said this, cannot wait to play Mass Effect… and yes LOL I prefer visuals over performance, actions and fightings are cool but standing on top of the mountain looking at beautiful landscape with vivid colors is much cooler!
Fair enough. I'd rather watch a movie then care about video game visuals too much. Kind of defeats the purpose of playing games for the gameplay, but i guess thats what some big publishers want now and market to now to keep some sales coming in. Reminds me of the sega console wars.
Horizon Zero Dawn to me another average by the numbers far cry open world game., If people are buying just for visuals, not really much else I can add.
So it its what i thought then, the pro can run a small amount native 4k, while others are upscaled and others simulate with checkboarding techniques to resemble 4k, similar to the way some other lower resolution games on Xbox/ps4 vanilla games already do for some 720/900 to 1080.
Yeah definitely seems the push to 4k and upscaled to 4k was to sell more tvs for some companies.
Some improvements to the combat in Mass Effect seem to indicate less cover based gameplay, will be interesting to see. While games like that get dragged down by story at times, i hope people arent going to skip just because of some silly facial animations.
shame they both lose to stuttering
You must be fun
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Yeah you're right. I've just googled
Mass Effect Andromeda
900p/1080px XB1
1800p PS4 Pro
XBox One ranges between 1344 x 756 to 1080p, mostly 900p.
PS4 ranges between 900p to 1080p, mostly 1080p.
PS4 Pro ranges between 1080p to 1800p checkerboard, mostly 1800p
All 3 systems have performance issues.
I currently have no intentions to waste my time on this game, if I did, it'll be on my gaming PC, that will outperform all of the consoles.
Reviews are in for mass effect, they aren't glowing…
Dont know why somebody downvoted you for stating a fact.
always depends on price …. game prices seem to drop fairly fast nowadays if you can wait a few weeks after games are released. andromeda has me interested but will be buy code not disc .
the publishers know that there is an uptake initially for people that really want a game and pay full price and when that dries up they drop prices to attract the next demographic .
considering the amount of download even to update disc based games you can't delete incase you want to,play again later …. external drive and codes seem more attractive then discs.
even halo wars got down to $50 on codes vs $90 for disc.
Yeah so i've seen, and it's a shame because the original trilogy was one of the greatest series of all time (in my opinion, of course). I guess a lot of people are also going to directly compare Andromeda to those games which is a little unfair, and may lead to more critical reviews. I'm staying optimistic though, despite what Square Enix churned out with FFXV as well.
It's actually pretty good. Facial animations are a bit lulsy, the story is good enough though and the gameplay is a bit better than earlier mass effects.
Multiplayer is broken and buggy as hell though.p
Apparently the writing and story and pretty poor though. I was going to get it but think I'll wait till the end of the year now
Reviews are mostly clickbait for those that dont like making up their own mind. Either PR pieces for companies, or clickbait hitpieces depending on the game.
I agree reviews aren't great but $299, trade the game for about 40 being a brand new release and that's $259 for the bundle. Not bad.
Let me know if you're not interested in Andromeda.
I'm not interested in Andromeda.
LOL glad to hear it.
Your mum's not interested in Andromeda.
Friends i wonder how much eb games will trade in mass effect on day one, might make thia worth it to get a different game entirely. at the same time what exclusives does the xbone have besides gow and halo?
The Forza series was a big reason I grabbed an XBox during the last lot of sales.
Horizon 3 is worth it even if you usually are not a car racing fan.
They've told me $30 on trade.
would have been great if mass effect got more than a 6/10 on gamespot
I'm waiting for JB Hifi to come to the party - I have a gift voucher to spend.
JB is coming to the party tomorrow for one day only, Xbox One S 500gb + Forza Horizon 3(or Minecraft) + Mass Effect Andromeda for $297
Sweet! Thanks.
Just wondering if this deal is for all big w stores, as I cant recall seeing a catalogue with this deal arrive at home? Is there catalogue link online somewhere? cheers
Yes it is, it is in the latest catalogue which isn't online yet. The picture is from the catalogue so you can use that if you like.
Thank you for posting this and the info. Much appreciated. If our catalogue turned up today it would be a soggy mess by now…
does anyone when will the deal expired?
Nice price… Will send to my friends, bit your link is incorrect ""