Original 20% off Selected Tech Stores at eBay
Same as other recent 20% off deals, Cheapest seen on ozbargain $1191.20 Delivered
Original 20% off Selected Tech Stores at eBay
Same as other recent 20% off deals, Cheapest seen on ozbargain $1191.20 Delivered
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still working, just bought one
Search "vive" here:
So itching to get this but the price :(
What pros does Vive have to justify its ludicrous price tag?
How is it better then ps vr? (i have ps vr)
I've never tried the PSVR, but from what I've read the difference is the tracking resolution.
Plus I can't imagine the PS4 being able to compete with a GTX1060, and if you have the 1080, you can dial up the supersampling and that would be a premium VR experience.
But this is ozbargains, so the corolla of VR is a fine choice.
Link dead?