This was posted 8 years 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Ryzen R7 1700 CPU $398.4 @ Shopping Express eBay


Hey everyone if your looking for local stock of the r7 1700 this seems to be far and away the cheapest price in australia.

Seems to be working just fine with the sale making this the cheapest ryzen processor to date

Original 20% off Tech Deals at eBay

Also if anyone is look for a cheap x370 board the is available for ASUS PRIME X370-PRO, Socket AM4 $208.91 from future gear…

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eBay Australia
Shopping Express
Shopping Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Timing couldn't have been better =)

    • +2

      Your welcome glad I could save you a bit of cash

  • Awesome deal.
    Also got the last Asus Prime x370 pro mobo ~AU$212

    Anyone find a good deal on RAM?

    • +1

      If its not to late to cancel the Mobo I just included that exact one for $3 cheaper in the deal

    • Is this one better than the ASRock Fata1ity X370 K4 Gaming one?

      • Not sure its mostly up to personal aesthetics and the as rock one only has one in stock (if your looking at the sane listing as me)

  • aghh can't afford but really need an upgrade!

    • +5

      The 6 cores should be a fair bit cheaper and out soonish anyway.

  • +2

    What is this equalivant to in the intel world? I'm so behind but am curious of why these cpus keep popping up on the front page. Is there an in depth article about these cpus?

    • +7

      Its preety complicated atm this is supposed to compete with the i7 7700k however its leaps an bounds ahead of it if your interested in rendering or streaming due to its higher core count. However its not as competitive when it comes to gaming its more equivalent to older i5s but this may be due to poor optimisation of games. Ultimately if you plan to edit stream render anything like that on your PC this is far better then any intelnoffering price to performance wise however if you want to exclusively game Intel is still better with there higher clocked CPUs performing better in most games

      • -2

        What a JOKE!!!

        This thing at 4Ghz beats the $1,500AU i7 6900k LOL Intel epic fail in pricing

        And if you overclock the 6900k its only 5-10% faster but costs 300% more LOL

        • +1

          Doesn't beat it for gaming applications. The Intel dominates in gaming still.

          The AMD price point is great though for those looking for value/performance.

    • +1

      i7 6800 equivalent

    • -5

      equivalent to i5 4670k for games

  • +1

    heaps of articles. I'll let you read to decide…but price point for performance is excellent, despite being a first gen.

  • I hope Ryzen 5 comes early with itx motherboards, as they should be better value for games (games support around 4 cores or less mostly, not 8 cores). As of now 1700 is the best value productivity CPU, it is just not as good for gaming as the i7 7700k but may improve in the future. It's a better all rounder CPU, than as i7 7700k is focused on gaming.

  • +4

    Amazing price +1

    Relevant reads:
    Microsoft Confirms Windows Bug Is Holding Back AMD Ryzen…

    But Clock-to-clock, your looking at 5-10% weaker IPC than the 7700k Kabylake processors.…

    At this price point, you'd be stupid to get the 7700k, unless you like to overclock though :)

  • Anyone seen any deals on CPU Coolers for AM4?

    • +1

      This comes with a cooler I'm not sure of the quality of it but it will hopefully tide you. Over until some more cpu coolers come out

      • +2

        Yer I have the 1700 at the moment the Wraith Spire it good for a stock cooler, but for overclocking it runs a bit hot.

  • Nice price. Too bad I am not in the market for a new build - not because I don't want to, but because I don't have space for it in the cramped up apartment!

  • +1

    looks like they pulled the last 4 from sale, Sold out!

    • still showing as available

      • looks like they changed their minds lol or it was a ebay burp

  • just purchased the last one, thanks so much OP!

    • Your welcome :) wish I could have bought one myself but am keen to see what ryzen 5 has to offer

  • +1

    Back in stock, still 3 available, just grab 1

  • +3

    Well it looks like they're out of stock, but here's another offer for $399.2 ($499 -20%)…

    • Thanks I'll update the deal they must have added more stock it was sitting at 1 this morning

  • Wish I didn't have this i7 system so I could build a Ryzen system. Anyone want to buy a watercooled 4770k + 290x pc? hehe

  • Any suitable ram bargains for the CPU and Mobo mentioned in the OP?

    • Not really rams bloody expensive atm it your comfortable with it second hand ram is often cheaper part from that I dont have any suggestions dorry

      • Np thanks

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