I just read my latest statement from my Victorian superannuation fund. The fees are crazy high (not even counting the insurance premium component). Can anyone recommend a super company that both (a) charges low fees and (b) offers decent life insurance policies. I've still got a few decades before I retire so I want to invest in Australian shares or something similar.
My Super Fund Fees Are Ridiculous. Any Good Ones That Also Offer Life Insurance?

Suggest AustralianSuper, no fees.. decent lifeinsurance for low premium
AustralianSuper, no fees
Their pds says $1.50/week + a raw percentage.
Cheers. I took a look at the comparison websites. I see that Australian Super have a direct investment option whr u can buy and sell shares tht i choose…sounds like fun!
Just a tip, your super shouldn't be "fun." It should be boring, and slowly sit in the background accumulating until you need it.
AusSuper is good - or check out any of the other industry super funds. Low fees, and you can buy 'units' of life insurance, so that you're only paying for what you need
Vicsuper is $1.50/wk + 0.28% of assets under management
Investment fees range from 0.03% to 0.55%
What is your definition of high fees?
From what I gather here, this isn't the lowest you can get but its definitely not high.
You always want to compare in percentages rather than whole dollars - there's a difference between $1000 fees off $10k versus $100k or even a million dollars
Try to get yourself into unisuper.
Your other good option would be ING super - no fees.
I have never understood the legality of super funds claiming that they are fee free.So called fee free super funds pay a lower portion of investment returns back into your fund so really fees are just hidden. Some super funds generate profits by fees charged – others generate profits by what they don’t pay customers.
https://www.canstar.com.au/superannuation/ Has some tools where you can compare supers. I hope it helps.
This link has long list of superannuation comparison websites,
Chant West has a charge for a superfund comparison which wasn't always the case.
Haven't tried the others though.
Off topic but if you were also interested in ESG investment products offered by superfunds: