This was posted 7 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Switch Joy-Con Controllers $79, 1-2 Switch $39, Pro Controller $69, Zelda Breath of The Wild $59 + More @ Target eBay

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Great price on the ps4 headset.

    • Yup good price. I'm also using it for my pc too.

  • Good price on the switch pro controllers - are they that much better than a joycon grip, I'm used to my grip.

    • I'm in the same boat as you. I'd love to buy a Pro controller, although most of my playtime has been used in handheld mode and I don't mind the joy cons.

    • +1

      It is better than the grip (although the grip is better than I expected), but biggest benefit is not taking the joy cons on and off the switch.

      The pro I've played for hours with and never more than 1 hour at a time with grip've

    • +2

      Pro controller is amazing!

    • +2

      Pro controller feels exactly like the Xbox One controller, it's really good.

    • While my Wii U pro controller mostly gathered dust, I'm definitely getting good use out of this one. Much better than using the joycons in the plastic grip.

      • Why would you use the switch ones more? It looks identical to the wii u pro controllers.

        • The sticks weren't placed awkwardly on the Wii U. I actually found it to be more comfortable holding the gamepad than the Pro Controller.

          I've not done a strict side by side but I definitely think the new Pro Controller is higher quality than the previous one. The buttons and sticks are better quality and the shape moulds to your hand much better.

      • Still using my Wii U Pro playing COD BO :)

  • +1

    Great price on Horizon Zero Dawn

  • +1

    thanks OP Resident Evil with VR is very tempting at that price

  • you can't say these deals are all great… its $20 off if you spend $50… BUT unless you're spending over $80 you're paying for shipping with Target…

    • +1

      C&C For free

      • yeah… was about to edit and say you can do that… personally not worth it for me… I despise going to the shops and every click and collect i've ever done has been a pain

    • just looked at the switch pro controller and shipping was free for me

      • that's because it is over $80 before the discount


          with Standard delivery
          Est. delivery: Thu, 16 Mar – Fri, 17 Mar

        • @blaze: yeah i know… i'm not debating anything with you… I'm saying its free shipping because the item is over $80 before the discount… anything under $80 has a $9 shipping fee… but if you combine items or whatever and it is OVER $80 before any discounts… you'll get free shipping (even if after discount is UNDER $80)… simple

        • +1

          @KRiSX: ah makes sense. good info :)

  • +1

    Wish they had free shipping

    • Free shipping for PS4 Headset

      • Don't need another headset..haha

  • 1-2 Switch is alot of fun, great game for Switch

    Zelda is nice to have as a console/handheld title.

    $35 for Watch Dogs 2. Hope it did well, seems like it did try to break away a little from Ubisofts bland open world formula, first one was decent…

    Nice Lego Dimensions starter pack price too, man theres alot of games to buy, little time.

    Pro Controller for switch unnecessary at the moment, not that good to be honest. More for the xbox, sony and insecure Nintendo fan crowds who hate anything that isnt nerd approved, the regular Joy Cons are fine, and the n64 buttons feel the same as a Dpad surprisingly, which is commendable they made it feel so similar. Grip is nice but holding them separate is very comfortable. Cant take pro apart, recommend just sticking with the 2 joy cons you get with the system for now. Not necessary.

    Halo Wars 2 is awesome, worthwhile game for Xbox One.

    Would wait for a further price drop for Horizon Zero Dawn, seems to just be the same type of open world game we've been getting from the likes of the Ubisoft. Hope more open world games stray from the Far Cry/Assassins Creed same same and tomb raider elements.

    Nice price for the Dualshock though.

    • +2

      1-2 switch sucks ass mate.

      The pro controller and Zelda is where people should jump in.

      And thanks op got Battlefield 1 :)

      • +4

        Yes as a owner of 1-2 switch I can confirm it well and truly suck ass.

        • +4

          yes, 1-2 switch is truly an ass sucker. Zelda and the procontroller is what people should be buying. Zelda is a truly a masterpiece.

        • I haven't played 1-2 so can't comment on whether it's good or bad, but it doesn't look like my sort of thing or that it'd have staying power. That said, every time I see those games and the fact there's only 23 or so I can't shake the feeling that Mario Party would do a similar thing with 50 - 70 games and those would be wrapped inside a larger board game mechanic. 1-2 seems very very light content wise from what I've read on it in comparison. Not to say all Mario Party titles are great, but even with the greater variety those can get repetitive.

        • -1


          There are 28 games, some single player ones. There are team and shuffle modes also. It really isn't repetitive, alot are quite different. It is mostly for local multiplayer with the new controller trickery, but its on a system you can take anywhere that is bundled with 2 controllers.
          However if you have 2 controllers you can set it up to play some and break previous recorded high scores, in a kind of single player setting. Lol. A controller p2 not in use however, lol.

          I don't think internet gamers would get the appeal of the game, as they only like things deemed acceptable by internet hardcore gamer types, which is ironic given most games/gamers are casual, as are the games they play. People are playing this in offices, outside, indoors, this game doesn't take things seriously and thats why its fun. Unfortunately stereotypical gamers hate the idea that gaming is trivial, which is ironic i guess, because its a hobby for the young. Its supposed to be mindless fun, but too mindless is an issue. Gamers feel the need to over-analyse how something fits into their box of what gaming is meant to be in their eyes i guess.

      • +1

        Nah i played it, its ton of fun, i've shown the game to people and from what they played, they think its awesome too and like the concepts and HD rumble. The motion and portable screen with the game, along with the tv stuff too is freaking people out. People are having fun, lord knows gaming should be more about that in the end…

        HD rumble is a real trip, motion feels new…

        Sorry it isn't some hardcore angry gamer game for the minority of hardcore types that only play what the industry approves for the nerdier crowd i guess. Not saying thats you, but thats generally the attitude from the internet gamer crowd who forget that gaming is for everyone in the end. Not every game can be some pre-scripted cutscene movie blockbuster for kids, we need variety.

        Multiplayer is where its at, try it with friends, you'll see its alot of fun!

        Playing the single player eating contest is fun too. The parent one is weird, but funny, i have a sense of humor.

        Also, If you set up the game with 2 controllers, you can play without another person and try to beat your high score,

        The game keeps track of high scores.

        Its alot of fun, and could change how people play multiplayer and where given its handheld too,
        but i get the insecure xbox, sony and insecure nintendo fans looking to over-scrutinize seeing the game as "too casual" and not serious enough, which is ironic given the majority of games and gamers are casual.

        But to each his own.

        • +6

          "Pro Controller for switch unnecessary at the moment, not that good to be honest. More for the xbox, sony and insecure Nintendo fan crowds who hate anything that isnt nerd approved"

          "Sorry it isn't some hardcore angry gamer game for the minority of hardcore types that only play what the industry approves for the nerdier crowd i guess"

          "but i get the insecure xbox, sony and insecure nintendo fans looking to over-scrutinize seeing the game as "too casual" and not serious enough"

          I can't take your post seriously when you're purposefully stressing such a derogatory tone. I don't understand why you're doing so and you're kind of contradicting yourself since you've said everyone should be having fun, but then you go and alienate a crowd like they're a disgrace to humanity.

          Anyway, 1-2 switch would be fun for the first couple times, but that's it. It will wear off quickly.

          Here's the metacritic for it

          Now Snipperclips is a much better game imo. Something I'd enjoy playing with my daughter.

        • -8


          There is no emotion in what i typed, i think your reading too much into it. Its not meant to convey emotion. Gaming is not meant to be taken that serious. Im just giving a commentary on the way some gamers act sometimes online, the negative aspects. The internet creates a hive mind for the gaming scene, which im not about…

          And you've linked me a metacritic, lol… I dont follow reviews, nor should anybody, they're slanted to the same kind of thing i pointed out, hardcore gamer stereotypes and pandering…. For certain companies its basically a place for fake journalists to make PR "reviews" for certain publishers to promote certain products that are mutually beneficial (Horizon ZD getting 9s for a same same open world game from Guerilla Games? lol)… Or a slanted review to trash a game in a hitpiece thats basically fake news level to get attention to their clickbait sites.

          Of course they wouldnt give 1-2 Switch poor scores, what you expect? Lol.. They always trash minigame collections and nintendos multiplayer party games because they are seen as too mainstream, and not the kind of casual genre game that stereotypical internet gamer types approve of, plus game bloggers benefit from making those games look bad.

          Ever since the Wii/Guitar Hero era, theres been a resentful toxic undercurrent within gaming thats almost cult like, against anything to mainstream, family friendly. Which is ridiculous.

          Zelda is a solid game, but a 10? They cashed in on E3 and Switch positive hype, and because it was Zelda and an open world game: a casual genre that so called hardcore gamers approve of (ironically), and thus journalists push that because it ticks the boxes of the insecure gamer…. In no way am i saying Zelda isnt an extremely strong title! Based on everything and its attempts to do things different in the current gaming climate, its awesome… But not because Journalists who pander to negative stereotypical gamer cliches claim it to be…

          Snipperclips is fun from what i played, harder then i thought it would be, but enjoyable!

          1-2 Switch is the kind of game people would have openly admitted was alot of fun back in the early Wii-Ps2 era, and when Microsofts first Xbox and the PS1-PS2 had games like them, it was okay to like them…

          But now that other companies keep them going, angry gamers shrug their shoulders because it makes them insecure to think their hobby is trivial. Which in the end, it is. Gaming is not that important, its electronic entertainment, toys.

        • @BNN: "Im just giving a commentary on the way some gamers act sometimes online, the negative aspects."

          Your post which basically is calling certain groups elitist (the "insecure Nintendo fan crowd") is basically a reflection of one of the shallow stereotype and lack of appreciation of different gamers needs or wants that the gaming crowd is at times known for. It's not witty commentary, you're doing the exact same thing yourself with your blatantly stereotypical and aggressive commentary. You could have dropped the attitude, and yes, you DID present an attitude, and have merely said you didn't feel the Pro controller is necessary.

        • -4

          @Smigit: Nah. Just giving an honest take. I could have blindly praised the controller, but a minor critique was warranted given the attitudes online. There are sadly alot of insecure gamers on the internet that need to fit in, it is what it is sadly.

          Some might not like that being pointed out, i don't really tip toe around certain things. Nothing aggressive about it, just being honest, i post without the emotion, gaming really isnt important enough to get emotional over, its a hobby. More value in the joy cons either way.
          Just pointing out why certain attitudes exist and pointing it out only counters the insecurity that shouldnt be there, getting people to think about why internet gamers would make such silly rules and attitudes to begin with. Its ironic.

        • +1

          @BNN: it's not an insecurity to prefer the layout of one controller over another…

        • -1


          With the joy cons feeling fine in the grip, and very comfortable loose in each hand, or using one as a single controller, the desire for the pro definitely stems from that insecurity/attitude sadly. The n64 button controls replicate the feel of a dpad extremely well, and the thumbsticks are remarkably comfortable for multiple games after testing. Playing them, they feel similar to what you would already experience, so again, no need. Plus they do more and are more flexible.

        • +1

          @BNN: just because the JoyCon are "fine", that doesn't mean the Pro aren't an improvement. It's not essential but it's more ergonomic, has better battery life and for now at least also doesn't have any of the drop out issues that some have reported with the left JoyCon. The Pro is also cheaper for those needing an extra controller.

          It's not insecurity, the controller is physically different and for many it has a preferable size or layout. There's a good reason why Xbox and PS and Nintendos own Pro controller all share a similar layout and design.

          That's not to say the JoyCon are bad by any means…they're the best portable system controls IMHO. They are a compromise but due to being portable and the Pro removes some of those compromises for those that are inclined.

        • @Smigit: BNN is either a troll or a Nintendo fanboy.
          I wouldn't bother responding to them.
          Check their previous comments on other posts.

          They always finish up their controversial posts with something like "gaming is just for fun don't take it so seriously" although they spend a fair amount of their time arguing about gaming. Trying to look like they're taking the moral high-ground I guess.

        • -2


          Most of those "connectivity" issues are exaggerated by clickbait youtubers and game sites looking to paint anything they can find about the system as a failure, with them covering the entire controller, holding it behind their back, or placing the system further back under a cabinet, under things covering the system sensors, knowing the controller has advanced tech, HD rumble and motion like the Wii did.
          The units that didn't work at launch with the orange screens issues were lame though, Nintendo should have caught those sooner, along with the Wifi issue. Nintendo has addressed the issues with fixes, which is good. Sadly Wii U had similar Wifi connection issues at launch… Switch Wifi issue can be fixed by connecting when close to a router first time…

          The Wii and Wii U had sensor bars for wii remote controllers, so obviously getting used to setting it up initially is going to have some getting used to, Initial setup of a new system will always have some kinks, things getting used to, it comes with every new console launch. With that said, day one update is surprisingly quick.

          There was far more feedback interference with the Wii U Gamepad if you had alot of house wiring sadly, while the Pro on the Wii U would literally hold the down button upon initially connecting the controller at times.

          Joy cons last 20 hours (apparently), so putting them on a charger after a playthrough will keep them charged for most uses, really not much of a point getting the pro just for that. The Pro is only 1 controller and isn't capable of the Joy cons flexibility, Joy con double pack is 2 controllers, single joy con is 1 controller and is cheaper then the Pro in certain territories.

          Size of the Joy Cons in the Grip is comparable to the Pro. Again not really much of a point…

          Youtubers are schilling for the Pro Controller to appease the hardcore stereotypes on the internet though.

          That kickstand video though lol… Yes launches will have issues but its clear some have been exaggerated, Nintendo has addressed the issues providing fixes, the Wifi one seems to be a bit more a real issues, and lame on Nintendo's part similar to some of the Wii U Wifi stuff but at least connecting close to a router first time fixes it for the most part.

        • -2


          Im not a gamer, I am a video game fan. Just because you dont like what someone says, doesnt make them a troll at all. People dont need to respond but they seem to need to prove something, which i dont. Video games are not that serious.

          A Nintendo fanboy for recommending individuals not purchase something from Nintendo? Or disputing a metacritic for a highly rated Nintendo game… Lol…
          Sounds like something a insecure closet Nintendo fanboy, over-scrunitinzing to fit in with xbox and playstation fanboys would say…

          But i wouldnt call people names over video games, I just point out toxic attitudes and how internet gamers interact with their fandom, stereotypes and taking things a bit too serious.

          I like all 3 systems, and Im happy that 3 large console makers can continue to survive without companies going under like back in the day when companies like Sega sadly went away.

          I've historically gamed mostly on Xbox, but i guess if a video game fan / "gamer" doesn't go with what the hardcore internet gamer types and the nerdier internet crowd online groupthink decides, he must be a fanboy? Lol. I know more about gaming as a non-gamer then most that do.

        • @BNN: Writing a incoherent wall of text doesn't help you at this point.
          You get negged on almost every comment because you are annoying and state the same OPINIONS over and over again as if they are fact, then enter an argument over every disagreeing comment.

        • @theguyrules:

          Alot of people get negged. Getting sensitive over video games really isn't worth it. Nothing incoherent about the quick posts. I am not looking for approval from angry commenters, I just give an honest take, nobody is telling anyone to comment or respond.
          Nobody is telling you to buy anything, just dont.
          No need to argue, others choose to do so, just stating the case.
          I point out some things people might not like, not telling people to agree.

  • Anyone know where I can get Nintendo switch case black ? Preferably Zelda edition. Can't seem to find stock anywhere.

    • dunno but mightyape have the links tunic switch case that eb doesnt seem to ever order in.

  • +1

    Now just need a good deal on the Nintendo Switch (better than $439 from costco).

  • this is a dumb question but whats the code for?

    • Ebay promo code. Entered at checkout.

    • $20 off a $50+ purchase.

  • Just used the code on one purchase but it didn't work for a second, is it single use only?

    • -1

      the order has to be more than $50

      • It was above $50, I looked up the original deal and it is single use only.

  • Ordered a DualShock with C&C πŸ‘ Thanks OP 😊

  • anyone else having issues on buying switch pro controller? cant add to cart :\

    • Can't get it delivered anymore.. But I managed to place an order for click and collect, not sure if it'll be valid ultimately. Choose buy it now, select your C&C store and then choose buy it now again.

    • "This item isn't available in the requested quantity. It may have been purchased already, or the listing has expired."
      Tried in chrome and firefox with no success

      • Ended up doing the click and collect and my order was placed. Used IE

  • thank you, just bought Horizon Zero Dawn, it's selling like crazy!

  • Bought Breath of the Wild (Wii U) and Ghost Recon Wildlands (Xbox One). Had to use two eBay and PayPal accounts to do it. It works.

  • Awesome deal! Picked up the new dual shock v2 controller for $58. Looks to be only the green camo version that has it as v2

  • Grabbed Wildlands for my nephew.. was about to pick it up today for $69!

    • +2

      good uncle…

      • Thanks.
        & he is a good nephew. Win win!

  • EDIT: Nevermind, I'm an idiot.

  • +1

    Dammit, I was too slow on making my mind up. Code expired.

  • Can't believe I missed this πŸ˜₯
    Trying to get Zelda BOTW on the cheap as well as a 2nd hand Wii u. The switch can wait, but Zelda can't 😌

    • what about or equiv o/s games retailer

      • Sure cheap as $59? I doubt it?

        • Where can you get a PAL copy cheaper?

        • @lyle88: ask blaze

  • wow so cheap!
    I would have bought another Pro controller, horizon, ps4 controller…ghost recon.

    • Except you'd need 4 different paypal accounts to do that.

      It's only one per account

  • +1

    Thank you! I grabbed a pro controller for a Switch I haven't bought yet (waiting for Mario Kart next month).

  • had a switch pro controller in the cart, hesitated, ultimately missed out.

    ah well. next time.

    • -1

      You will need one,

      the switch controllers are shit, they always go out of sync.

      I ended up buying one in stores before sending this post…

      • I had trouble with the left joy con but realised it was too close to some other electronics causing interference. Moved it and its fine. YMMV

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