Anyone Know What 'I Bank with Macquarie Winner' Is?

Checked my Macquarie account today and found that I received $320, with the description: 'I Bank With Macquarie Winner'.

Probably some competitions found from Ozbargain and forgot. Anyone know what is it? Thanks.

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Macquarie Bank
Macquarie Bank


  • No. Try asking them.

  • +9

    Macquarie bank error in your favour; collect $320

    • +4

      Followed by a theft by finding.

      Go directly to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200

  • I got $240 cash back with the 'I Bank With Macquarie Winner' description. I don't remember why either.

  • +3

    OK I think it's from the referral promo -

    $240/40 = 6 people referred

    • Thanks! I didn't expect to have that many people using my code :)

      • Nice little windfall. I think you need to link to the OzB you're going to spend your money on ;)

  • Interested to see what the biggest payout to an OzB user will be…

  • Offer still valid until end of month. March 2017

    So sign up brothers sisters and grandma's and grandpa's and get them free money, using referral links in

    • Im curious to see your bonus $ amount ;)

      • +2

        Should be in 4 digits. Nearly 5k clicks and there were less than 50 people referring. If 50% of clicks were actual subscription, then it would be on average 40*(5000/50)/2= $2000 per referrer.

        • +1

          superready is supernerdy!! ^__^

          Only day 1 of referral cash backs so might be more in the coming days.

  • Gotta love Google to find out what the $480 that landed in my account was and landing back at OzB.

    Weird transaction description, nice bonus! Thanks McBank!

  • Got $320 as well, I'm happy with that :)

  • Surprised to see additional money added to my account. Googled and landed back to ozbargain. Thanks to those using my referral :)

  • I've had a few more of these referral payments come in, two $40, and $160 just then. Cheers Ozbargainers :)

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