Hi there,
I have been working with computers for some 20 years and my touch typing is pretty bad :-(
I don't have to look at my keys (I'm not "hunt and peck") and my speed is OK (30-50wpm) but my accuracy and technique is terrible, my left hand types many keys my right hand is meant to do, I make mistakes a lot and have to delete and redo etc. it's all a bit of a mess.
I've been reading up on increasing my productivity at work, and I believe being able to accurately touch type at a fast 50wpm plus speed would be the most effective way to achieve this.. and I know for some people 50wpm is not fast! Problem for me is I have spent years working with this sloppy technique! I practice on websites like typing.com and www.keybr.com, and I get somewhere…. but as soon as I have to pump out the typing at work I go back to my bad habits. I attempt to type properly but this cripples my overall speed and I find it very frustrating!
Have any of you made the jump from "sloppy self taught" typer to uber-quick-100%-accurate-typing-GUN?
How did you do it? Software? Classes? How long did it take?
Any suggestions/help appreciated! I really want to achieve 100% accuracy 50wpm typing this year! It's my goal.
Yes, I switched to touch typing about 3 years ago. I just followed this diagram(besttyping.com). I didn't use any software, I just tested myself occasionally on 10FastFingers(10fastfingers.com).
Don't worry about typing slow at the beginning, focus on being accurate and using the right fingers. Speed will come with time, it's all about muscle memory.