This deal should grab you by the short and curly's.
Cricket protection cup one size fits all for 50c @ Kmart Burwood 2134 instore.
Good for protection against ball breakers :)
This deal should grab you by the short and curly's.
Cricket protection cup one size fits all for 50c @ Kmart Burwood 2134 instore.
Good for protection against ball breakers :)
Bought 2 incase the Mrs breaks the first set early…
Reminds me of a Naked Vicar sketch - "O dear it's hit him in the goolies. The umpire says "no ball" and the batsman agrees."
Not sure, if I was a guy, I would trust my nads to something that cost 50c.
You just have to have balls.
True. I do, however, use the expression "Ovaries out" to cover similar situations.
I believe that was the "And……oh dear it's hit him in the groin" (repeat 3 times) sketch.
"Oh, wait, the umpire's called a no-ball. Bowler smiling now, gets to bowl that one again. Colin Couhdry, down on one knee now, nodding to the umpire slowly….. must be agreeing about the no-balls"
Yup - thanks for the elucidation.
Wasnt this listed the other day?
it was $1
even batter price now
"One size fits all" - Are you sure?
My CRICKET is much bigger than that!
the LITTLE crickets are 'negging' me
… but of coarse they are
bragging about giant e-penis noted.
Now why would anyone need to do that?
Taking this light hearted banter a little TOO seriously KT?
… or have I touched a raw nerve :)
Sew one in all your undies
That would put a new spin on the sticky wicket
I need this when i hit the clubs
Wrong game.
is this lockable?
2 of these over the ears + swimming cap + leotard = Olympic wrestler
Also very handy if anyone is planning to go paintballing..
Where's JV with a cricket joke ?
That one practically writes itself.
This could be quite useful… if you want to go Kamikaze on the wife:
Dinner sucks, I wrecked your Blahnivks and yes, your bum looks massive in that dress.
To keep my kilo bag of balls protected
Together with some duct tape, potentially useful for support of manboobs as well.
I was almost scared to click that ROFL.
The fake tan came out really great, eh?
I was scared to link to it….but I did.
Really, really great….honest.
What's the moisture capacity with these things? Like a tropical rainforest?
Just about. Useful for my level of batting: I was out there for a good time, not a long time.
Don't use these. Cheap and nasty and offer very little protection.
Please elaborate.
Not BPA free.
+1 for the description
As a police officer, when a crook fires up on me I tell him if he wants to fight me he can, but first I need to put my Cricket Protector on. Once I put it on, the crook normally backs off, too intimidated by my manliness to continue his aggression. It's a fantastic tool to deescalate a critical incident and every officer should carry one on their vest at all times.
Never leave the house without one.