This was posted 8 years 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Games with Gold March 2017 - Borderlands 2, Evolve Ultimate Edition, Layers of Fear & Heavy Weapon


Layers of Fear Available from March 1-31 on Xbox One

Evolve Ultimate Edition Available from March 16-April 15 on Xbox One

Borderlands 2 Available from March 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

Heavy Weapon - Available from March 16-31 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Shame B2 wasn't the Xbone version

    • Actually it's not a bad thing, it leaves the collection open to bring available and it means we have the 360 one as backward compatibile!

      Remember how we got the 360 TR than the one TR.

      But nice always wanted to get evolve, now that it's free, people should be back to playing it!

      • Unless you're achievement farming is there any reason to particularly want a 360 and One copy if you're playing on a One anyway?

        • +2

          Not really I guess, I just meant it in a more, if people have the old one and want to play it on their one (because they don't have a 360 anymore) they can now do so without shelling out for the remastered copy.

          But yea I guess achievement farming is also a benefit. But I also like how games that have already been remastered come to backward compatibility, shows that MS is really into delivering.

        • +1

          @Zylam Marex: yeah I do love it when they still support BC for remastered titles. Also love when you get a discount for the remaster if you own the original. Great when that happens.

  • Ok Evolve is confusing. How does this work? I thought Evolve was canned and became a free to play game after a relaunch so what/where does this edition fit in?

    • "Includes: Evolve Main Game, The Monster Expansion Pack, Hunting Season 1, And Hunting Season 2."

      I assume this means that the expansions still cost money but are free with Gold.

    • Not 100% sure, but I think it came with a whole heap of character skin packs and at the time, don't know how valid it is now, but it may have some with a season pass? Either way, for free, it's not a bad deal.

      Like other commenters here, I just hope that it brings people back to the game. I bought it on release day and liked playing it, but the player base died off so quickly. It's a great concept and plays quite well. I think hard core players were just wrecking casual players and that didn't make it fun.

      • According to some YouTube comments on this month's games, it appears the PC version only became F2P whereas the Xbox version is still paid so that's what confused me.

        • +3

          Correct, Evolve v2 became F2P on PC, and they were looking at what to do on consoles. It never eventuated, and all development for the game has ceased.
          It was an interesting game, that 2K completely screwed over with their money grab confusion before the game even launched.
          The community died in a real hurry on all platforms as it really lacked depth.

  • +2

    God damn, got Borderlands 2 on PS+ yeaaaars ago and never finished it. Then got it on Vita and got close but ended up dropping it. Now you want me to have a third platform on which to enjoy a game? Ugh, damn you Microsoft.

    • +3

      You do know that you dont actually own ANYTHING that is obtained digitally on Xbox right, whether you paid for it outright or got it for 'free' via GWG?

      • You do not own the game even if you buy it on DVD or other medium. All you own is the medium but not the code/intellectual property, so really your argument applies to all intellectual property of any kind.

        • -1

          The game companies still talk in terms of a "purchase". Most people pay for a game so that they can play it, not so that it can be pulled the following week because someone wants to sell the next version. The only reason this happens infrequently is that games companies know if they pull that too often no one will buy.

          If you "bought" any single player PC games on DVD/CD that you have been permanently blocked out of playing on the same platform you bought them, chances are it's due to some form of online activation. You may see me as a dinosaur if you wish but as a rule I do not buy games that require activation, and I don't buy games on Steam or other services unless they're bundled with something I want. The exception is my subscription to Live (though I managed to get several months of subscriptions bundled with games I did want). It is worth knowing the limitations of games obtained through Live or any other online service.

        • @syousef:

          It is irrelevant what companies talk of as most of the time they get it wrong from a legal perspective.

          Also, I do not disagree with you - in fact I am the same. All I said was that you never own the actual game (legally) but only the medium and a license to use the intellectual property. However, such license can contain restrictions and can be revoked at any time.

          There is a nice article written on MP3s which appeared in The Conversation which kind of touches on exactly that fact.


        • -1


          First: A civilized conversation is something I'm quite glad for, even if there's disagreement. Thank you.
          Edit: ^^^^ A post that starts like this gets a downvote. Gotta love this place.

          Yes that is the law as it stands. But you realize that accepting this has implications in other areas don't you? Who cares if your Xbox game stops working.

          But what happens if your car manufacturer decides the software "purchase" of your car's computers is only good for 70,000km? I believe there is currently car specific legislation to prevent that, but that's what lobbyists are for. Same thing for everything that includes software - from your toaster and alarm clock to your PC. It's not happening now. But do you want to see your kids and grandkids deal with that in your sunset years? What is legal and what is fair don't always mesh.

        • @syousef:

          You do not have to convince me. I fully agree. But if you want decent laws, especially in the area of privacy and data protection, you are definitely in the wrong country. For that Europe is the place to go.
          In some European countries purchase of software is actually treated as a purchase of a physical thing in some circumstances.
          Also, maybe read up on the differences of the right of exhaustion/first sale doctrine. Coupled together they are effective to prevent your scenario.

          Also, do not forget, having the right to revoke a license is one thing, not having to pay compensation for doing so is another.

          An author could stop his book being published, sold, and disseminated after 5 years. However, depending on the circumstances the author could then be liable to pay compensation to the publisher.
          The difference between personal, inalienable rights, and commercial rights which can be sold and assigned.

        • @Lysander:

          Books too can be unsold in the digital age.

          I'll read all the freebies I can get here but I have bought exactly one Kindle book. Yeah I know there are ways around the DRM but they are legally grey at best. That's another thing I hate. Restriction of format shifting on media. Not so much games but books and video.

        • @syousef:

          You misunderstand. Digital is not safe at all. But even printed books can be withdrawn. However, for example, if J.K. Rowling did that with her Harry Potter books because she no longer agrees with what she has written, she will be able to do that but she will have to pay compensation to her publisher. Exercising your personal authoring rights can conflict with the commercial rights assigned.

          It is still best to get physical goods as outlined in the MP3 articles I referenced earlier. You have more rights and possibilities to recoup some money in the case of physical goods.

        • @Lysander:

          Sure the commercial right to sell can be withdrawn and deals run out. But how can a printed book be withdrawn once I buy it though? Short of the police knocking down my door and taking it from me?

          Physical is great, but so is DRM free digital.

        • @syousef:

          Withdrawn from further sale and dissemination. What you describe is covered by the first sale doctrine.
          And it is not the commercial right that can be withdrawn easily but the personal rights of an author which they author cannot assign or sell by law.

        • @Lysander:

          They can actually rip the book right off your reader the next time you connect. That's not further sale and dissemination. That's undoing the sale, without refund. That's legalized theft.

        • @syousef:

          It actually is not legal. You can sue them. But people just rant, they do not take action. Once they get taken to tribunals for this stuff, this will stop.
          I have the same experience with many other things in Australia - companies do the wrong thing or something illegal but because people just complain, are complacent, and do not bother to take action the companies get away with it.

          If you want it to stop and what you describe happened to you, take Amazon to the Civil and Administrative Tribunal of your state - it is cheap, there is no costs risk and the companies will cave in as they do not want a legal precedent.

        • @Lysander:

          A decision at a tribunal usually doesn't stop them from continuing the practice. There would need to be a court order for that. Hasn't happened to me. I've only bought the one book. I think they may have pulled a free book or two but obviously I can't ask for my money back.

        • @syousef:

          A decision made by a tribunal will stop them as it creates a legally binding precedent. If you settle before then it will not.
          But if it goes through the whole process it will be very costly for companies as thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people who experienced the same thing could claim.
          That is exactly why companies settle beforehand to avoid such a precedent.

          Even with free books an argument can be made as it is not really free due to data and download costs which you expended. Of course, the case is more difficult to establish here and one needs a magistrate or a tribunal member who is tech savy and understands this but nevertheless it can be done.

          In my experience though people just like to rant but when it comes to action they shy away.

          Source: Daily work experience.

    • +1

      Can you elaborate ?

      • +1

        You lose the GWG on Xbox One once your subscription lapses. The 360 games you get to keep though.

    • -2

      FIFA 13 is $99.95 if I try to buy it via the console on Live at the moment. If I look here it's $19.99…
      Well either way that sucks - I picked it up used on disc yesterday for $2.

      $2 for what? NOBODY plays FIFA 13.

      In fact, nobody even plays FIFA 16.

      And after September this year, you'll buy second hand versions of FIFA 17 for $2 each

      • -1

        It's called an example. There are many more. And people do play FIFA 13.

        • Yes, 3 people in Siberia were noticed playing it a few weeks ago.

          But they would never admit it.

        • -1


          See you troll like that and yet I am the one downvoted.

        • -1


          I thought I'd load up Fifa 13 and see. I have a screen grabs with 664 and 663 players online right now for custom match. My second grab includes a screenshot of this Ozbargain deal in case you think I've faked it. Let me know if you want me to post these for proof.

          Keep on downvoting though.

    • +2

      A purchase should not mean it can be taken away from you by the publisher or the console manufacturer!

      Games with Gold is a free licence to use under various conditions (which are disclosed in advance).

      You never purchase nor OWN games that you obtain via Games with Gold.

      • And yet, if you buy a disc, you can play it any time.

        • And yet, if you buy a disc, you can play it any time.

          Yeah… unless you want to play online. Which is pretty much the whole point of most games.

        • +1


          Some people don't play online at all. Myself included.

        • @syousef:

          And some people still play on the Nintendo Wii. :-D

          Irrespective of your gaming habits, the unfortunate fact is that the world is moving towards fully subscription-based services, digital downloads, requiring internet, etc.

          Consider how PC Gaming is done now days… the majority is using STEAM or similar. You need to be online for that.

        • @llama:

          Funny you should mention that. My family owns several. I managed to pick up a Wii balance board for $3.50, and Wii Fit for $0.50 the other day. I know it's not a great game but it will keep the kids amused (assuming Nintendo's cut of Wii services a few months back doesn't stuff that up).

          STEAM has an offline mode. Once you download you can still play single player offline.

    • +2


      • -2

        The TLDR version gets me called a liar on Ozbargain and told I don't know what I'm talking about.

        • +1

          Dude. Everyone knows we don't own digital gwg games. We do it for convenience. You're acting like nobody knows and you're on a mission to save the world. In case you didn't know most people don't care and don't go back to playing the games after they're done with them. I'm the other type who likes physical and collecting my favorite games. Different strokes. No need for all this.

        • -1


          "Everybody" huh? Funny how many posts I see where people are surprised and/or angry they've lost their game. Not everyone is an experienced game collector. You say different strokes but then are fine with me being downmodded for posting a warning for others who aren't like you. There's a word for that.

        • +1

          @syousef: I never mentioned anything about you being downmodded or down voted or whatever. Making up stuff and playing the victim now? :/ and yes everybody knows the deal about gwg, you can play the games as long as you're a member. It's like a rental service. Besides, you could've posted a much, much shorter version of that out of place rambling tldr post.

        • +1

          @syousef: You don't know what your talking about. Also there's no need to lie.

        • -1


          Playing the victim? Really. 9 down votes for a post on the pros and cons of digital downloads and a warning to back up the games that you can't download anymore. Yeah I'm "playing the victim".

          I did post a much shorter version of my post previously. That was received just as badly. I got told I didn't know what I was talking about.

          So this time I posted evidence. And now I have people complaining about the length of the post.

          Can't win. Playing the victim my left foot.

        • @Tasmaniac:

          I'm in stitches.

        • @syousef: I still don't get the point of your post.

        • @TLZ:

          To be aware of the limitations of your digital purchases and freebies. And to back up your games in case they're pulled.

          I was able to copy SSX onto an Xbox I got to put at my mum's house when the kids visit and have sleepovers at grandma's house, but only because I could copy it from another console via USB stick! My son loves this game.

        • @syousef: But this thread here is about GWG, and I'm pretty sure we all know the deal with GWG. We pay for the service to play games for as long as we're members. Maybe if your post is in a thread about digital purchases, you know, games you pay for, it would be more appropriate preaching there?

        • -1


          "Preaching"? Nice and judgemental there, don't you think?

          And do you mean a thread like the one I linked above? Where I was also savaged. Here it is again for you:

          Like I said you can't win here. Fanboys like to fanboy, trolls rule the roost. If you do one thing, you get told you should have done the other and vice versa. it's the same with all boards I've seen with anon downvoting. But it seems to be getting much worse here.

          If nothing else how is a warning to backup your games unrelated? SSX was a GWG deal in November 2014.

    • +2

      No reason to downvote this guy

    • For the TL;DR folk - got SSX with GWG and it was removed. Some games need internet.

  • Cool

    • +2

      If you think so, upvote!

  • Bloody oath, ps plus needs to up it's game.

    • +2

      Or games?

    • +1

      Gotta love looking a page where 90% of the messages are hidden..

      • Mmmmm, pure entertainment! *crunch**

  • If I only get one month xbox live for $1 and use it for these games, can I play them when the 1 month is over?

    • I think you can 'keep' the 360 Backwards Compatibility games, as you're 'purchasing' them for $0.

      As for the One games, because you're 'Getting' them for your account (see the buttons when you go to the store!) and not 'buying', then the rights to play are dependent on whether you still have Gold or not.

      Pretty sure it's buried in the T&Cs somewhere.

      • Cheers mate, was just making sure

  • Anyone else having trouble getting BL2? I came home from work & am trying to get it from the store but both the link in the OP and the store on my xb1 are saying $49.95, what gives?

    • GwG goes by U.S time, should be working now.

      • Cheers, I grabbed it earlier, already enjoying the hell out of it (for the third time around - love this series), should have updated the post!

        • Sorry for this noob qn, but do you need to have an Xbox360 to download the free xbox360 games on xbox live?

          I just got my xbox one and used the free 14 day trial code, but when I tried downloading BL2 it still wants to charge me money. I can get Layers of Fear for free though.

        • @unaware:

          No, because it's backwards compatible you can download it on either. Strange that it's still trying to charge you, check under subscriptions to confirm your Gold status is live, then try again.

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