• expired

30% off Kogan Mobile: $10.36/1GB, $17.26/5GB, $23.01/10GB, $30.49/14GB, Eqv. Per Month, When You Pay for a Year Upfront


Received this in my email today. Huge discounts on the yearly pricing.

Including unlimited calls and sms.

Work out to be
$10.36 / 1GB ($125.93 upfront, Was $179.90) Link
$17.26 / 5GB ($209.93 upfront, Was $299.90) Link
$23.01 / 10GB ($279.93 upfront, Was $399.90) Link
$30.49 / 14GB ($370.93 upfront, Was $529.90) Link
Eqv. Per Month, When You Pay for a Year Upfront.

Voucher expires at 11:59pm AEST on 30/06/2017.

Previous Deal

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Kogan Mobile
Kogan Mobile

closed Comments

    • +2

      recharging before expiry will lose everything.
      Buy the voucher and use it when you run out or it's near expiry.

    • +1

      No, it's prepaid. Upsize when your plan expires.

  • +1

    Stupid question as I can't find the answer on the website: what if I run out of the respective data, can I buy an additional data addon or will I be billed per excess MB?

    • +1

      You can't access data if you exceed your allowance for that monthly cycle.

      • +1

        Fine print said you have to buy additional data for the monthly cycle, otherwise the data is cut off which is good for someone, never receive the bill shock.

  • +1

    Can I use Kogan gift card to buy this voucher?

    • It's confirmed that Kogan gift voucher can be used to buy this. This is because this mobile plan is bought from Kogan.com.au and the gift card is redeemed in your Kogan account. You can use your redeemed value to buy this mobile voucher. It worked for me.

  • Is this for existing customer also I have the 1gb and might as well pay for a year and get it even cheaper.

  • How much call credit for.international calls?

  • +1

    Does this Kogan Prepay have an app where you can track data usage? and also can you tether?

  • Does the 365 day period begin on activation?

    • +1

      Yes, and you have until 30/06/2017 to activate it.

      • SOLD!

  • Does Kogan/Vodafone use band 28?

    • It looks like it uses B3 & B5 for 4G/LTE.

    • Nope

    • Only Telstra from memory.

  • +3

    How long is the 30% off price going to be on for?

    • OFFER ENDS JULY 31ST, 2017 AT 11:59PM AEST

  • -2

    If this was 12 vouchers valid for 18 months I'd grab this. I just cant commit to 365 days straight with 12 bundles of data limits without rollover.

  • Just bought two SMALL packs, they sent me one voucher and it was invalid. Has anyone else had this issue?

    edit: refreshed the page and the voucher worked, but yeah, no second voucher received. tried to use the same code again to no avail… dodgy. will have to call up tomorrow i suppose if i don't get another email.

  • The $1 deal is still available, I just grabbed a few more of those.

    • says NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY. do u need to port away every month or be able to activate a new voucher?

    • -1

      what deal? —- dont worry found out further down

  • Does the data roll over to next month and so on?

    • +2

      As far as I know: No

      • +1

        Can confirm does not roll over

  • +3

    Well… This solves the 'no band 28' issue :D

    • Technically NO, it does NOT have Band 28, Vodafone has no Band 28 (700Mhz), it uses LTE 850Mhz. Only Telstra and Optus use Band 28 LTE 700Mhz

      • Yes, that was the point being made…by being with vodafone there's no issue having a phone without band 28 because vodafone don't use it

  • Thanks buddy, missed out the first time. Bought 2x 1gbs for my parents and one 8gb for myself : )

  • Has anyone used Kogan Mobile for their small business

    • Ruslan Kogan.

  • +1

    sign up as a new customer using a referral link to get $10 off ;)

  • +2

    I recently switched to this plan, rode my motorcycle across Australia and didn't get reception for 2000km (Port Augusta to Norseman). Whilst I understand that there's not much in between it was a bit crazy considering Telstra had reception the whole way across, I would have expected it in at least Ceduna and one other time around Eucla.

    They work fine in the city/metro area, still definitely the worst out of all the carriers..

    • +1

      honestly, sign up to a budget service that is not on the telstra network and ride across australia… not the smartest thing to do.

      • Well I didn't exactly sign up to Vodafone with the trip in mind. As I said, didn't expect it the whole way across at all but once or twice across a 2000km span would be great…

  • Thanks OP. Bought the 8gig

  • +1

    Not sure about this, $30 sims that sell for $10 on a regular basis appear to be better value
    with bonus data and International calls, and other perks with Optus/Telstra, what makes this
    deal better?.

    • When you prefer to keep your number and couldn't be bother to do port-in/out

  • +5

    Keep in mind - Kogan mobile has no roaming…

    • -1

      an ozbargainer will not use roaming under any circumstances

      • +5

        True …a ozbargainer may not make/receive calls on international roaming but if that number is linked to your bank accounts then it might be necessary for receiving txts for banking transactions and similar.

        No international roaming is one thing stopping me from getting this deal too.

        • +1

          Agree. Showstopper for me.

  • As the data allowance is refreshed every 30 days in the 365-day plans, does anyone know what happens for the remaining 5 days of the 12-month period?

    • U get 512mb allowance

  • Might be a stupid question, but as Kogan uses Voda, can I just use a Voda handset on Kogan, or do I have to get it unlocked from Voda?

    • +1

      Can use it on a voda phone no need to unlock

  • +1

    What happens after 12 months? Does you have to buy another 12 month pack at the full price or can you renew at this price?

    • I have The same question, is this plan for new customers only or can I buy it for recharge

      • I was able to use for recharge. New sim shows up at checkout,but just ignored that. Logged into mobile account and use 10digit code that was emailed. May have to refresh.

        • I am more interested in what happens next year after this new recharge runs out assuming there is not a new voucher available same time next year.

        • @turbodude: Kogan also offer 1 & 3 month prepaid also. I was previously on 3 month, as they were cheapest with best coverage for me.

  • https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-mobile-prepaid-voucher-co…

    "Voucher expires at 11:59pm AEST on 30/06/2017."

    deals end in 30/6? thats great..gonna sign up that plan for my household in june.

    voucher purchase deal end or services for that plans end? i still have alot of optus sims, can i purchase kogan voucher 356 1GB deals and activate / port it in july or August?

    • I think it means the deal ends while stock last, however after you have purchased the voucher you have until 30/06/2017 to activate it.

  • Ordered two, thanks OP!

  • Anyone know when this deal expires?

    • +1

      Last time it went from November until end of January.

      So who knows?

      Coupon needs to be activated by June 30th, so if in doubt stock up now but chances are they'll have it again in a few months time. They're still trying to grow their customer base in a competitive market.

      • Thank you

      • Coupon needs to be activated by June 30th? not deals end by june 30th and need to be activated by xx number of days?

        i have so many starter Packs and this 356 1GB 10.63 are great for my family members who only use for calls/txt.

  • Can someone confirm if Koga giftcard can be used to buy this plan?

    • +1

      I was able to use my $20 e voucher, if that helps.

      • Thanks Supatight. I will buy and use it and will update if it worked

        • Any luck using the GC? I want to buy a GC from Woolworths using Woolies eGiftcard with %5 off from Cashrewards

        • @madfree: I dint buy the plan mate because Vodafone reception is poor at my home.

        • @madfree:
          It's confirmed that Kogan gift voucher can be used to buy this. This is because this mobile plan is bought from Kogan.com.au and the gift card is redeemed in your Kogan account. You can use your redeemed value to buy this mobile voucher. It worked for me.

        • @ash79:
          Oh, a few weeks too late but thanks anyways; enjoy!
          $209.93 - $10 (referral code) - $9.9965 (5% Woolworths GC) makes it $189.9335 total

        • @madfree


  • +3

    If you want to try Kogan out, the $1 deal for 12GB for one month is back.

    • So it is also just a code that I can activate it with my free sim I ordered before?

      And I can use the 1 year code to recharge afterwards?

  • +3

    I still prefer Ovo Mini @ $9.95/month. It only includes $200 worth of calls, but you don't get locked for a year.
    It's on Optus network (not sure if better than Vodafone)

    • Only 1gb data it's definitely not enough for everyone I know. Might be a good plan for kids if data is auto cut off after limit is reached.

      • +2

        True, sorry I was only comparing it to the first one ($10.36/1GB)

    • +1

      I'm struggling with them where I live and work. My brother and sis in law switched to Aldi already

      • I'm currently with Aldi. The reception seems just a little better on the train around Melbourne compared to Vodafone. I'm not sure about Optus.

  • +2

    Hey guys, is this deal for new customers only or can I buy it for recharge

    • Only 1gb data it's definitely not enough to everyone I know. Might be a suitable plan for kids.

  • Thanks OP, just got 3 x 8GB

  • -2

    Voda practically has no coverage in Tasmania. Pretty much a deal breaker for me as we visit family there all the time…

  • Could someone pls clarify can existing customers purchase this for recharge?

    • I can confirm that I was able to use this to recharge, as an existing customer.

  • It may be worth calling your phone provider to see what they can do for you. I'm near the end of my Vodafone contract and was looking at this 12gb plan and did a live chat gave them the link and tried to get the best deal. It's going to cost me a little more but I don't have to port my number and fuss around with that stuff and I'm locked in for 12 months. I'll also be saving the next month or two as my plan is much lower then my original plan so it works out to be a similar price for me anyway :)

  • How long it will take to receive the code?

    My wife Coles prepaid will expire on Wednesday.

    • Mine arrived within cpl minutes.

  • Just trying to activate the $1 Promo why it asked for credit card.

    I want to activate it for my son, so I will need to put my name in personal details?

  • I am glad I first tried the $1 plan. I live in Henley Beach area in Adelaide, and I have no reception inside my unit. The best I get is one bar sometimes, and other times, zero. I had Optus prepaid for over 12 years, and Lebara for about 6 years now, and have never had such issues. I really wanted to switch to this affordable plan, but I'll give it a miss now. Such a shame Vodafone coverage is that poor!

  • Just activated with the $1 promo plan. So if I want to go ahead with the 1 year plan I can purchase the voucher and use it to recharge it after 30 days?

  • +3

    It seems they've upgraded the data received for the same 30% discount price bar the 1GB plan.

    • Thanks! Updated the link.

      • I bought the Medium one when it was 3GB. Anyone knows if I get 3GB or 5GB, when I use the voucher code later this month?

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