This was posted 14 years 7 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Seagate 2x 2TB 3.5inch $220 + Free Shipping @ PricesEngine [Soldout]


Model name: ST32000542AS - 2x3.5" 2TB
Manufactured by: Seagate
Kit : 2 x 3.5" Twin pack.
Capacity : 2TB.
Interface : SATA 3GB/s.
RPM : 5900RPM.
Cache : 32MB.
Warranty : 3 Year.

Full specification can be found here:…

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closed Comments

  • just beat me lol
    good deal

  • +1

    Remember green version.

  • damn that was fast

    • yea lol, my brother and I are building our own computer each, so I'm this site alot recently :D

    • sold out in about 15 minutes… but cheapest on SI is 155 + post, so not surprised!

      man surprised there server didnt go down like COTD… excited as i got some :D :D:D:D:D:D finally my raid is a reality!

      • RAID with these wouldnt be ideal, check OCAU forums and theyre having problems with the 5900rpm drives

  • excellent, i have about 10TB of harddrive space now with these deals LOL

    • +2

      yea, enough for p0rn… ;) dun foget to SEED yea… :P

      • did you deliberately make it sound that wrong? lol

        • ; ) research shows "75% of hard disks are used for P0RN". if u have 4 TB, at least 3TB are porns. 20 GB for Drive C and the rest are empty. 4TB? P0RN HARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD… SEED PLEASE.. SHAREEE :D

  • woo nice $220 cheaper than the other ones.

  • Why is the RPM so slow?
    Will you notice a difference if you use this as your storage drive for backups?

    • hmm no wonder its cheaper =P. but it doesnt matter if your just using it for storage, other green drives have this RPM.

      • How about putting this say into a QNAP?

        • have the same question

          • @WhiteEvo6: I don't know never used network storage before just wait until they have the perfect match item. It might tell us something

        • I have 2 of these drives in my TS-410, and they work fine. Which QNAP do you have? The TS-410 only supports 20-30MB/s throughput, so depending on your NAS the bottleneck might be the QNAP and not the drives.

  • Sweet deal

  • Now this is a deal, a $90 saving over the cheapest price brought up by static ice.

  • :)got mine…

  • Is it just me not fully understanding the wording?
    "2 x 3.5" Twin pack" does that mean there's 4 drives in total or just 2 and is that 2TB, 4TB or 8TB in total?

    • 2 x 3.5" 2TB

    • I understood it as two 2TB hard drives, I doubt it would be 4. I agree the wording wasn't very clear.

    • It's listed as "2x3.5" 2TB" below the picture so it's 4TB in total. Academic since it's already sold out.

  • +3

    Who Wants some CHEAP SINGLE STICK 4GB DDR3 :-) :-S

    come on PricesEngine…..

    BTW awesome deal….

  • YES!! got one finally:)

    Still having the session time out problems, any update to this issue minniewu?
    I tried 5x with, Firefox 3x IE, 1x with Chrome(Worked!!!)
    Last time It was 4x Chrome, 2x IE, 2 Firefox(Worked)
    Doesn't seem to be a browser problem, but luck?
    My ISP is tpg would this have anything to do with it?

    • nah i have TPG i just bought one in 1 go

      • thanks that crosses it off my list :) hmmm maybe my anti virus, I use Avast..

  • SOLD OUT, wondering how much stock they have.

    • wow already only been 17 mins

    • Not sure, but I got mine confirmed! Cheap as chips, well done PriceEngine

  • Sold Out in under 20 mins, some deal!

    • it was a great deal… just cause you didn't get one doesn't make it a bad deal…

    • +7

      how is that bait and switch? what are they switching it with? It's not like you can buy anything else off of them…

      gotta be quick with Prices Engine, their deals are always fantastic

      • -2

        Not all of us can be on a computer at precisely 12:00 pm every day, get real!

        • +3

          Thats what is called tough.

          Keep trying randomly in the afternoon, sometimes one pops back in the available pile.

        • Get a smartphone with a web browser then.

        • +2

          yep - that sucks - I've missed out on plenty of deals because I haven't been around when they happen - I don't go crying "bait and switch" when it happens though

    • +1

      snooze you loose!! i saw most of the deals, but i haven't gotten anything as i have no real need, although they bloody cheap.

  • I must have just got in.
    My transaction was confirmed.

  • Damn it!!!
    Sold out already! crap. Need to research first!!

    • +1

      Aww Bad luck i just bought it straight away, and research later. See if it's good or not (if its bad then cancel it)

      • or resell it, you should be able to get 150 per drive pretty easily…

        • yea true if someone likes it lol

  • Sold out already - Damn!

  • +3

    Oh man. This is one of the happiest moments of my OzBargain life. I feel like I won a lucky draw or something haha. I got in at 1206pm. Just HAPPENED to check OzBargain, saw the deal and pounced.

    Thank you OzHunter and thank you PricesEngine. To all that missed out, don't worry. I missed on this same deal (2X2TB drives) last week or so. I came in at 21 minutes haha. Its just your luck. PricesEngine reminds me of some Fishpond deals. Ridiculously good bargains that last a ridiculously short amount of time.

  • They've just put up the Perfect Match a EDIMAX NS-2502 Gigabit Fast Ethernet 2-Bay SATA NAS Server [NS-2502]. LOL at the link, it takes me to Storm Computers in WA. Just how many businesses do these people trade under?

  • +1

    To people that were lucky enough to purchase some good PricesEngine deals, how long does it take to arrive? I live in Melbourne

    • I live in sydney, I remember my first order of a blu ray writer was amazed it arrived the next day. But now a days all the other things I was lucky enough to get hdd, graphics card takes like a week for them to process and send out.

      • Oh okay. So I can somewhat assume by Friday next week, I should have them?

    • My last order with pricesengine I purchased on the 23rd, they shipped it on the 29th and it arrived yesterday (the 2nd).

      I live in Melbourne as-well.

    • I'm in Melbourne - I got in on the 2X1TB Seagate from the 23rd July - they arrived yesterday. Not blazing fast but quick enough, and they were packaged well to prevent any shipping damage.

      • Thanks for the replies guys. This way I wont check the mailbox frantically for another week haha…

    • +8

      considering the only thing the website sells is that
      not really baiting u to buy anything else, like someone expensive lol

      baiting u to log ONLINE AT 12! each day to get good deal lol

    • +1

      oh common, typically they have a few hundred drives, some people have only a few items in stock and people don't neg them, this was such a great deal they sold out in 15 minutes, so your going to punish them for having such a great deal?

    • +3

      As someone else said earlier… it's not Bait tactics as they only sell one product each day, so if you miss out…. they can't sell you anything else. It's just a waiting game with these guys. :)

    • +5

      Given that this is a 1 day 1 deal site, bait and switch tactics don't apply.

      Miniewu (the rep) did not post this (no advertising, no bait to begin with)
      There's only 1 item on sale (you can't buy anything else apart from that 1 item)

      You snooze, you lose, simple as that.

    • nevermind

    • it advertised as starting @ Midday, be on the site @ Midday and get it!!

      If you fail to make it to a store before close do you really start gettin upset and think its not fair cause they closed at their closing time? or when they sold out of stock?

    • +4

      goober - if you are going to vote negatve on deals please avail yourself of the guidelines, they are set up so everyone in the community benefits. Have you read them??? Vote revoked

    • +1

      28 ppl voted positive before it sold out - i can only assume those people got the deal. hardly bait

      • -2

        Hmm, well, this is a nice attitude to have as a mod.

        With this sort of attitude around, one's pretty much run off the site whenever one votes a negative. Might as well vote positives for all the deals then!

        You mention 28 people - how many of those 28 actually ordered and how many just vote +ve for every deal they see?

        • +2

          What attitude?

          goober voted neg because it was sold out, which isn't valid according to the guidelines. Don't forget there are heaps of guests online too.

        • he said it was bait, which i responded to. The site has got almost 1500 clicks in less than 3.5 hrs from this site alone. I'm not suprised its sold out tbh.

        • NimitzHarrington

          Well then if you could please spare some time, would you kindly read the guidelines on negative voting. Its there for all of us so we have some consistency. That is if it wouldn't be too much trouble. If its not convenient for you, then we will understand. We will contact everyone who reads the negative vote the wrong way and make sure that they understand that you haven't had the time to do this. We as mods have plenty of time to make sure that you and others can take your time to understand things.

          Or maybe we can just can the incorrect vote and maybe those who dont like it, can read the guidelines and move on.

          A negative vote is always fine, if it follows the rules. Check the post out where I canned a negative vote for a deal because it didn't meet the guidelines, and on a deal I negative voted myself.


  • -3

    man they must of only had like 100 or so, sold out in 15mins is terrible stock handling:P for a 24 hour sale.

    can we neg the store and not the price^^

    • 100 drives is a decent amount!

      • there's around 400 fans on facebook they need more lol

      • not really when I'm assuming these guys buy in massive bulk to get these type of prices. i would of expected a lot more.

        • "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (1996)"

          I wonder how many 2tb seagate drives you can put on a delivery truck?

  • I want another blu-ray drive special…. please :D

  • Eeeeh double post, sorry. :(

  • I dont quite understand why, if they're able to clear the stock,that they dont get more supply in the first place.

    Oh and i just realised, that its priceSengine not priceengine. Funny grammar.

    • probably cant get hold of any more… if they order a few hundred, how much does there supplier hold?

  • is there any more stock? like on some of the other deals from this place the computer allocates stock but it doesnt get processed - or has that been fixed now

  • For a drive with 2TB size, 32MB cache is on the lower end. It will make a good disk for simply storing!

    • It's a "green" drive with lower RPM speeds, it's primary intention was just for mass storage to begin with.

      • @scrimshaw, if I use an Esata external case for these drives, the transfer rates should be good right? I never used an Esata drive before, so what transfer speeds can I expect? I usually get around 21-22mbps using my USB2. It's a green WD drive 1TB.

        • Or even a USB 3.0 case, since my PC has the port.

          • +1

            @ragflan: eSATA is just external sata, as the name implies. Depending on the interface, you will either get 1.5 GBS or 3.0GBS speeds. So it would be on-par with a drive that was directly connected to the motherboard.

            eSATA is a massive improvement over USB 2.0. Same applies with USB3.0, this video should show you what you can expect to get with a USB 3.0 connection.

  • May gone in 60 seconds next time.

  • Damn it, missed out again! damn ozbargain! ;)

  • Has anyone got their 2x1TB drives from the 23rd July deal?

    I received an order number but nothing since :(

    • Yes - last Friday.

      • Got myn yesterday, they send you an email when they ship it with a tracking number.

    • I'm still waiting for mine. Not even any acknowledgements to the emails I sent

  • oh so it is 2x 2 TB, I thought 2x 1TB :) wow good deal

  • Wow this is cheap!

    Too bad only 1 per paypal.

  • sucks that this sold out.

    but im starting to wonder if there is any real urgency.
    they seem to rotate through devices each day.

    im sure more hard drives will pop up.
    deals can only get better.

    unless their margins are too low?

    need to remind myself it i really need 4tb.

  • It was advertised? Where was it advertised?

    • They have a Facebook Fan page and it was advertised here as well of course. You need to check the site each day at midday for the latest deal.

  • If anyone got on this deal but only wants/needs one drive, I'll take the other one :) Shoot me a message ;)

  • How on earth do they get it so cheap? Not even msy can come near to this price.

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