Just waltzed into my local TRS and spotted this, good price for a half decent dark chocolate.
Best before is 01/03/17.
Just waltzed into my local TRS and spotted this, good price for a half decent dark chocolate.
Best before is 01/03/17.
The reject shop
which location he means, because not all deals are chain-wide, might only be at certain locations only.
Op may know
Thank you, poor wording on my part.
I use this chocolate to make espresso brownies. I'll have to stock up. Thanks OP!
That's probably what it's good for, baking. I found it too strong for snacking. Plus you get the coffee flavour for free.
As they say, username checks out😯
Yep, this goes really well in my chocolate tart. Not a fan of eating it by itself.
That's a great price for a 10Kg bar!
100g bar = $6/kg = buy😯
How did you know the actually size? ESP? 😊
Don't worry, it's not going to go off like milk.
Have you smelt or tasted stale chocolate - it's so bad.
This deal has been running for nearly 6 months at decreasing prices, to move this special issue chocolate near Best Before date.
From that old deal, "Expresso doesn't seems to be on the webpage. Maybe reject shop is getting rid of this special edition, hence the price".
Some stores may have old stock. Hence the warning if stocking up for later.
In fact I have, but it was different chocolate and better quality than this. It tasted fine still. Probably best keep in the fridge. I did for over 6 months, though have no idea what best before date was. Probably was close as I bought it from TRS when they were $1.
Chocolate certainly can go bad.
You'd know if you'd had has really stale chocolate - I still can't forget. And that was good Swiss chocolate 🍫
Stored at low temp should be fine, but store & warehouse storage before purchase is more of a problem, as unknown.
I don't know about you, but Swiss chocolate at my home would never have time to go bad :)
Maybe a good idea is to put some in freezer if having a lot.
This "special edition" stock / packaging & similar Best Before date was a deal on COTD & elsewhere. They're really trying hard to move it.
Seems like packaging (special edition in top left) in this & other deals is different to current stock in supermarkets.
From COTD:
Made with real roasted coffee (2.8%)
Special edition premium Cadbury Coco range
Country of origin: Belgium
Has photo of ingredients from label
None in couple stores I called in around Perth!
All melted?
Definitely not for dogs!
Unless you're into caninecide.
Bargain. Saw these on sale for $2 at woolies on the weekend.
You mean reverse bargain.
I didn't see the Espresso flavour at Woolies though. I think they have discontinued this line due to poor sales leading to all the remaindering.
I guess that's why they call it The Reject Shop. ;)
Even Cadbury has Rejected it from their site. This "special edition" hasn't been part of 70% cocoa range for ages, from comment in similar TRS deal nearly 6 months ago.
Bought some from Shellharbour today. Still plenty on the shelf.
Thanks OP, they were delicious
Not bad, ey?
Definitely! Appreciate you posting!!
You're welcome, enjoy!
Which store is this?