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Xiaomi Smart Gateway Upgrade Version US $26.97 Shipped (~AU $32.12 + $2.62 Shipping) [+ More] @ Zapals


I think most people know what this thing does, saw this from Zapals today and checked a couple of sites and this was cheaper, also the standard shipping is quoted at only 7-15 business days which is a bit faster than some. Prices quoted in AUD

Now just waiting for someone to tell me I should buy it and why.

They also have the Roidmi 2s in black for $17.22.


Also if anyone wants to tell me the site is asking me to include USD but not sure how to get those prices up.

Edit:thanks to @suppabrudda for pointing out there are a bunch more compatible devices on sale also:

door/window sensor $9.30

wifi power plug $11.30

temp/humidty sensor $11.70

magic cube $15.90

Motion sensor $13.30

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closed Comments

  • +23

    I think most people know what this thing does

    Not really

    • +4

      me 2

      • +3


        • I'm really glad I'm not the only one. Gateway Upgrade? I mean where does that even fit on my gate? And will it work with a wooden gate?

    • From what I can gather from the site, it's just a glorified night light with radio.

  • +2

    Ummm I guess you can buy like 4-5 of these and tweak its sensitivities so you can dance in a room and it will light up depends on your movement in a room…Then you can have disco lights on the wall you perform you think you can dance.

  • Hopefully someone will tell us, trying to work out the detail reading the chinglish isn't the easiest.

    • +1

      As i understand this is a hub for Xiaomi "smart" devices with some added standalone features.

      • +3

        Correct, you need this gateway to connect all the other devices. (Human sensor,temperature, switch etc)

  • +3

    Ok will start with what I know which isn't that much. This is part of Xiaomi's home automation setup, and this unit has different colours led lights, a speaker, WiFi, and is used as the hub for the other smart devices that they make (various sensors etc). Hopefully someone will add more. Using the apps and other sensors it can be used as a doorbell, and alarm for a sensor, a night light, a radio, and other things

    • +2

      Correct. I have one of these paired to motion and door sensors and temperature too. The light bulbs you don't need the gateway but for the rest you do.

      I have had no issues with mine and works great as a security device for me. The Chinglish in apps is a non issue cos most of it is in English.

      • Can you use the other devices without the hub? Also what's the WiFi range like? And are you better off paying the 50 bucks USD for the kit or buying what you need separately?

        • Kit is cheaper by ten or fifteen bucks. Depends on your needs though. The motion sensor might be better if your doorframe isn't flush enough to use the door sensors for example.

          Wifi range is very good - remember to keep the gateway near your router though. Like I said the Yeelight works on its own but the other sensors need the gateway to work.

        • so this gateway + motion sensor is ~$au52 as a kit.
          buy them seperately it's ~$au42

          The price only dropped today. I was actually looking yesterday and they gateway was about $au44 & the window sensor was $10.50, so the kit was slightly cheaper.

      • can you set it so if the motion sensor detects movement a wifi power socket is activated or a yeelight comes on?

        • +1

          I believe thats how it works.

          This bloke's review near the end says
          lastly for the Motion Sensor (i.e. to turn on Mi Air Purifier if there is activity in living room, switch on all entertainment kits via Mi Plug etc)


        • @supabrudda: just checked my gateway settings. This is correct I have a mi plug mini and can activate this if motion is detected. Mi plug I have is hooked up to a worklgiht.

  • +3

    Warm Note
    The Gateway is only applied indoor under 2000m.


    • +2

      it's indoor use only only
      Works below an altitiude of 2000 metres (so keep it 228m below the summit of kosciuszko).

      • +1

        228m below you say? Well that counts me and the dusky antechinus out.

  • +2
    • Cheers mate thanks for the heads up will add it to the main post

    • Actually mate they are all giving me a 404 error when I click on them, are you having the same issue? Are they login specific links or something?

      Edit: ok I see what's going on, I have pasted truncated links, unfortunately I ma not in front of a computer so may take me a minute to fix

      edit 2: I am actually on a computer now but still can't seem to copy these links? I'll have to click on the separately and copy them I guess…

    • +1

      Zapals appear cheaper but they charge for shipping that other vendors offer for free ;)

      • you see somewhere cheaper to get the window sensors?

      • Still cheaper than other places.

        • I'm saying that's how Zapals works in general. Really cheap prices but charge for shipping so it usually works out to be the same or more. Not always.

        • @Clear: and the slightly cheaper shipping seems not to be available.

          But there is apparently 9.6% cashrewards (banggood is 4.8%), which covers most of the postage.

          But even without all that. my order was $us119 at Banggood (including ~$15 postage), which is $us156 (and they didn't have all the items). So ~24% cheaper, (or ~%28 if you include CR). Not too shabby.

  • do you know how this upgrade version is different from the last version available?

    • +1

      Yes.I upgraded to the new version and it worked better. The older version sometimes don't response to the app or the button and I have to unplug it otherwise alarm will not stop.

      • Thanks I was wondering the same thing

      • can you elaborate a bit more on how it works better? I haven't noticed my current gateway not responding (its been running fine for 4 months), but am looking at getting a 2nd gateway, and if this new version is better of course want to make sure I get that version.

        Also does your old one do radio?

        • The old one doesn't have radio. I used a button to turn on/off the alarm. The old one doesn't response(to both button or the iphone apps) sometimes. Or response twice(off then on again, or on then off again) even I only click the button once. The new verision doesn't have this issue.

        • @ihuangyu:

          we know there is the first version without radio, and 2nd version with radio which has been the one to get, do you think there is a 3rd version now?

  • Does this have an Australian plug?

    • Yes

    • China is the only other country that uses the Oz style plug. However the sockets are mounted upside down compared to Australia.

  • Thanks mate, I think Im about to purchase a complete kit.

    • Yeah me too, I'm just waiting for someone to tell me what they are using it for

      • +1

        probably home automation.

        turn on lights/appliances/play audio/take photos based on motion/time of day/ambient light level/soil moisture/presence of people or devices/temperature/humidity etc

        • +2

          Yeah I get that but I'm waiting for that 'killer app' that makes me want to jump. Still not sure what it is, but I know what comes close. A camera on my door with 2 way communication so that I can confirm that the lazy frigging couriers aren't actually delivering all my Chinese goods I order.

        • @Jackson:

          that is already available? pretty close to what I have setup currently, just don't have a loudspeaker to communicate with people at the door.

        • @corbin: I'm trying to confirm if this camera will let me do it, it has the video, motion sensing, 2 way communication, I just don't know if it works with the same system or not


        • +1


          I think it will work as part of the same ecosystem - it looks to appear as a new device in the Mi Home app.

          But for that kind of use, you may be better to use a more professional level camera.

        • @corbin: A friend of mine paid $300 a few years ago for a setup that does what I described and nothing else, I guess that for $60 delivered I'm willing to take a punt, I don't think I'd pay $300 just to stick it up some slack couriers, but for $60, and with the side benefit of being able to talk to people who might come over while I'm out, it's worth the punt.

        • @Jackson:

          I recently paid over $500 for a swann home automation system, which I was disappointed in. Soon after I discovered the Xiaomi products for less than 1/4 the price, and they work MUCH better.

          Cost isn't really the issue for me, I need a system that works, and so far the Xiaomi gear has been what works with a bonus of also being the cheapest.

        • @corbin: the Xiaomi small camera I have does two way. Well rather it did til they removed it in last firmware update :/

        • @adrianhughes1998: which camera?
          I've got a coupe of Ants cams & they're still working. one has hacked firmware (so I don't get that this product can only be used in China voice & aso add RTSP feed). So there might be firmware out there that can restore it (or you can always roll back the offcial firmware).

        • @supabrudda: the latest one released couple of months ago if that's the Ants one. Yes with a bit of tinkering can be made to work -

        • @adrianhughes1998: Oh the new cam,

          I was talking about this one (Ants)

          you've probably got this one? (Xiaofang)

          If so, there's some hacked/mod'd firmware on Github which adds/unlocks some features & maybe fixes your issues?

        • @supabrudda: yeha yeha the Xiaofang one , yeah saw that thread few weeks back but had no use for it. I can live with what i have works fine.

          Did see there was going to be IFTTT support but one would have to change Mi Home app region to Singapore and I thought bugger it, can't be bothered going thru all that tinkering (getting old I think)

  • Isn't anyone worried about dodgy untested Chinese adapters/devices burning their home down? LED globes from China have been negged to death in the past by the community, but most of the Xiaomi stuff seems to sail right on past the same criticism… Any reason why?

    • +1

      Not worried, I rent so am covered.

    • +4

      Some reasons include:

      -Xiaomi is the second biggest mobile phone manufacturer in China after Huawei and actually has been at times number 1
      -They have been making phones that are known to have exceptional quality and features for the price
      -People on this forum in particular have had plenty of time to evaluate their products and there are very few issues and even less unsatisfied people (just going from my experience of reading here)

      There may be other reasons but that's what I've been able to see

      Probably should add one point, that most hi tech companies are making their goods in China, so if it's good enough for the Apples and Samsungs then it should be fine for everyone else. There is a difference between cheap and Chinese even though they do often go hand in hand

    • +3

      There's a very vocal minority. They're probably out or asleep now.

    • well the one thing I like about this kit is that the gateway is plugged in, the other sensors (door, temp, button, motion detect) are all battery operated.

      If you're worried about the gateway, then you can always plug it into a safety board (that has short circuit/overload protection).

      For Xiaomi, they sell a lot of their products outside china into Asia/Sub coninent and also some to the US. So I trust they know how to design & make products. The products I have bought from them all appear to be of excellent build quality (I like to look inside), little things like decent heat sinks on power regulators, no stray wires that can touch them & melt the insultation, etc.

      Also a lot of people around the world buy Xiaomi stiuff, so I'd expect you'd find out pretty quickly if there were quality issues. But as happened to Apple, Samsung, etc things can still go bang, especially when you're not around.

  • For home automation yes. For security not so much. Intruders need only turn the power off, easily done from outside in most modern houses, and this would be disabled if there's no battery backup of this hub or wi-fi, internet router etc..?

  • +6

    I use mine with open source software "Home Assistant". This actually allows me to do all sorts of cool internet of things integration. I've programmed it to be a notification Light so that it glows RED when my front gate is open and glows YELLOW if my garage door is open.

    I also use it with the xiaomi button switches to turn on or off LIFX lights throughout the house rather than using my phone.

    Refer here for details https://github.com/lazcad/homeassistant/blob/master/README.m…

    • Hi how do you connect LIFX lights to xiaomi button switches? I have 4 lifx lights and am looking for physical switches to turn on/off the lights. thanks!

      • +1

        You don't you connect both to a Home Assistant server, well the switches to the gateway which is connected to home assistant. The click goes to the server and that then sends the command to the light. Takes a few microseconds not seconds.

        I use HA as well and it's great. There's currently 563 components included and quite a few more in development like the Xiaomi gateway.

        It's very powerful software, as in you literally could have it wipe your bum, but it's still very much in beta and though it works it can be quite difficult to setup.

        I run mine on a Raspberry Pi3, it ran fine on a Pi2 but I also use it for sonarr and sickbeard and like the wifi.

        So with the sensor I have it in the bathroom turning a white yeelight on and off and though I haven't done it yet I'm going to put time conditions on it so it's not as bright late at night.

        With the buttons I have one click that runs through different lighting scenes as well as off and on. Two clicks is currently just set to the daylight scene and a hold click toggles power on my tv.

        I also use the Xiaomi zigbee plug (there's also a wifi version) for my aircon because getting up and turning it on or off is just inhumane.

        Home Assistant also has the Google Text to Speech component so with a media player like Kodi I can send messages that are read out (if nothing is playing) or a text notification. There's also a component for LanAnnoucer so you can do that with an old tablet.

        While the API for the gateway has been released they didn't release the radio part, presumably because of censorship, and you can get around it with a dns trick but I've put it in the cbf category at this stage.

        • Thanks for the detailed info! I'm gonna order Raspberry Pi now :)

      • +2

        The learning curve is steep if you don't have an IT background as you'll need to get comfortable with Linux commands and YAML programming language.

        First you must setup Home Assistant. I learnt from this guy (BRUH) here https://youtu.be/G8XWsXlfGFQ

        Once you have home assistant then you need to setup the gateway per the link I previously gave.

        • I'll definitely look into it thanks!

  • Bought a usb stick from Zapals and took 30 days

  • Anyone bought anything. Their site is very slow and don't wish to proceed if it will crash on me while on payment page :(

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