Where Do You Get Your News from?

As the title says, just wondering where do Ozbargainers get their news from?

Personally, being in NSW, I use SMH and News.com.au (and sometimes from Facebook News Feed).

Poll Options

  • 68
    Sydney Morning Herald (and its other states' equivalents)
  • 74
  • 10
    The Australian
  • 5
    Australian Finance Review
  • 1
    Daily Telegraph
  • 54
    The Guardian
  • 37
    The Age
  • 1
    Yahoo, MSN, and the likes
  • 12
  • 153
    Other (state below in comments section)


  • news.com.au is full of BREAKING NEWS on reality tv.

  • I disdainly use news.com.au to check for headlines, mainly because I'm lazy and it's easy and I haven't been bothered to look for a better source.

    I do read everything on that site with a grain of salt as all of it is clickbait, alot of it is biased, opinion pieces, with a bit of gossip crap thrown in for good measure.

    If there's a real headline or article I'll then Google it to find a real story on it.

  • +1

    Can't believe no one has mentioned Outbrain yet! Best news source ever! You should see my piles of iPads and iPhones I have, and I can tell you 35 ways to lose weight, and that One Trick that will make you thin, happy, healthy, sleeps at night, cure cancer, all from one trick that someone's nanna wrote down for this guy online who's happy to share it with us! The best!

    • +1

      You've got to admit it's well named. You've got to be outta your brain to believe anything. As soon as I see outbrain, I hit close. Huge time saver.

      • The thing is iirc they advertise on the guardian

        • And heavily on Sydney Morning Headache…I mean Herald and other Fairfax rags.

          When it goes to paid.outbrain…I hit the back button or close the window.

  • +1
    • OzBargain, obviously - Check it too often that I actually hear of news from here. Also fascinating stories from the community.
    • Twitter - Real time - If something's blowing up, I'll know. Also thoughts from people I'm interested in.
    • Reddit - News aggregator for everything. Find out about stuff there then just Google search for articles from various perspectives. Also can just visit a subre ddit on anything to know to find the latest stuff about it. Comparitively has the best comment system on the internet.
    • Wikipedia - Well-formatted neutral overview of anything that makes it there and related stuff for curiousity. Also interesting Did you know and On this day trivia on the main page and some portals.
    • Quora - Interesting in-depth discussion
    • Philip DeFranco - Love his fast-paced presentation, neutral analysis and personal perspective
    • Facebook/Instagram - What my mates that don't make the news are up to.

    I've heard things about Google News as well but haven't haven't gotten around to trying it.

    • +1

      Was surprised no one had mentioned Phillip DeFranco.

  • +3


  • Media Takeout or Worldstar hip hop

  • Herald Sun, paper and website.

  • Russian news bots

  • +1

    Why would you ever stick to a single news feed?

    • +1

      ABC are pretty good at reporting the facts.

      • No source is perfect or without bias though.

        • +1

          That doesn't mean we should bury our heads in the sand. It's almost impossible to be unbiased. It's such a subjective word too.

          I have found that the ABC is straight to the point and many would agree with me.

        • @fredz:

          Not burying our heads in the sand would by necessity imply seeking out multiple independent sources.

          I'm not attacking your favourite source. ABC is one of the better ones most of the time. I still wouldn't trust them as a sole source.

        • +1


          Not burying our heads in the sand would by necessity imply seeking out multiple independent sources.

          That is true, but the ABC do not have a problem with the truth. It's also a time issue with me.

          I still wouldn't trust them as a sole source.

          I have better things to do than read multiple news sites. I have faith and trust in the ABC.
          I do read the BBC too, but I wouldn't complain if the ABC was all I had.

          The ABC is also kept in check by the public and the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

          seeking out multiple independent sources.

          I don't particularly care what corporate media has to say. They just create drama and are interested in turning over profits.

        • @fredz:

          You have faith. I am a skeptic. The skeptic will always get closer to truth. If you don't have the time to spend on a topic, at least accept that you may or may not get a true version of what's happened.

          The ABC has had a lot of interference from government lately. This is as bad an influence as corporate interests.

        • +1


          The skeptic will always get closer to truth

          This isn't rocket science and that's not always the case. The ABC are usually on the ground and get first hand accounts of new reports.
          I will accept that I get accurate information the majority of the time.
          Climate skeptics are about as close to the truth as someone who has zero knowledge about the subject.

          I am an engineer and atheist. I don't need lessons on the truth.

          The ABC has had a lot of interference from government lately. This is as bad an influence as corporate interests.

          No, it's not. The government funds the ABC. They are entitled to ask questions.
          Are you even AUstralian to begin with, because there is little moral equivalence between corporate interests and government interests. We don't live in a 3rd world dictatorship.
          I actually have faith in your government despite what the average Joe thinks of our politicians. There are many good apples in our political system.

        • +1


          Climate skeptics aren't skeptics at all. They misuse the term.

          97% of climate scientists world wide - from multiple countries, agencies and under multiple governments - agree that climate change is man made. If you took your car to 100 mechanics and 97 said your brakes needed changing and you didn't do it I'd call you a maniac not a skeptic.

          Asking "Are you even AUstralian to begin with" is not useful and your rationalisation for it is an non-sequitur. The ABC is government funded and while it has traditionally been left to report independently without interference that is well and truly changing.

          You tell me you have faith in the government. That's going to be the downfall of western civilization I'm afraid. Any time you use the word "faith" I cringe. An engineer and an atheist should know better! It's not about belief. It's about proof!

        • @syousef:

          You said

          Asking "Are you even AUstralian to begin with" is not useful and your rationalisation for it is an non-sequitur.

          then said

          You tell me you have faith in the government. That's going to be the downfall of western civilization I'm afraid.

          Sorry, but I think you're bitter and don't believe in democracy, hence why I am suspicious that you are not from Australia.

        • +4


          I was born and raised here. I've spent about 6 months of my 40+ years outside the country.

          I don't need to "believe" in democracy. If the majority of your population is poorly educated and doesn't care about reality you get what we have now, which is a declining society. In any case we don't live in a direct democracy. We live in a democratic republic where we elect others to vote on our behalf. I don't have a better proven system to replace it with but I can tell you it works a lot better when people are educated and do care about reality , science, truth, and fairness and there is less corruption. Anti-intellectualism and the insistance that people have on believing their own version of the "facts" that sound good to them is our biggest threat. People are entitled to their own opinions not their own facts, even after they've been disproven.

  • the top pics could also be placed in the 'fake news' genre

  • -1


    It's extremely comical that you would relate conservatism and realism in the same context.

    While abc has slight leanings to the left its far more credible in terms of facts then for example main stream "news" which is incredibly right wing biased so much so that Murdoch may as well right the articles himself.

    New media is much more effective then anything your going to find on tv as mainstream media has corporate owners with there own agenda. If you wants facts and information that is nuanced I wouldn't be wasting my time on smh or the daily telegraph or anything along those lines.

  • +1

    Why isn't ABC in the poll?

    I can tell that the OP clearly favours corporate media bull and sensationalised entertainment news.

    ABC is the least hateful and unbiased organisation. I also get my news from the BBC. I do watch Fox News' O'Reilly Factor sometimes, because O'Reilly gives off that racist uncle vibe. He's just so lovable and wrong. He also has a lot of important guests on the show, such as Trump and senior government officials (Schumer, Ryan etc.).

    I try to read The Australian sometimes, but their comments section is cancerous, anti-science and hateful towards minorities. Their political articles are more interesting when they are written by those veteran journalists such as Mr Kelly.

  • +2

    Press For Truth on Youtube
    And some from @sintro list

    In 2017, news sites always have agenda. At least, I can see both side of the coin with these sites.

  • +1

    Playboy- but just for the articles

  • I just make up my own, it's more reliable according to the 'leader of the free world'

    • -1

      No, he gets it from Breitbart and Fox News. It's funny when the Fox News headline across the TV screen is the same wording as Trump's tweet an hour later.

  • Facebook.

  • Op are you pro SBS /ABC? Is that why You did not mention them?

  • ABC News while I'm at work only because the website has no ads and uses minimal system resources compared to other sites. O.K for news articles but their opinion pieces are junk.

    • O.K for news articles but their opinion pieces are junk

      Especially when they start talking about down syndrome being accepted as a norm or violence against women in Television and film not being okay. Just selfish nonsense like that.

  • Fake News

  • +1

    I follow to both the left wing legacy media and the right wing on Twitter so I don't live in an echo chamber.

  • +1

    The Betoota Advocate

  • Whilst I read news.com.au and SMH (when I'm at work since it's unlocked), I do admit I tend to find out about news more from Facebook than anywhere else nowadays.

    • If it's from news FB pages I think that's OK, but there is a lot of fake news on Facebook (and I mean factually incorrect or made up stories). Just be careful about checking the sources of news.

  • For world events like the US election polls I use/d BBC news online - it had live graphs and infomaps etc, it's a good looking site.

  • Facebook trending section. Will not click through to websites like news.com.au due having to watch a 15 second ad for 5 seconds of worth.

  • Business in Bullets is a great email news service. I generally source from the financial news outlets, they seem to know what is going to happen 6 months before it happens.

  • +1

    ABC, BBC, Slashdot, and… Zerohedge. The last one is an interesting spin on financial news. Some articles are very interesting, others look like they're written by lunatic conspiracy theorists. Filter out the crap to find the gold. Ignore the comments sections as they're just a collection of severely mentally ill people and trolls.

  • Used to be mainly smh/age & news.com.au but now tend to read the new daily it's not perfect but I like that the email has a small set of articles and a cross section of topics that you can just scroll through and read all the articles without having to go back and forth between links.
    Occasional check out BBC, Gaurdian or Twitter for overseas news… lately been reading the Twitter 'Moments' emails only cause they're in the inbox!
    And still occasionally check smh or news when I'm bored looking for 'entertainment' :-)

  • Nerd sites like Phoronix. I use RSS feeds with Feedly.

  • Pedestrian.TV but just so I can get that feeling of being shocked at how left-wing-biased they are.

  • +1

    The Guardian, Red Symonds/Abc Radio, Ars Technica, Techdirt, Philip DeFranco Show, Google News, Reddit and occasionally The Age and abc.net.au.

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