This was posted 8 years 1 month 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Anime: Dragon Ball Z HD (39 Episodes) / Fairy Tail HD (12 Episodes) / Hamatora HD (12 Episodes) @ Microsoft

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"Goku - the strongest fighter on the planet - is all that stands between humanity and villains from the darkest corners of space. Joined in battle by the Z-Fighters, Goku travels to distant realms in search of the magic powers of the seven Dragon Balls!"

"Lucy wants nothing more than to join Fairy Tail, the most rambunctious wizard’s guild in Fiore. When a phony lures her onto his ship with the promise of getting into the guild of her dreams, her newest friends arrive to bail her out!"

"In a world where humans called Minimum Holders wield untold power, a series of serial murders have been uncovered, with those special people at the epicenter of the mystery."

Click here for Dragon Ball Z
Click here for Fairy Tail
Click here for Hamatora

Hamatora added to OP 11/2/17

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closed Comments

  • Nice, thanks!

  • Both are awesome anime. FairyTale is great, wish they had more eps

  • +9

    Thought it'd be worth mentioning that seasons 2 and 3 are $5 each, and seasons 4 through 9 are $9.99 each. All are usually $29.99 each.

  • +59

    39 episodes of DB, so that is basically 1 fight scene right?

    Childhood memories :)

    • +13

      With the world ending in 2 minutes

    • +15

      lol I remember following this on cheez tv on channel 10, damn I wanted to throw something at the screen!

    • +9

      Fight scene lasts 10 episodes, the rest is Goku powering up.

      • +19

        remember when 9/11 happened and cheezetv wasnt on for the morning?

        • +7

          Omg I remember that. I wanted to watch Pokémon.

        • +2

          I'm going to copy paste something I wrote somewhere else, because its very relevant.

          "Oh it's rather funny to say out loud, but I actually think it's hella irresponsible of the networks to have done. (interrupt CheezTV)

          I mean, "morning shows" that adults watch, or SBS where its likely news, sure.

          But to suddenly switch from "Pikachu I choose you! We'll be best friends forever!" to screaming running people and panicked yelling was INCREDIBLY jarring for my young mind.

          I remember it clearly….. quite horrifying actually. Our own TV networks did more damage to me at that age than the actual incident ever could have.

          There should have been a warning, or perhaps even finished the kids programming before moving to a literal horror show."

        • What a lie. CheezTV was on that morning when 9/11 happened. I remember going to school and everyone was talking about a "plane crashing thru a tower in the US" and I had no idea what was going on because I spent the morning watching DBZ. Pokemon was on the 7:30am timeslot and DBZ was on 8:00am

        • +1

          good old Cheez Tv! I remember DBZ, Pokemon and sailor Moon lol

        • i was happily watching teletubbies then the meanies switched to the news

      • -2

        Dragon Ball Kai is better

        • Nah they ruined Gohan's voice in kai

  • -1

    Dragon Ball Z will live forever….

    Now we have Dragon Ball Super but no one interest on it…

    • +3

      It's going well in Japan, but world attractin will begin once they start translating it

      • +1

        The english dub has recently started, there are already 4 or 5 episodes out there if you look in the usual places.

        • I watched up to 52 eps I think…

        • yeah I have the first 4 eps, should have probably said once that gets real traction haha

      • -4

        No… not going well in Japan either….

        below expectation.

        • +2

          I'm not sure where you're getting your information because it's incredibly popular in Japan and the rest of the world. It recently surpassed One Piece in the ratings, which is a huge milestone. And since it premiered on crunchyroll it hasn't left the top 3 most popular…

        • +1

          Just because you dont watch it doesn't mean it's popular. When I went to Japan, it was full of dbsuper stuff and complayers. There were like ups for dbsuper game release also

    • +2

      Fillers for DBS are meh (and the quality really sucked for some of the eps) but the main arcs and the upcoming one is superb. The animation got better since episode 77 :)

    • +1

      Now we have Dragon Ball Super but no one interest on it…

      I live in Japan atm.

      It's one of the highest watched anime in Japan and marketing for it is through the roof. What are you basing your unfounded statement on, exactly?

    • Been watching dbza by team four star?

  • Now this is a deal I can get behind. Gr8 work

  • +27

    Might as well mention for those who prefer subbed, you can stream the entire Dragonball Z and Fairy Tail series on AnimeLab for free (legally!). Just have to put up with one minute of ads in the middle.
    30 days free premium for new members gets you English dubs and no ads!

    Not the same as owning them of course, but thought I'd throw it out there!

    • Awesome! will check it out, thanks :)

    • Hmmm I pay for animelab I didn't know that.

      Does it work on any device though as I usually access it with phone/playstation

      • I think there's also other advantages to paid like simulcasts? Some are free, some you have to wait a month to watch.
        But the free library is huge so I've never worried about that.

        edit: Its free anywhere (subs only). I was thinking of Crunchyroll requiring premium to be used on most non-PC things

      • Yeah you should be able to watch it on any device that can access Animelab. I've been watching it on my ps4

    • Not to mention you can stream all of Dragon Ball Super too and they have mobile app & an app for PS4 and XBOX 1 that you can all use completely free at 480 :)

      If you pay the subscription you can stream in 1080p with english dubs where available. It's a fantastic service and just like Netflix it remembers which episodes you have watched or not and exactly where you last were in the episode (even for free users :o) I love this service.

    • thats awesome thanks!
      After the 30 day free trial .. do you still get english dubs? (or subtitles at least)

      Ads I can put up with ..

      • +1

        Nope. Dubs are premium. But you get subtitles for free. Makes sense I guess. This is done by Madman who release all the dubs on dvd here etc so they want to make money somehow!

    • It's also worth noting that without a premium account, it will only display 480p content. Premium can display up to 1080p.
      Still watchable though.
      EDIT: nvm someone already mentioned that

  • +3

    Getting to know Goku before the 2020 Olympics?

    • +4

      Find out in the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z!

  • i can't play any episodes, i tried windows media player then movie and tv, have errors on both of them, is there any software that i need to download ?

    • VLC player seems to be the go to

    • +3

      Close the app and go back to your library in the Films & TV app. It'll play.

    • No software download, just the Windows 10 / XBOX1 "Movies and TV" app

      • the tv and movie app doesn't play either, i'm using win 10 pro

  • thanks!! brings back childhood memories

  • Get staff!

  • Awesome, watching it now at work! Hahaha

  • Nice one TA!

  • I just finished Ajin on Netflix, Might give have to give Fairy Tail a go.

    • +2

      I'd recommend avoiding it. It's a series which lacks substance.

      • It's generic shonen designed to appeal to youngsters. Good for some background noise on your second screen / TV while you are doing some other stuff and just half watching it. Missing half the plot doesn't matter in this show.

      • Thank you! It is so hard find time to invest in watch this stuff that you want it to be good.

        Feel free to suggest anything good.

        So far I have seen
        Dragon ball (random bits)
        Naruto Shippuden
        fullmetal alchemist

        • Hunter X Hunter has some deep and dark themes and a really large universe. Characters are brilliant.

          One Piece is a very fun series with amazing characters. There's a reason why it's so big in Japan. Loved by all ages I think.

          Those two are still ongoing, and it'll take you quite a while to catch up, should you be so inclined to do so.

          There are quite a few more, but those two are the ones I keep up with.

        • @Munki:

          Hunter X Hunter is great. Its my favourite anime.

          If you haven't seen Attack on Titan watch it, also a great show.

          On netflix you have knights of sidonia and seven deadly sins which are both pretty good. Death note isnt bad for something a bit different.

          How was ajin?

        • @rakerr: Thanks! I've had Attack on Titan on my list for awhile and good to know the ones on netflix for ease of watching.

          Ajin was good, but it took me awhile to get into it. It reminds me of Evangelion where your really waiting for the next (epic) battle scene between dialogue.

        • One punch man

      • Yeah there's better animes to go into fresh, but the main thing going for it is the nostalgia appeal to old fans

  • +2

    I wonder if we can get the votes to over 9000.

    • It won't break the internet but it will break ozbargain!

    • +1

      You'd need the deal to increase prices by 20% and then offer 20% off in order for that to happen

  • Thanks OP

  • +5

    DBZ Abridged on youtube is true to the original plot, hilarious,shorter and free to watch, great for a nostalgia kick without the 20 minutes of powering up.

    • 20 mins? Feels like 6 months of powering up.

    • If this is half as good as Yugioh abridged I will be impressed.

      • +1

        I've watched both. TeamFourStar do some pretty good work (and voice acting) for DBZ Abridged. They do a slightly different take on humour to LittleKuriboh (who likes to make fun of how serious the card games are in Yu-Gi-Oh) but it's still very good. Also you'll notice that they do cameo's in each other's series. And LittleKuriboh plays Frieza in DBZ Abridged.

    • +1

      Just reminded me of the Yugioh Abridged series by LittleKuriboh. That was amazing.

  • How do you play this on the XB1 S? :(

  • -2

    Never understood why free anime deals are so popular. Kissanime has literally every anime ever, for free.

    • -3

      There are only popular when the OP is TA ;)

    • I just hear that some people like to stream it in a legal, support the people who bring us anime way.
      Though streaming things that have been uploaded somewhere free is always a legal grey area.

    • And for those that want to support the industry and good value services in general there is crunchy roll and anime labs.

  • +2

    I don't see what the big deal is with Goku anyways…

  • At the pace the anime went, you could probably skip one, watch one and still be in on the plot.

  • Towards the end it got way too silly.
    The characters became insanely strong that they can blow up planets with a single finger.

  • Looks like they've got a sale on seasons 2-9 as well.
    The HD seasons are discounted to $5-10 each.

  • This had the slowest pacing of any series I've ever seen. Remarkable that kids could pay attention for so long with so little actually happening in each episode. 1 episode of Pokemon right before DBZ airs: Ash travels to a new location, finds exotic new Pokemon, has some kind of conflict with said pokemon, Team rocket shows up, Team rocket gets their ass handed to them, Ash resolves conflict with newly met Pokemon and continues on his journey. Same amount of time in a DBZ episode: 1 character powering up for an ability, trees and rocks shaking.

    • Kids are pretty dumb though…

    • -2


      Digimon > Pokemon > DBZ

  • -1

    We're pretending ozbargainers don't torrent..?

    • The only thing I torrent are Linux ISOs…

  • Nice one. Cheers mate

  • Hey everyone. Just been scrolling through the comments but now one seems to be having the same issue that i do !
    I've been trying to download a few times but everytime i get the same message:

    "Try again in a while. We're doing a little maintenance."

    Havent got a clue why and would much appreciate if anyone could solve the mystery?!?

    Laptop bought in germany (and system running in german as well). that's the only reasonable explanation i have. maybe no license for the german market or something?

    Anyway please help :)


  • How do you watch on XB1S?

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