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Free Anime: Steins;Gate Season 1 @ Microsoft

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Another day, another fweebie by microsoft, enjoy :)

Rintaro Okabe is a self-proclaimed "mad scientist" plagued by paranoid delusions of a nefarious organization known as SERN. Fueled by their imaginations, Okabe and his friends form a secret laboratory and seek to unlock the mysteries of time travel!

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closed Comments

  • cheers, free is best price indeed

  • +1

    Yay, really wanted to watch this series =)

    Will be streaming all of it on Sunday.

    • +2

      on my telstra mobile device

    • You buy the 2nd season?

      • Season 2 isn't free and I prefer subs over subs… so I'll wait for a boxset or something.

  • Only the first half of the series is free. Have to pay for the second half.

  • +1

    Does it work in AU?

    • Yeah on your windows 10 pc open the start menu and then just type region and click the one that comes up with the black outline white cog icon that says region and language. Change the region to United States and it will work fine.

  • +11

    This series has a slow start & confusing first few episodes but the second half is mind blowing. Anyway you can watch the rest on / Madman.

    • I agree with this, very slow start and can put some people to sleep.

      However if you are into the second half of the show, you'd also like "Puella Magi Madoka Magica". Incredible anime.

      • +2

        Watched that a while ago. Definitely not the kind of maho shojo anime that you watch with your primary-school kids :)

        • The game is even better, much more depth.

    • +2

      I watched the first 12 episodes thinking it was only 12 episodes long, the pacing of the first half was not totally inconsistent with this assumption and I thought everything was heading to a resolution.

      I was wrong. I was actually glad of my mistake after I got over my confusion as it made the second half even more suprising and head spinning.

      One of the best anime series in recent years.

  • Thanks !

  • +3

    Probably my favourite anime. Brilliant series especially if you're a scifi fan.

  • -4

    Steins gate? I'd much prefer to watch Bill Gates

  • +1

    mad scientist!

  • +6

    el psy congoroo

  • -1

    Too many plotholes in this series. It makes zero sense by the end of it all and it breaks it's own time traveling rules that it establishes.

    • +1

      what plot holes? the general concept of time travel?
      You should suspend reality when it comes to that sort of thing e.g. Ground hog day, Edge of tomorrow, Interstellar

      • -1

        Why? There are several time travel movies that dont break their own time travel logic.

        • +1

          Well since when does Anime supposed to be a true science fiction? Let anime be anime and just watch it to amuse yourself.

        • @Letrico: Yeah anime is supposed to be hot chicks in very skimpy outfits… or is that Gurran Lagann only?

        • @ProjectZero: Depends on what anime you are after. There are plenty of non fan service anime around.

        • +1

          @Letrico: Yeah, I've been watching so much anime that I've lost track which ones… although I do like Gate, interesting concept.

        • @ProjectZero: Lately I've fallen off the anime seasons. I haven't heard of any new anime that is spectacular that could be potentially hall of fame material like Full Metal Alchemist.

        • +1

          @Letrico: FMA and Code Geass are still my favourites, lately the animes are either crap tonne of fan service or strong start then wtf endings… the stories just don't hold out like they used to.

        • +1

          @Letrico: Erased is pretty damned good so far.

        • +4

          Psychopass is excellent and very engaging storyline

        • @ProjectZero: Recent animes like Haikyuu is pretty good also the cooking anime called Shokugeki no Souma is alright too. The last epic anime was probably attack on Titans.

          Oh yeah and theres also One punch man

        • @alebox: Was thinking of watching that but never got around to doing it…

          @Zhalfrin: I was reading the Manga for that… the attacker was kind of obvious in the manga though so it kinda felt like a bust.

          @ko0l: I did watch Shokugeki no Souma but thats just food p***… like almost literally… Never bothered with sports anime though so didn't watch Haikyuu. As for OPM, so funny!

        • @alebox: kinda weird how they released a directors cut. Do you know if that changes it enough to make it worth a rewatch or is it just the definitive release for new viewers?

          Also haven't watched season 2 yet, does it hold up to the first season as I really enjoyed pyschopass.

        • @Agret:
          I haven't seen the directors cut so I cant say. But it almost looks like they halved the episodes by doubling each episode length haha

          I enjoyed season 2 as well as it does a nice follow up from season 1 - worth watching imo . Overall I enjoyed season 1 more though because season 2 has a really annoying character :P

    • +1

      Oh mighty Orpheus, I'm sure your amazing and insightful logic is far superior to the 294,615 other people who watched this show and ranked it as one of the single best series ever made.

      • Enjoying something isn't necessarily a matter of "logic", and the most popular shows aren't necessarily the best.

        What has and hasn't made the top 10 on that website is a bit iffy in my opinion.

        • +2

          Yes, on that website it can be - but it is unanimous among 90% of reviewers and anime fans that it is one of the best.
          It's fair enough to state you are not interested / you can't grasp the concept of a show - but saying that it is full of plotholes is a whole other ball game.

  • +1

    They have the game being sold in a bundle on

    • That's one expensive bundle if you want the game

      • +1

        The comments section says that resellers/distributors aren't allowed to sell for less than $30.
        There's always piratebay if you dont want to pay.

  • Microsoft's got some free anime episodes here

  • Is this free to download or free to stream? (sub or dub?)

    Needs Silverlight.

    Getting an "Try again later. We can't play this right now.

    " error when trying to play (seems to be stream only)

    • Open your Windows 10 start menu type Region and click the white cog icon. Change the region to United States and then open start menu again and search "movies & tv" then watch the episodes through that and it should work fine :)

  • I though this was Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

    But cool ^^.

  • -3

    This is incredibly hard to watch if you're not into anime tropes. The harem thing is annoying as hell…

    • +4

      What harem? There is no harem in Steins Gate :/

    • +1

      Reinforcing that there is no "harem" in Steins;gate. No love triangle or anything, just requited love.

    • I've clearly ruffled some feathers. Did you two watch the same show I did? It undeniably has harem elements… The cast is female dominated with them all getting their own little mini-arc about how they're attracted to Okabe. That's not even mentioning the episode where Okabe has to choose which girl he considered to be the best. Do people even remember that it's based off of the VN?

      Face it. S;G has harem elements. It undeniably does. Most people considered it to be a "good harem" show, but it's ridiculous to claim it isn't one.

  • These MS offers never work for me, is there something you need? Like Win 10?

    • To redeem the episodes/seasons you need your region set to United States. Win10 works best for redeeming and playback of the videos.

  • +1

    Tu tu ru!

  • -2

    This anime is awful

    • Glad i tried watching it though, i know not to get the game

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