This was posted 8 years 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xiaomi Multi-Functional Power Strip 3 1A / 2A USB Port+3 AC 100-240V Sockets - US $10.80 (~AU $14.30) Delivered @ AliExpress

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slightly cheaper than the last last deal or get it on even slightly more cheaper using the aliexpress app

and 10% alibonus cashback

comes with the chinese/upside down Aus plug.

these are not australian certified/compliant. that said, no one on ozbargain has ever reported an issue with these (not that I have read in the previous posts)


3 power sockets and 3 USB ports with 2A quick charging function
Phosphor bronze terminal, copper bar connectivity system
Independent safety doors to keep children away from the risk of electric shock
Subtle and elegant white power indicator light shows working status
High power conversion rate up to 82 percent
20uA leakage protection threshold
High flame retardant standard up to 750 centigrade
100 - 220V full voltage range
Pass through plug test(5000 times)
Non-slip pads on four feet
Grind frosting top surface and mirror polishing treatment on side surface
Nice appearance and simple for home use and decoration

Related Stores

AliExpress 2345360
AliExpress 2345360

closed Comments

  • +2

    These are high quality - I bought about 10 of them, just bought another two on the last deal.

    • -7

      I agree, we put them in hotel rooms and offices, very good quality and the Chinese plug slots directly into Australian outlets.

      • +10

        I'm not sure that's anywhere near legal….

        Can't argue about their quality - they're good things, but it's my understanding they must meet Australian standards to be in a hotel room/office.

        • +2

          I'm sorry, but what exact Australian standard are you referring to?

          The fact something hasn't been certified does not equal to "doesn't meet standards", especially comparing the quality of other products sold everywhere in Oz, that seemingly "meet standards"…

        • +9

          @galileo77: "Must reach 100+ votes in at least two separate OzBargain deals" to become an Oz standard.

        • +3

          @galileo77: The fact that he is using it in a commercial environment means he must have products that a properly certified for the Australian market. Certification process costs around $8000 if it's from scratch, and less if there are equivalent international standards that have already been completed.

          The "dodgy" products you are talking about that "seemingly meet standards" I assume you are referring to are products that replace components without seeking an addendum to the approval process and it is up to the importers to ensure this does not happen.

          Otherwise our safety standards are quite rigorous compared to the average international standards and there is nothing dodgy about the approval process to ensure it is adhered to.

        • @galileo77:

          If you're offering the products for hire, it must have certification. It depends on if it's considered as hiring the products inside the hotel room throughout a stay.

          Note the whole "but it's the same as Australian standard products" does not have any merit when there's USB charging involved… Also the international ports I don't believe are of standard as there's multiple rather than a simple travel adaptor design.

          Tl;Dr: the question is if it's considered hiring the product when one stays in the hotel room.
          If it's for personal use, you have no problems at all.

        • +1

          Certification (of all sorts) is stiffling - if not here - then certainly in comms gear.

          Eg, for any CBers, who would like to enjoy some provacy,
          that's Not an option (AFAIK) on CB freq's. Any Yaesu or Vertex Standard CB handheld radios, that include encrypted, ar fine in "Public can hear you" (ie, w/ Encryption Off), but you can't use a feature that you've paid for, in Same radio!

          How FOOLISH is such a Restriction, in a world that let's one install+use apps (eg: Zello) w/ encryption on any smartphone!

          "The ACMA" - who couldn't even get their new Licensing DB system up on-time or w/ full functionality - has No "Social License" when they BAN encryption on OldTech
          handheld "communitator" (due to them being on UHF CB vs UHF business channels).

          If they haven't already "opened" the 3 "reserved" CB channels for use, they'd be a first choice for "digital" voice modes (that offer a modicum of privacy + protection from cheap toy "walkie talkies" that can interfere w/ comms on same channel, if nearby).

          Here's a radio that isn't allowed on CB channels, that that offers a "digital voice" mode, that could make it hard to hear or "jam" channel comms, IF it were.

          As drug laws restricting freedoms are being changed (eg, soon in CA), it behooves "The ACMA" to see the oddness of its OBSOLETE restrictions - for CB & Ham radio services… AND Eliminate them!

          BTW, CB is used by lotsa low budget (as well as high-budget ones), so these Obsolete restrictions are limiting businesss that (statistically) are creating jobs in AU.

          DISCLAIMER: I do Not use drugs, nor CB (except on Outback trips), but I see the need for "The ACMA" to MODERNIZE its reg's… the Cost/Benefit ratio of Enforcing them (if they do…) is too HIGH, IMO

          Of course, Business-licensed freq's have No such restrictions (AFAIK), as log as your equipment doesn't

        • +1

          Having said the above…

          One can argue that 240 V AC Electrical devices should be tested… but the $8,000 testing/certifying cost seems UNDULY HIGH!

          Perhaps "High-Tech Tool-Libraries" can be created, eg, for would-be importers & (why not?) end-users could do their own tests.

          Hey, if we can all use Defib's, why not make electrical testing gear as easy to operate, & make them available - at Low Cost… to ENCOURAGE folks to use them to insure
          they are safe (or discover that they aren't & toss 'em)?

          My 2.2 cents, only… ;-)

      • +19

        I agree, we put them in hotel rooms and offices,

        You have got to be absolutely crazy - you obviously have no concept of the personal liability that you are exposing yourself to by doing such a stupid thing.

        • Relax… They're not installed in Australia, Australian standards are irrelevant in Asia.

        • @Ashburtonian:

          Relax… They're not installed in Australia, Australian standards are irrelevant in Asia.

          Yeah sure they are.

          Interesting that Offices and Hotels in Asia would have Australian power outlets in them. Remember you said:

          we put them in hotel rooms and offices, very good quality and the Chinese plug slots directly into Australian outlets.

      • +1

        Insurance won't cover your loses if those powerboard cause a fire since they don't meet Australian standards.They might be high quality but there is still some risks.

        • -1

          More like won't be covered for any sort of electrical fire regardless if the powerboard is actually at fault or not.

        • @dufflover:

          If the electrical work is legal, you will be covered by home insurance.

        • +1

          This is untrue. Insurance will cover you. Refer to your policy wording.

      • +1

        We have standards for a reason. A lady died from a faulty USB Charger - that didn't meet Australian Standards:…

  • can the USB output 2a/socket, or is it collectively?

    any 6 way strips?

    • 5V - 3.1A across all 3, 5V — 2.1A on any single port.

      Two phones will almost always charge together at full rate (most pull ~1.5A max), though 3 may charge slightly slower.

      If you're buying it for quality USB charging, buy an Anker charger off CableGeek or something. Otherwise for everyday use these powerboards should work well - there's not many situations where you won't be charging at full rate.

      Edit: as some explain below, great for bedside charging over night… But still not a replacement for a quality charger.

  • +1

    Really 2a quick charger USB? I feel they are slow.

    • +1

      Not a quick charger but great for having at the side of the bed to charge stuff overnight. I use 4 of them for that.

      • So are these ports in 0.5A or 1A?

        • No idea, don't care when used as above. I have dedicated QC3 chargers for my phone when I need it.

        • Look, even if the port's nominal (if not Max.) rating is "n.m Amps" the phone may or may not draw so much, thruout the charging cycle.

          IF interested in How Much current is drawn from a USB charger, get one of those meters (even built into cheap cables)!

          AliExpress is your friend, and - since - we're at the 5 V level, as long as your charger meets AU standards, you're Free to use such a metering system (some are inserts between USB cable & charger; others are built into the USB end of USB charge cable).

          Everybody should have access to such metering… &, as it's so cheap, e'body CAN, IMO. :-)

    • If you only use 1 of them at a time, it's quick, indeed. I've done the test.

  • seems one of the better ones, the unused plug holes have safety covers, and come switch AU plug …. will get some try them out.

    • Yes, very good, I love mine

    • +2

      seems one of the better ones

      Absolutely non compliant.

      and come switch AU plug

      NOPE - they come with an equally non-compliant CHINESE plug.

      • C'mon people, PushBack!

        Why does Xiami or this vendor not willing to at least supply an AU plug?!?

        This shows little respect, eg, for those who have children where this may be used: If its plug requires an adapter (which can come loose, & allow little fingers to touch 240 V) this is unacceptable!

        • no, its plug does NOT require an adaptor.

        • How dare Xiaomi not consider us 25M Australia's when making products for 1.35B in China

          Maybe this picture might help you

        • Why does Xiami or this vendor not willing to at least supply an AU plug?!?

          Because it's pointless fitting an AU-compliant plug onto a non-compliant product.

          Put another way - the plug is irrelevant.

      • Dohhh looked like au plug seems now I have 2 lemons in the mail ….Chinese plugs look the same but blades are different thicknesses :-(

        Not a bargain by the time I put au plugs on the boards:-( now

        • +2

          They work fine in every Aus socket in my house.

        • Chinese plugs look the same but blades are different thicknesses :-(

          And the Chinese plugs are "upside down"

          And the Chinese plugs don't have the insulated Active and Neutral pins that are mandatory for ALL products sold in Australia.

          And the Chinese plugs don't have the required distance from side to pin that prevents you from contacting a live pin on a plug that is not pushed home, or if your finger slides while withdrawing if from the socket.

          Not a bargain by the time I put au plugs on the boards:-( now

          It's kind of silly to worry about fitting a AU-compliant plug to make it somehow more "compliant" or "safer", when the device itself is not compliant nor proven safe to use.

  • Black option?

    • +1


      Edit: actually if you look this deal has the black option too

      • On this one I can choose "standard: white" "colour: black". Hopefully the second overrides the first. So I've ordered. Cheers. Will see what comes through.

  • I need like 6 ports in order to fit the whole hifi system, pc, and printers -_-

      • better to get 2x of the OP.

    • I need like 6 ports in order to fit the whole hifi system, pc, and printers -_-


      Only $4.00 each, and fully compliant with the mandatory Australian safety standards.

      • +3

        They are rubbish though. Items don't stay plugged in etc.

        • +3

          Well, at least you'd be covered by insurance when the arcing from the bad connections burns down your house..

        • +1

          They are rubbish though. Items don't stay plugged in etc.

          Don't confuse compliance and quality. What you describe is not a safety issue.

          I used that Kmart link as an example, not a recommendation

          There are a vast choice of Australia-compliant powerboards available in countless Australian stores, so it's madness to import a non-compliant one for a similar price.

  • can it be use in japan/ korea or just china?

    • it can be used in any country. it just requires a plug adapter.

    • +1

      Should be china only

    • +3

      Doesn't look like it'll take a U.K. 3 square pin plug (also HK, Singapore, Malaysia)

  • +1

    I am currently using this powerboard. No complaint and it does the job.

  • These are great. Perfect for travel. I love the slim line plug.

    the ONLY thing that would make these perfect is a quick charge port, but right now, i never leave for a trip w/o 1 or 2 in my bag.

    • +1

      Quick charge is being superceded by sub c …. So unless you will be using Qualcomm chips and micro USB don't worry about it …..Also quick charge heats the battery more and shortens battery life ….Yes I have quick charge.

  • Is the power plug really down just like the photos? Would be better if the wire goes under instead of over.

    • Chinese power plugs are like upside down Aussie ones, hence, it would over when used here.

  • It says nothing available anymore

  • +1

    I can't understand why the world can't have a single standard for electric plugs. It bothers me that I have check for adapters each time I travel abroad. Why can't manufacturers make the universal sockets by default. Makes life a lot easier.

    • +2

      It's certainly a pain. It's worth just buying one of the $35 universal adapters that work everywhere, and never need to worry about it again. I use a universal adapter + power cube (4 outlets and 2 usb) when I travel.

      • The powercube is the smallest power board, so a good idea for travel.

        Shame that no one makes a universal powercube, that will take AU, EU, US, GB plugs.

        The closest that I've seen is a US, EU or GB socket powercube that has different adapters for AU, EU, US, GB.

    • +2

      I can't understand why the world can't have a single standard for electric plugs.

      Three reasons:
      1. There are two main voltage standards, 110V and 220-240V.
      2. Countries like the UK moved from round to flat pins as they provide better contact. Not all the colonies followed.
      3. In the early days it was a form of protectionism, forcing consumers to buy locally made goods.

  • +13

    As someone who's been closely associated with someone that was disastrously affected by a fire caused by a non-certified power board, witnessing not just the devastation, but also the insurance complexities, i feel it's my duty to downvote (even tho I feel that Mi products are 99% likely to be ok)

      • +1

        What do you mean "not Australian standard" Mr insurance company? Suburbanmale says it was totally fine…

        • +2

          Yeah, and the OP said it must be fine because he hadn't read a post on OzB saying it wasn't. I'd suggest we have Australian standards for a reason and that electricity can be extremely dangerous. I would not buy this product for use in Australia.

        • @altomic:

          Kinda a moot point. If you own a defective item that meets Australian standards and your home burns down your insurance company policy will assist you.

          Non-complaint boards fall under the same category as untagged electrical work. In the event you do have any issues including fire and surge it is very unlikely you will be covered

          This doesn't mean complaint stuff is better quality. It just means you will be protected by insurance if the unthinkable was to happen.

        • @4agte:

          This doesn't mean complaint stuff is better quality. It just means you will be protected by insurance if the unthinkable was to happen.

          It also means that when there is any incident, be that a fire, shock or even "potential" risk of either, the Government Electrical Safety regulators won't be investigating you. See, the responsibility lies with the manufacturer or importer, which in this case means "you".

          For example - you import the powerboard, then some time in the future it is loaned, sold or given to somebody. While they use it, a child visits the house and plays with it and cops a zap. Or a granny gets a tingle and the fright makes them fall over and break a hip. Or whatever (insert million other unlikely scenarios here).

          There was no fires, no deaths… however the ambulance is called. The officers take a report about the incident. That incident also (by law) must be reported to the electrical safety regulators. The regulators investigate, and require information bout where the non-compliant powerboard was obtained. That leads to the importer, who is then required (by law) to provide evidence that the electrical product is safe and compliant with Australian Standards.

          Hint: paying the $20,000 or so for a Safety test from an accredited lab won't help, since the product is non-compliant in a number of ways and hence won't pass. It has to pass ALL the standards and requirements, or will be deemed "non-compliant" and hence "unsafe".
          So, the socket outlets are fail. The Chinese plug is fail. The flex is almost certainly fail. Certification and labelling is a separate issue, with separate penalties.

        • @Consumer Sheep: I'm a big fan of Xiaomi devices but there's absolutely no reason to buy this because it's just a dumb board. Why not pay the same price for a dumb board here? It's not like it has smart WiFi technology in it that you can't get for a reasonable price.

    • wow… it is your duty?! funny word.

      it is also your duty not to use anything that is not certified to australian standards

    • +1

      Is that worth a downvote though? I think it's a "decent" deal, though not sure I'd choose an AliExpress seller as my first choice for anything like this.
      I bought a few of these boards primarily to take for travel. One board, has USB ports and no fuss with my non-AU plug camera chargers. I am using one at the moment at home but I plan on "un-using" it pretty soon. Not because I don't trust it but because I'm that cynical of insurance companies.

      • Is that worth a downvote though?

        Yeah I think his explanation of insurance issues when fires are caused by non-complaint devices more than justifies their neg vote.

        though not sure I'd choose an AliExpress seller as my first choice for anything like this

        Sounds like you have your own concerns

        • Only cos the usual eBay/AliExpress possibility of fakes. I was pretty surprised to learn that some people even bother to fake Xiaomi headphones :P.
          I have a few of these boards for the travel purpose like I said. And I think it's pretty well explained yes that they aren't compliant - but that's when we're talking about using them at home, etc.

          To put it another way, would you downvote knives cos someone might do something dumb with them? That's all I'm really saying, no biggie either way.

  • Do these fit 3 prong American /Canadian plugs? I can't see a hole for the grounding prong on this.

    • +1


  • It appears that it's only rated to 220V :/

  • +1

    I have been using MI power point for more than a year. I have no issue on them.
    But just let you know that due to the new Chinese Standards (GB 2099.7-2015), the wire thickness of this power port was changed from 0.75mm2 to 1mm2.
    I doubt this one in Aliexpress is in 1 mm2.

    • im curious about the wire thickness required by australian standards. anyway, a friend is coming from China, i will ask him to bring me a couple of the new ones (1mm2 thickness)

  • -3

    Only rated 220v? Enjoy your house fire

    • +2

      It's actually rated at 100-220v. Which means it only works with negative 120v.

      • -3

        i doubt someone that makes that kind of stupid comment can understand the maths.

      • nice

    • +4


      20V difference (our 415V/240V compared to 380V/220V) is not be a problem for the solid conductors in this unit and the electronics for the USB ports are rated at 250V input

      I'm a qualified electrician and electrical engineer BTW

      • Engineer hey? Can you help me figure out what non-grounding means in the specification?

        • +1

          It's not a term we use here in relation to a product like this but I suspect that they are trying to say that no live conductor can come into contact with a non-insulated part of the enclosure. It's a plastic case and there is no chance of getting a shock off it, but it could be Chinglish gobbledy gook

  • +1

    Not worth the small risk

  • +3

    I don't know why AliExp show the different specifications. Here are the info from (

    NAME -小米插线板(含3口USB 2A快充)转换器
    WEIGHT-300g(incl. cable)
    USB INPUT-100-240V~, 50/60Hz,0.5A
    TEMP- -10℃~+40℃

  • +1

    These look good so I've ordered a couple

    I will probably change the plugs to ones with insulated pins - a couple of bucks each from Bunnings

  • +1

    and 10% alibonus cashback

    How do you get this?

    • +1

      sign up to alibonus site
      install chrome extension.
      make sure alibonus is activated on the aliexpress page (there is a banner at the top of the page)
      buy your stuff.
      10% rate will then be shown on alibonus as "pending"
      wait for stuff to be delivered.
      stuff gets delivered and you're happy with it.
      confirm delivery with aliexpress.
      alibonus will then show cash amount as "confirmed"
      you can then withdraw to your paypal account (takes 24 hours)

      though I note that some people have said there is a minimum level of 7% cash back. somehow I ended up with the rate of 10%. maybe it is because of the volume of orders i have made?

  • +1

    I have one, looks awesome, but
    - really hard to plug any plug (AU or EU)
    - USB makes noise when in use and you can feel the heat as well

    So won't recommend, but it is convenience that keeps me from throwing it away and I can't find similar.

    MSY has 2 plugs + 5 usb (…), but I would rather have 4-5 plugs + 3 usb..

  • Do these USB ports actually charge things… the amount of things I haven't got any charge out of from reputable local sellers…

    • Mine work perfectly. I have 4 of these now and the USB performs as expected.

  • Still awaiting delivery. Has anyone received theirs yet?

    • 4-6 weeks delivery is totally normal

      • thanks for the response. I have received an email so I can "confirm delivery received".
        (But haven't received anything).
        the LOG is ridiculous. So am about to raise a dispute.

        Destination Country
        2017-02-19 23:46:00 Processed through facility
        2017-02-15 21:47:00 Received by overseas carrier

        Original Country
        2017-03-15 14:37:00 【GuangDongShengGuangZhouShi 51063000 】Delivery
        2017-03-15 14:31:40 【GuangDongShengGuangZhouShi 51063000 】Delivery arranged
        2017-02-19 04:24:00 【GuangDongShengGuangZhouShi GUANGZHOU 】Despatch from Sorting Center
        2017-02-15 21:47:00 【 51010100 】Posting

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