sup ya'll


been looking around for info re: bargain posting guidelines. Found some in the wiki, but nothing on what should be considered a deal to be posted or shld belong in the forums.

Apologies if i didnt look hard enough, but pls point me in the right direction ;)

Also, how do i search the forums?



  • If you haven't already check out -ā€¦

    The search feature at the top right works on both bargain and forums.

    • yep, checked that out alrdy.

      I guess I'm still unsure about a particular issue in what ppl mean that a deal isnt bargain postworthy & belongs in the forum since its an "everyday price"? Referring to Virgin's 16GB iFone4 plan(, the deal in question is not bad & the cheapest option out there. Yet if moved to the forums, most ppl would miss it. Yes, it might not be a short term deal, but is that meant to be the point?

  • If you think it's a bargain, just post it..

    If deemed appropriate it may be removed… as long as it's not spam or advertising. The worst that can happen is you get some negs.

  • i'd encourage you to snoop around and comment for a while before posting, but doesn't really matter. a deal is a deal

    Imho, if its borderline, post it in the forums, if you get some good feedback, then go for gold. :)

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