Qantas Business Rewards, previously Aquire is now free for small businesses to sign up. You'll need an ABN and is signed up for GST. Valid till end of Feb.
Qantas Business Rewards (Aka Aquire) Free Signup (till 28th Feb)

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It's called Qantas Business rewards, not ATO Business Rewards, so surely Qantas get to set the rules?!?
;-)not ATO Business Rewards
The Prime Minister's office also has a "secret" Business Rewards for mega-big business.
A few of the benefits:
1. Access to any members of the cabinet and opposition members, 24-hours-a-day.
2. Minimum or no taxes requiredIt's called Qantas Business rewards
If you have an ABN, then it's a business. Businesses are not required to register for GST, and they are still businesses…
So better name the program as "Qantas Business with GST registered rewards"?
the description says :
is now free for small businesses to sign up.
When clearly there are a vast number of small businesses that are not required to register for GST that are excluded by Qantas…
So better name the program as "Qantas Business with GST registered rewards"?
Or maybe JV would be happier if they went the full monty and called it "Qantas business rewards for business that meet the following.. TERMS & CONDITIONS
We have updated our terms to reflect that the name of the program has changed from Aquire to Qantas Business Rewards and that Members now earn Qantas Points.You can also view our Qantas Business Rewards Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this page.
Qantas Business Rewards Program Terms and Conditions
Effective 01 Feb 2017Introduction
Crediting Qantas Points
Terms and Conditions
Validity of Qantas Points and Membership Account
Changes to Qantas Business Rewards
Transferring Qantas Points to Qantas Frequent Flyer members
Termination or suspension of Qantas Business Rewards
Activity Statements
Benefit Claims
Use of the Card
Taxation Implications
Member obligations and responsibilities
Personal Information
Suspension or termination of Membership
Reward Schemes and Benefits
1.1 These Terms and Conditions govern Qantas Business Rewards, formerly known as the Aquire Loyalty Program. It is the Member's responsibility to read and understand them. When earning and using the Qantas Business Rewards Benefits, Members will be responsible for ensuring their Account Managers, Account Users and Benefit Earners comply with these Terms and Conditions.
1.2 These Terms and Conditions are effective as at the date specified above and may be amended by Qantas from time to time. The current Terms and Conditions are those available on this page at
1.3 Qantas Business Rewards Benefits are provided on the terms and conditions specified by Program Partners who each operate a Reward Scheme. These Terms and Conditions operate in conjunction with the relevant Reward Scheme terms and conditions and the Qantas Frequent Flyer Program terms and conditions.
- Definitions
2.1 In these Terms and Conditions unless the context otherwise requires:
ABN means an Australian Business Number being an identifying number of an entity registered on the ‘Australian Business Register';
ABN Holder means any entity or sole trader, each entitled by law to hold an ABN;
Account Manager means, with respect to a Member, the individual who represents that Member on registration of membership and on all matters relating to the Member's Membership Account to whom all notices are given by or on behalf of Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty;
Account User means any individual (including the Account Manager) who is authorised by the Member or the Account Manager to have access to the Membership Account;
Active Member at a point in time, means a Member who has earned or converted Qantas Points on their Membership Account within the previous consecutive 18 whole month period from that point in time;
Airline Reward Scheme means the Reward Scheme of airline benefits made available by Qantas as part of Qantas Business Rewards;
Anniversary Month means each anniversary of the month during which a Member joined Qantas Business Rewards;
Approved Payment Card means the credit, debit or charge card provided for the purposes of paying Membership fees.
Aquire Loyalty Program means the previous name of Qantas Business Rewards.
Aquire Points means Aquire Loyalty Program points awarded to Members pursuant to these Terms and Conditions up to and including 31 January 2017;
Benefit Claim means a claim by a Member that the Member has not received a Qantas Business Rewards Benefit to which that Member is entitled;
Card means the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Membership card or its electronic equivalent (if any);
Claim means any action, legal claim, demand, suit, judgment or proceedings of any nature or kind whatsoever;
Benefit Earner means (except as may otherwise be defined in the applicable Reward Scheme terms and conditions) an owner, director, officer, employee, contractor, consultant, partner or principal of the Member who may earn Qantas Business Rewards Benefits for the Member under these Terms and Conditions or the relevant Reward Scheme;
Eligible Products means the goods and services in relation to which Qantas Business Rewards Benefits are offered to Members from time to time by a Program Partner under its Reward Scheme;
Group means a group of related bodies corporate as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);
GST means any goods and services tax, value added tax or sales tax imposed on the sale or supply of goods, services and rights including but not limited to a tax imposed by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) and the related imposition Acts of the Commonwealth;
Intellectual Property Rights or IPR means all intellectual property rights and related rights, including patents, copyright, rights in circuit layouts, registered designs, trademarks and the right to have confidential information kept confidential and any application or right to apply for registration of any of those rights;
Loss means all liabilities, losses, damages and costs and expenses suffered or incurred in connection with a Claim including, without limitation, consequential or economic loss or loss of profits;
Marketing Material means any advertising, promotional, marketing or consumer material or content prepared by or on behalf of Qantas or any Program Partner which:
is intended for distribution through any Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty advertising, marketing or sales channel; or
in any way refers or relates to either or both of the Programs or Qantas Points;
Member means an ABN Holder having a postal mailing address in Australia who is registered with Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty as a member of Qantas Business Rewards and Membership has a corresponding meaning;Membership Account means in relation to each Member the membership account maintained by or on behalf of Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty in which all membership details are held and which records Qantas Business Rewards Benefits;
Membership Year:
for the first year, commences on the day of joining Qantas Business Rewards and concludes on the last day of the Member's Anniversary Month the following year; and
subject to Membership renewal, for each successive year commences on the first day of the month following a Member's Anniversary Month and concludes on the last day of the Member's Anniversary Month in each relevant following year,
unless otherwise determined under clause 5.5;Personal Information has the meaning given to that term in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as that meaning may be amended from time to time;
Program Partner means an entity that offers Qantas Business Rewards Benefits to Members under its Reward Scheme and includes Qantas in relation to the Airline Reward Scheme;
Qantas means Qantas Airways Limited ABN 16 009 661 901;
Qantas Business Rewards Benefit means a benefit under Qantas Business Rewards and includes Qantas Points, discounts and rebates offered to Members by a Program Partner under its Reward Scheme and any Qantas Business Rewards special offers made by Qantas or other Program Partners from time to time;
Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty means Qantas or its nominated service provider who administers Qantas Business Rewards;
Qantas Business Rewards means the loyalty program described on the website (also accessible by and known as Qantas Business Rewards, or any replacement program;
Qantas Business Rewards Service Centre means the service centre whose details are available at operated by or on behalf of a Qantas Group Company to provide customer service and handle administrative issues of Members;
Qantas Group means Qantas and its related bodies corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) and Qantas Group Company means a company in the Qantas Group;
Qantas Points means points earned in Qantas Business Rewards earned by a Member unless otherwise expressly stated. Qantas Points or Points in these Terms and Conditions do not refer to Qantas Points earned by a QFF Member unless otherwise expressly stated;
Qantas Points Recipients means one or more QFF Members nominated by a Member of Qantas Business Rewards to receive Qantas Points resulting from a transfer of Qantas Points from its Qantas Business Rewards Membership Account to the individual QFF Program account/s;
QFF Member means a natural person who is registered as a Member of the QFF Program;
QFF Program means the loyalty program operated by or on behalf of Qantas known as the Qantas Frequent Flyer program, or any replacement program;
Reward Scheme means a reward scheme to be operated by or on behalf of a Program Partner under which Members will be entitled to receive Qantas Business Rewards Benefits; and
Terms and Conditions means these Qantas Business Rewards Terms and Conditions.
2.2 In these Terms and Conditions, unless the contrary intention appears:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
a reference to ‘include' or ‘including' means ‘including but not limited to'; and
references to any statute or statutory provision includes any re-enactment or replacement thereof and will include any regulations or other subordinate legislation made under the relevant statute.
3. Changes to Qantas Business Rewards3.1 Subject to clause 3.2 Qantas Business Rewards reserves the right to make any changes (whether material or otherwise) to Qantas Business Rewards, the Terms and Conditions and the Qantas Business Rewards Benefits offered including changes to:
the ways in which Qantas Business Rewards Benefits are earned;
Qantas Business Rewards Benefits, including their continued availability;
Membership requirements, including entry criteria and any fees;
the expiry of Membership and accrued Qantas Points;
the way in which the Qantas Business Rewards is administered;
the Program Partners or their Reward Schemes and the Eligible Products on which Qantas Business Rewards Benefits may be earned; and
any Qantas Group Company role or activities under Qantas Business Rewards
3.2 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty will inform Members of material changes to these Terms and Conditions and, where such changes will limit Qantas Business Rewards Benefits, when practicable, will give Members at least 30 days' notice by updating these Terms and Conditions and related information on applicable fees will be posted on
- Termination or suspension of Qantas Business Rewards
4.1 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty gives no undertaking as to the continuing availability of Qantas Business Rewards. Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty may terminate or suspend Qantas Business Rewards at any time. Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty will give at least 60 days' notice to Members of such termination or suspension, except if Qantas ceases to operate an airline business, the QFF Program ceases, or for other reasons outside Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty's control, in which case Qantas Business Rewards will cease immediately.
4.2 If Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty terminates or suspends Qantas Business Rewards (other than under the exception in clause 4.1), Members will be able to redeem or transfer Qantas Points during the notice period referred to in clause 4.1.
- Membership
5.1 Membership of Qantas Business Rewards is open only to ABN Holders having a postal mailing address in Australia and who pay all fees (if any) due in any Membership Year. Members who cease meeting these requirements will forfeit their Membership entitlement and all Qantas Business Rewards Benefits will expire.
5.2 ABN Holders wishing to become Members must apply for Membership and pay any applicable Membership or other fees.
5.3 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty has the right to accept or reject any application for Membership in its sole discretion.
5.4 By applying for Membership, using the Membership Account or earning or using Qantas Business Rewards Benefits, the applicant agrees that upon acceptance of the application by Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, the applicant will become a Member and will be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
5.5 Each Member can have only one Membership Account. If more than one Membership Account has been assigned to a Member in error, the Member must promptly inform Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty and Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty may cancel the excess Membership(s). Membership is not transferable.
5.6 If two or more Members are part of a Group, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty may take reasonable steps to align the Membership Year of those Members including by shortening or lengthening the relevant period for one or more of those Members.
5.7 Each Member will have online access at by registering their username, password and other security information with Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty on the Qantas Business Rewards home page at and may permit its nominated Account Manager and Account Users to access the Membership Account. Each Account Manager and other Account Users must supply all required security information when accessing the Membership Account. It is the responsibility of Members to ensure all their Account Managers and Account Users keep their username, password and other security information secure.
5.8 Members may, at any time, cancel their Membership by calling the Qantas Business Rewards Service Centre. Upon receipt of a cancellation request, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty will cancel the relevant Membership and all accumulated Qantas Business Rewards Benefits in that Member's Membership Account will immediately expire. Accordingly, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty recommends that Members carefully consider any plans to cancel their Membership to avoid unintentional loss of accumulated Qantas Business Rewards Benefits.
- Use of the Card
6.1 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty may issue a Card to Members and may also issue Cards to the Member's authorised Benefit Earners.
6.2 The Card is and will remain the property of Qantas and must be returned or destroyed on demand. It is not a card for payment, check-in or lounge access.
6.3 The Card is valid for use only by the Member or their authorised Benefit Earner, if applicable, to whom it was issued and is not transferable in any circumstances.
6.4 If a Card has been issued, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty or the relevant Program Partner may require the Member or Benefit Earner to produce their Card in order to earn Qantas Business Rewards Benefits through a Reward Scheme or while making a Benefit Claim.
6.5 In the event of loss, theft or unauthorised use of a Card, it is the responsibility of the relevant Member to advise Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty as soon as possible.
- Member obligations and responsibilities
7.1 Members must, and must ensure all their Account Managers, Account Users and Benefit Earners:
comply with these Terms and Conditions; and
do not abuse or misuse any Qantas Business Rewards Benefits, services or arrangements accorded to the Member as a result of Membership, including by:
engaging in illegal or fraudulent activities;
supplying or attempting to supply false or misleading information, or making a misrepresentation to Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, the Qantas Group or any Program Partner;
selling, assigning or transferring, or offering to sell, assign or transfer any Qantas Business Rewards Benefit other than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions ; or
acting in a hostile, abusive or aggressive way towards Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty or representatives of Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty or any Program Partner.
creating multiple Membership Accounts that each receive Qantas Business Rewards Benefits
7.2 A Member who is an association, council, federation, union, or other representative body or club may join Qantas Business Rewards but can only earn Qantas Business Rewards Benefits in relation to the owner, director, officer, employee, contractor, consultant, partner or principal of the Member (and not those of its members, constituents or other participants).7.3 Each Member is responsible for regularly checking its Membership Account and keeping its Membership details up to date and must notify Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty of any changes, omissions or incorrect details upon the Member or Account Manager becoming aware of them. Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty is not responsible for any failure by a Member to notify Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty of any such changes, omissions or incorrect details, or for any incorrect information notified to Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty.
7.4 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions gives rise to any transfer of Intellectual Property Rights and Members must not use, or cause to be used, the IPR of Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, the Qantas Group or a Program Partner without the express permission of Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, the Qantas Group or the relevant Program Partner.
- Suspension or termination of Membership
8.1 If a Member ceases to be an ABN Holder, has breached any of these Terms and Conditions or any Reward Scheme's terms and conditions, or has failed to pay any money due under Qantas Business Rewards (including Membership Fees) by the due date, whether intentionally or otherwise, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty or Qantas may do any one or more of the following:
suspend the operation of the Member's Membership Account;
suspend the right of the Member to use the Card and/or the right to earn or receive Qantas Business Rewards Benefits;
suspend the right to transfer Qantas Points to individuals in the Qantas Frequent Flyer program; cancel the Member's Qantas Points or any part thereof;
cancel or refuse to honour any discount or rebate that has been offered or awarded to the Member;
cancel any Qantas Points that have been transferred to an individual in the Qantas Frequent Flyer program; or terminate the Membership.
8.2 If Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty intends to take action under clause 8.1, it will notify the Member of its intention and the reason for that action.8.3 Unless otherwise required by applicable laws, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty and Qantas will not be liable for any Loss whatsoever suffered by any person as a result of any action under clauses 8.1 or 8.2.
- Reward Schemes and Benefits
9.1 Qantas Business Rewards Benefits are offered under the applicable Reward Scheme's terms and conditions. A Program Partner may limit the Qantas Business Rewards Benefits offered. For example, Qantas Business Rewards Benefits may not be available in relation to activity that does not have a business purpose.
9.2 It is the responsibility of each Member to ensure that it has read the terms and conditions of each Reward Scheme and is aware of the current formula under each Reward Scheme by which the Qantas Business Rewards Benefits to which a Member may be entitled will be calculated and how and when Qantas Business Rewards Benefits will accrue and may be used.
9.3 All goods and services supplied by a Program Partner are supplied on the terms specified by the Program Partner. Without limiting the foregoing, all travel undertaken by a Benefit Earner or Qantas Points Recipient is subject to the applicable carrier's conditions of carriage.
- Crediting Qantas Points
10.1 As at 1 February 2017 (Effective Date), all Aquire Points held in Membership Accounts are automatically converted to Qantas Points at a rate of 1:1 and subject to these Terms and Conditions.
10.2 Subject to clause 10.3, after a Member has earned Qantas Points under a Reward Scheme, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty will credit the relevant number of Qantas Points to a Member's Membership Account in accordance with information received from the relevant Program Partner. Members are responsible for checking that the correct number of Qantas Points have been credited to their Membership Account.
10.3 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty reserves the right to reverse or cancel any Qantas Points credited to a Member incorrectly or not credited in accordance with, or credited in breach of, these Terms and Conditions or the terms and conditions of the relevant Reward Scheme.
10.4 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty may, pursuant to the terms and conditions of a relevant Reward Scheme from time to time:
introduce or vary a cap on the number of Qantas Points that can be earned in connection with the relevant Reward Scheme by a Member; or
make an offer of bonus Qantas Points to Members on terms determined from time to time by Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty.
10.5 Unless otherwise specified in the terms and conditions of a relevant Reward Scheme Qantas Points will not be earned in relation to any Eligible Products that are cancelled, refunded or returned. Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty may cancel or deduct any Qantas Points that have been credited to a Member's Membership Account in relation to cancelled, refunded or returned products or services.- Validity of Qantas Points and Membership Account
11.1 Except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, Qantas Points in a Membership Account will not expire as long as the Member remains an Active Member.
11.2 All Qantas Points in a Membership Account of a non-Active Member will expire at midnight Sydney, Australia time at the end of the 18th consecutive month for which the Member has not earned Qantas Points in Qantas Business Rewards or transferred Qantas Points from a Membership Account to a QFF Member's membership account. Qantas Points are deemed to be earned on the date of an Eligible Flight, or in the case of other Program Partners, on the activity date as advised by the Program Partner.
11.3 Qantas Points cannot be re-credited once they have expired.
11.4 Once expired or terminated a Membership Account cannot be reinstated and any Qantas Business Rewards Benefits held in that Membership Account cannot be reinstated or be the subject of a Benefit Claim. However, a new application for Membership may be made.
- Transferring Qantas Points to Qantas Frequent Flyer members
12.1 Each Member is responsible for ensuring that it has sufficient Qantas Points to transfer in accordance with this clause 12 before it seeks to do so.
12.2 Subject to clause 12.3, Members can request transfer of their accumulated Qantas Points to individual Qantas Frequent Flyer members. The request may be made either online or by calling the Qantas Business Rewards Service Centre and nominating the Qantas Points Recipient.
12.3 A Member must request in each transfer that a minimum 3000 (three thousand) Qantas Points is transferred, or such other minimum amount as Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty may stipulate from time to time.
12.4 Each individual nominated as a Qantas Points Recipient must be a member of the QFF Program.
12.5 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty reserves the right to introduce a cap on the number of Qantas Points which can be transferred by a Member in any one transaction, and on the number of Qantas Points which can be transferred by a Member in any Membership Year.
- Activity Statements
13.1 Members and their Account Managers may access their Membership Account at An activity statement can be downloaded or printed but no paper statements will otherwise be provided.
- Benefit Claims
14.1 Benefit Claims are to be submitted to the relevant Program Partner. Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty and each Program Partner reserves the right to require proof of the transaction from the Member, including copies of receipts or similar documentation to substantiate the Benefit Claim.
14.2 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty will not be obliged to credit Qantas Points to a Member if the relevant Benefit Claim is received by the relevant Program Partner later than 90 days after the date of the relevant transaction to which the Benefit Claim relates.
14.3 Benefit Claims for the crediting of Qantas Points cannot be made if the Membership is not current or if the Membership Account was not current at the time the relevant transaction or activity to which the Benefit Claim relates was undertaken.
- Taxation Implications
15.1 Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty recommends that Members and their nominated Qantas Points Recipients consult their accountant or tax adviser to ensure that they understand possible tax implications, for example fringe benefits tax (if applicable), for which they may be liable in relation to their Membership of Qantas Business Rewards and their earning and use of Qantas Points or other Qantas Business Rewards Benefits.
15.2 Members should consult their tax adviser with any queries regarding their eligibility to reclaim Australian GST. With respect to any Membership fees, tax invoices will be electronically generated and are accessible through the Membership Account.
- Personal information
16.1 It is a condition of Membership of the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program that a Member consents and authorises Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty to collect, use, store and disclose, for the purposes described in clause 16.2, the information it provides on its application form and other information that Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, any Program Partner and any other Qantas Group company collects in relation to the Member's participation in Qantas Business Rewards, including information about the Member's business, its Account Users, Benefit Earners and nominated Qantas Points Recipients.
16.2 The purposes referred to in clause 16.1 are for each of Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, the applicable Program Partner and any Qantas Group company to:
operate and manage Qantas Business Rewards and Partner Reward Schemes, including making goods and services and Qantas Business Rewards Benefits available to Members;
facilitate the transfer of Qantas Points earned in Qantas Business Rewards to nominated Qantas Points Recipients;
improve Member service, including by means of research, marketing, product development and planning;
market its products or services or the products or services of third parties;
facilitate any third party providing goods and services to the Member, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, any Program Partner, and any of their respective Group companies in connection with Qantas Business Rewards; and
as otherwise provided in the Qantas Privacy Statement
16.3 In addition to the purposes described in clause 16.2, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, any Program Partner or any other Qantas Group company may disclose the personal information to comply with its legal obligations, including to law enforcement agencies, courts and government or regulatory bodies. Under those circumstances or where otherwise required by law, the information may be shared with others with or without that Member's knowledge or consent.16.4 The Member must ensure that each of its Account Users, Benefit Earners and nominated Qantas Points Recipients consents to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of their personal information for the purposes described in this clause 16.
16.5 The information referred to in clause 16.1 may be transferred to our service providers located overseas for the purposes described in this clause 16. The countries in which these third parties are located include the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, New Zealand and the Philippines.
16.6 If all or any part of requested information is not provided, the services under Qantas Business Rewards may be affected or may not be able to be provided.
16.7 On request and to the extent permitted or required by law, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty will provide an individual access to and the ability to correct the personal information held about them by Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty.
16.8 This clause 16 survives the termination of these Terms and Conditions and the termination or suspension of Qantas Business Rewards.
- Liability
17.1 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects any rights a Member may have and which by law cannot be excluded, including under the Consumer and Competition Act 2010 (Cth) (the Act) and under State and Territory consumer protection legislation. For example, for consumers, services come with non-excludable warranties under the Australian Consumer Law (as set out in Schedule 2 of the Act) that they will be provided with due care and skill and be reasonably fit for their purpose.
17.2 Subject to clause 17.1, the Qantas Group and any of the officers, employees, agents and contractors of Qantas Group Companies are not liable for any Loss of any kind, arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, including any changes to the Terms and Conditions or Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty, except to the extent that such loss or claim arises from the negligence or wilful misconduct of a Qantas Group Company, or any of their officers, employees, agents or contractors.
- General
18.1 The Terms and Conditions and Membership in Qantas Business Rewards are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia irrespective of where the application for Membership in Qantas Business Rewards has been completed by the Member or submitted to Qantas.
18.2 In any action or other legal process with respect to any matter or thing in connection with these Terms and Conditions and/or Membership in Qantas Business Rewards each Member submits to the non- exclusive jurisdiction of the State of New South Wales.
18.3 If part or all of any clause of these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable then it will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure that it is not illegal, invalid or unenforceable, but if that is not possible, it will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect.
© Qantas Airways Limited, ABN 16 009 661 901
We have updated our terms to reflect that Members will now earn Qantas Points for their business. The previous threshold requiring Members to earn a minimum of 20,000 points by 2 flyers each membership year on Eligible Flights in order to earn Aquire Points with Qantas has now been removed and Members will now earn Qantas Points for their business on eligible Qantas flights with no minimum threshold.
Qantas Business Rewards Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions
Effective 01 Feb 2017
Earning Qantas Points for Air Travel
Crediting Qantas Points
Application of the Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions
Member Savings
Changes to the Airline Reward Scheme
Suspension or termination of a Member or Qantas Points
Termination or suspension of the Airline Reward Scheme
Taxation Implications
Airline Benefits
1.1 These Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions:
apply to and govern the contractual relationship between Qantas and each Member with respect to the Airline Reward Scheme made available by Qantas as a participant in the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program and it is the Member's responsibility to read and understand them;
are effective as at the date specified above and may be amended by Qantas from time to time (and the current version is available here); and
operate in conjunction with the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions and in the event of any inconsistency or conflict the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions prevail.
2. Definitions2.1 In these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions unless the context otherwise requires:
terms used in the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions and the QFF Program Terms have the same meaning in these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions; and
the following terms have these meanings:
Airline Benefits means Member Savings , the ability to earn Qantas Points on Eligible Flights under these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions, and any other benefits from time to time, the terms and conditions of which are as specified on this page at;Airline Earn Table means the table entitled Airline Earn Table which is located at, as amended by Qantas from time to time;
Eligible Flight in relation to the earning of Qantas Points means, subject to these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions, a regular scheduled flight operated by Qantas, Emirates or American Airlines with a Qantas ‘QF' flight number shown on the ticket that was purchased in Australia and ticketed on a Qantas ticket (ie where the ticket number for the Itinerary commences with the numerals ‘081') and excludes:
Classic Flight Reward (as defined in the QFF Program Terms) ;
flights where an airline's flight number other than Qantas ‘QF' is entered on the ticket or the ticket number does not commence with the numerals "081";
codeshare flights operated by an airline other than Qantas, Emirates or American Airlines, even when the ‘QF' flight number is shown on the ticket;
flights operated by a Jetstar airline;
charter flights;
freighter flights carrying any passengers;
promotional, "contra" and free of charge flights;
travel industry or airline staff discounted or rebated flights;
competition prize tickets and tickets purchased at auction;
discounted private fares or rebated fares under a corporate airfares agreement or travel agent agreement;
flights where travellers are booked as a group in ‘G' class;
flights which are not eligible to earn Qantas Points;
child and infant fares;
flights for which the booking indicates a child or infant passenger;
flights taken before the commencement of Qantas Business Rewards; and
flights taken before the relevant Member joined Qantas Business Rewards;
Fare Conditions, in relation to Member Savings, means the fare conditions, exclusions, restrictions and change fees that apply to the Member Savings. The applicable Fare Conditions are available at the time of sale;Group means a group of related bodies corporate as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);
Group Member means a Member that is part of a Group;
Itinerary means the detailed record of a journey or intended journey for which a booking is held in the Qantas reservation system;
Member Savings or Qantas Business Rewards Member Savings means special discounted fares offered by Qantas from time to time on selected flights as specified on the Qantas Business Rewards website at , subject to the terms and conditions set out in clause 9. Unless otherwise specified in the offer, the specified discount is applied to the publicly available base fare, which excludes taxes, fees and carrier charges;
Qantas Business Rewards Flyer means a QFF Program member who is an owner, director, officer, employee, contractor, consultant, partner or principal of the Member and is a Benefit Earner;
Qantas Points means the loyalty program points earned by a Member in Qantas Business Rewards, unless otherwise expressly stated;
QFF Program Terms means the terms and conditions of the Qantas Frequent Flyer Program issued by or on behalf of Qantas, as amended by Qantas from time to time
2.2 In these Airline Reward Terms and Conditions, unless the contrary intention appears:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa; and
a reference to ‘include' or ‘including' means ‘including but not limited to'.
3. Application of Airline Reward Scheme Terms and ConditionsBy using or claiming any Airline Benefit, a Member agrees to be bound by these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions in addition to the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions.
- Changes to Airline Reward Scheme
4.1 Subject to clause 4.2 Qantas reserves the right to make any changes (whether material or otherwise) to the Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions and the Airline Benefits including changes to:
the ways in which Qantas Points are earned;
Qantas Point earning rates and the Airline Earn Table;
Eligible Flights; and
restrictions, conditions relating to, and eligibility for, Airline Benefits.
4.2 Qantas will inform Members of material changes to these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions by updating these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and conditions and related information on . If such changes will reduce the number of Qantas Points offered to Members under the Airline Reward Scheme, when practicable Qantas will do so at least 30 days before the change takes effect.- Termination or suspension of the Airline Reward Scheme
5.1 Qantas gives no undertaking as to the continuing availability of the Airline Reward Scheme or any Airline Benefit. Qantas may terminate or suspend the Airline Reward Scheme at any time. Qantas will give at least 60 days' notice to Members of such termination or suspension, except if the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program ceases to operate, in which case the Airline Reward Scheme will cease immediately.
5.2 If Qantas terminates or suspends the Airline Reward Scheme, subject to the Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions Members will be able to transfer Qantas Points during the notice period, except where Qantas is ceasing to operate an airline business and/or has gone into liquidation, receivership or other form of administration, in which case Qantas Points may be cancelled without notice.
- Airline Benefits
6.1 Members are not entitled to claim Airline Benefits, including Qantas Points or purchase Member Savings under the Airline Reward Scheme for:
leisure or holiday travel;
travel by family members or other travel companions of Qantas Business Rewards Flyers; or
other travel that does not have a business purpose relating to trade or commerce or the supply of goods or services. (For example, trusts that do not have a business purpose relating to trade or commerce or the supply of goods or services are not eligible for Airline Benefits.)
6.2 Unless otherwise determined by Qantas, and without limiting any other provision of these Airline Reward Scheme Terms and Conditions, Members are not eligible for Airline Benefits if they:have their principal place of business outside of Australia;
have a corporate or other private airfares agreement, discount or rebate provided by Qantas including through a third party arrangement, unless agreed by Qantas;
are travel agents, travel wholesalers or travel consolidators;
are other sellers or re-sellers of air travel; or
are not registered for GST or are not incorporated entities (except for those Members who joined before 01 Feb 2017).
6.3 Members must provide Qantas on request with documented verification of their eligibility, or eligibility of their Qantas Business Rewards Flyers, for Airline Benefits.- Earning Qantas Points for Air Travel
7.1 Subject to the exclusions, limitations and other conditions specified in this clause 7, clause 8 and the Airline Earn Table, Members earn Qantas Points, at the applicable rate specified in the Airline Earn Table or in any special offer, for air travel booked and paid for by the Member and travelled by their Qantas Business Rewards Flyers for the Member's business purposes. No Qantas Points will be earned if the travel to which the booking relates is not undertaken.
7.2 Under the Airline Reward Scheme, no Member or Group (regardless of the number of Group Members) is entitled to earn more than the maximum number of Qantas Points specified in the Airline Earn Table in any Membership Year. If a Group has been credited with more than that number in any Group Member's Membership Year, Qantas Business Rewards Loyalty reserves the right to cancel the excess Qantas Points and distribute the remaining Qantas Points in proportion to the rate they were accumulated by each Group Member over the relevant Membership Year.
7.3 Qantas Points earned in Qantas Business Rewards are credited to a Member in addition to any Qantas Points that are earned by and credited to the Qantas Business Rewards Flyer as an individual member of the QFF Program.
7.4 To earn Qantas Points in relation to an Eligible Flight, the Member's ABN and the Qantas Business Rewards Flyer's QFF Program membership number must be provided at the time of booking and the member must comply with any other booking requirements or procedure advised by Qantas or the travel agent.
7.5 Only one Membership Account will be credited with Qantas Points for all Qantas Business Rewards Flyers who travel on Eligible Flights under the same booking.
7.6 It is the responsibility of the Member to check whether a proposed flight is eligible to earn Qantas Points in Qantas Business Rewards, and if so how many Qantas Points will be earned, before a booking is made.
7.7 If a Qantas Business Rewards Flyer is involuntarily re-routed, eligibility to earn Qantas Points for the flight under the Airline Reward Scheme is determined by the Itinerary originally booked and not the new Itinerary, meaning if the original flight on which the Qantas Business Rewards Flyer was booked would have qualified for Qantas Points, a Member may still claim Qantas Points.
7.8 If a Qantas Business Rewards Flyer's booking is changed voluntarily by the Qantas Business Rewards Flyer, and the change requires reissuing of the ticket, eligibility to earn Qantas Points for the flight under the Airline Reward Scheme is determined by the new Itinerary and not the cancelled Itinerary.
7.9 Qantas Points earned in the Airline Reward Scheme will be calculated based on the class of ticket originally purchased and will not reflect any upgrades made whether on the payment of cash or by the use of Qantas Points or otherwise.
7.10 Qantas reserves the right to deny or revoke Qantas Points at any time if Qantas determines that Qantas Points were improperly obtained or erroneously credited to a Member's Membership Account.
7.11 The maximum number of Qantas Points that can be earned on Eligible Flights per Member, per Membership Year is specified in the Airline Earn Table.
7.12 Qantas may offer additional air travel related opportunities to earn Qantas Points under a special promotion from time to time, in which case the terms and conditions referred to in the promotion will apply.
- Crediting Qantas Points
8.1 Qantas will endeavour to credit the applicable number of Qantas Points to the Membership Account within 30 days after the Eligible Flight. It is the responsibility of the Member to check that the correct number of Qantas Points has accumulated in the Membership Account after the Eligible Flight.
8.2 Claims for the crediting of Qantas Points retrospectively must be made by the Member within 90 days after the Eligible Flight.
- Member Savings
9.1 Member Savings must be paid for by the Member and are offered only to Members for their Qantas Business Rewards Flyers who are travelling for the Member's business purposes. It is the Member's responsibility to ensure access to Member Savings through their Qantas Business Rewards membership is limited to such use.
9.2 The process for accessing Member Savings may vary and will be specified in the relevant offer on the Qantas Business Rewards website at Offers may be specified as time-limited or otherwise may be withdrawn at any time without notice.
9.3 Unless otherwise specified by Qantas:
Qantas Points for the Qantas Business Rewards Member will accrue at the applicable rates (if any) for travel on Member Savings;
Member Savings discounts do not apply to any other offer including Qantas Frequent Flyer Reward Flights, group, industry, corporate or other discounted or rebated fares; and
Member Savings are excluded from all other Qantas discount, rebate and bonus point offers.
9.4 Availability of Member Savings is limited. They do not apply to all booking classes, flights or days, even within a specified offer period, unless otherwise specified.9.5 The conditions, limitations and exclusions stated in the applicable Member Savings offer and the Fare Conditions apply in addition to these terms and conditions. Advance purchase requirements apply to Member Savings unless otherwise specified.
9.6 Even if a booking has been completed on the Qantas website or through a travel agent, Member Savings will not apply unless the applicable Member's ABN and the Qantas Business Rewards Flyer's Qantas Frequent Flyer Number have both been entered into the booking and all other requirements of these terms and conditions and the specific offer have been met.
9.7 Qantas reserves the right to recover, from any person who attempts to benefit from Member Savings when ineligible, the difference between the fare paid and the publicly available fare in the next higher available booking class.
9.8 If your Member Savings are included in an itinerary with other fare types the same Fare Conditions may not apply to the whole booking. Usually, the most restrictive fare conditions will apply.
9.9 In addition to any amounts payable under the applicable Fare Conditions, fees apply for travel agents, consultant assisted bookings and changes made through Qantas Telephone Sales, at the airport or any Qantas office.
- Suspension or termination of a Member or Qantas Points
10.1 Qantas reserves the right to terminate a Member's participation in the Airline Reward Scheme or withhold or cancel Qantas Points if a Member or any of the Member's Qantas Business Rewards Flyers has attempted to claim Qantas Points or purchase Member Savings to which they were not entitled or attempted to redeem or transfer Qantas Points when they were not entitled to do so.
10.2 Qantas will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered by any person as a result of such withholding or cancellation and the Member is responsible for ensuring that its nominated Qantas Points Recipients are notified of this.
- Taxation Implications
11.1 Qantas recommends that Members and their nominated Qantas Points Recipients consult their accountant or tax adviser to ensure that they understand possible tax implications for example fringe benefits tax (if applicable), for which they may be liable in relation to their earning and use of Qantas Points and Member Savings under the Airline Reward Scheme.
© Qantas Airways Limited, ABN 16 009 661 901
When clearly there are a vast number of small businesses that are not required to register for GST that are excluded by Qantas…
Clearly QANTAS are not interested in such tiny businesses that turn over under $75,000 per year.
Which is the majority of businesses in this country.
What's your point? Do you think QANTAS give a stuff about a business turning over under $75,000 who will contribute very little if anything to them?
Why would they want to offer free membership to a market they are not interested in?
Maybe they want to be sure that the greedy ATO dont get to keep the GST that you pay!
How is this different from the normal/individual Qantas FF? It looks like this is way for the business to accumulate points but does that mean that the individuals will no longer be getting points?
Business points are earned in addition to normal individual points.
So I have a business and accumulate normal points so are you telling me I should have joined this years ago?
Alan Joyce, architect of yet another flop
The name given with the ABN must match the first name that belongs to the frequent flyer number.
Unfortunately I am the holder of the ABN, but we have always used my wifes FF number to book flights.
…and it's $90 to join basic FF :)ty :)
Cheers OP.
Can't say no to a freebie.
Why? ATO don't require it.