• expired

Pizza Hut 50% off Any 2 Large Pizzas Pick up, 40% off Any One Large Pizza Pick up, $5 Medium Pizza and 600ml Drink

Offer Online Code Phone Code
50% off Any 2 Large Pizzas Pick up LSHP2P5 XM
40% off Any Large Pizza Pick up LSAL4P XP
$5 Medium Pizza and 600ml Drink LSLMP5 XN
Free Stuffed Crust on Any Large Pizza LSFSCP 3C
Supersize from Large to Family Pan for $1 LSL2FPD 3B

All above expire 28/2

Pamphlet Image 1
Pamphlet Image 2

New codes thanks to doweyy that expire 31/3

Offer Online Code
40% off Any Large Pizza Pick up EDHP2P5
$5 Medium Pizza and 600ml Drink EDLMP5
2 Large Pizzas, 1 Drink, 1 Garlic Bread $29.95 EDVMD29
Supersize from Large to Family Pan for $1 EDL2FP
Free Stuffed Crust on Any Large Pizza EDFSCP
3 Large Pizzas $31.95 Delivered ED3LD31
Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

Related Stores

Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut

closed Comments

  • Code isn't working for me

  • +1

    Just tested them all, it seems all coupons are coming up as invalid for me.

  • None of the codes work. Is this set to start on a particular date? If not, admins should remove this post.

    • Probably only certain stores

  • +8

    Pizza Hut 50% off Any 2 Large Pizzas

    Won't be much topping left…

  • -1

    Has anybody seen the Pizza Hut pizzas these days? They're shrinking faster than a man in a cold shower.

    • +3

      Not a big fan of Pizza Hut. However if they could somehow reopen their all you can eat stores and run them profitably, then I'd be all for that. Those places were great.

  • Not working for me either. Tried all codes.

  • +4

    Looks like Pizza Hut actually having a go to compete with Dominos. They really need to drop the gimmicky menu items though and start innovating if they actually want to survive.

  • +1

    Thanks Mods

    • Poor deal being unpublished for so long, glad its obtainable otherwise might contact them

  • +2

    I'd rather go to Domino's myself.


    *Conditions apply. Online Only. Excludes Value & Extra Value Range Pizzas. Discount applies off menu price pizzas. Valid until 08/02/2017.

  • Too bad all the Pizza Huts closed down. Seriously, I had three of them within about 15 minutes drive and they all closed down in the last 12 months.

  • I've lived in the same place for 3 years, with a pizza hut 300m down the road. Never once been there because dominoes is always so much cheaper. Might finally try it out!

    • they more expensive because way better pizzas too bad Ashfield store is closed

    • The $5 Medium Pizza and 600ml Drink seems to be the best bang for buck offer

      • -1

        The $5 Medium Pizza and 600ml Drink seems to be the best bang for buck offer

        looks like lunch is sorted while the offer is active

        • Should last until 31/03/17 according to the t&c's

        • -1



        • @ciab:

          Can I place order online for Pickup, or do I also need to bring physical coupon to counter…

          Dominos just process the order and ask you to pay amount that was checked out

  • -1

    What PIZZA HUT?

    Are they still in the business?

  • Coupon is working now

    Tried the 50% off Any 2 Large Pizzas Pick up code and it worked.

  • how are these compared to dominos lately? Haven't tried pizza hut for years

    • I reckon they are fairly similar, but it varies from store to store (when it shouldn't). Pizza Hut near me used to be so good, then they appear to have changed manager/owner and it is back to being average. Dominos near me was never any good, the base was always to "yeasty" with huge bubbles in it and poor topping.

  • Now I have a good reason to visit Pizza Hut!

  • H

  • its working now!

  • When did pizza hut ditch the use of competitor's coupons?

  • +3

    Ordered online with 50% off code. Received a call asking if I possessed the voucher, I replied no and that I got it from a website. I asked twice if this was ok and received a yes on both occasions. Got to the store only to be denied. Redcliffe store.

    • it might be because on the Pamphlet Image 2 , it says

      "offer must be mentioned when ordering and surrender coupon"

      i always get scared they reject the coupon, would make me feel embarrassed as, if that happened

      what did you end up doing, after you got denied?

      btw has anyone had success @ the canly vale store nsw?

      • I put a complaint in but I can't believe they had me drive down there after we spoke on the phone. Terrible customer relations.

        • When I place order on Dominos online, pop in voucher code and Pick up and Pay it goes smoothly..

          Is it the same for PizaaHut or not? Do they need a physical coupon on Pick up, even after the order went through…?

        • +2

          @steveclassy2: I'd say it's just bad mgmt at this particular store.

  • Coupon sussecfully used with Parramatta Store

  • Tested code, still working.

  • +1

    50% Code worked in Balwyn North Store, its much better than Domino in Bulleen

  • Used the 50% off code last night at Parkdale.

  • Cannot club them can we!?

  • +1

    I used to prefer pizza hut to dominos, but I haven't used them in ages as they stopped doing coupons.

    Good to see them trying to compete again.

    50% off coupon worked for me, mortdale, NSW.

  • +5

    Just received a email for a Valentine's special for 40% a large pizza with a different code - EDAL4P - expires 31/3/17

    • +1

      Coupon EDHP2P5 Not Valid in Holt, ACT :*(

      …But your valentine's special code worked! Thanks for saving me from disappointment

  • +1

    Cheers nice change from Dominos

  • +1

    Every single time I try to order, it comes up and says "Error placing order: Error communicating with server."

    But funny how when the coupon code isn't activated it goes straight through!

    Dodgy as…

  • You can get 2 Large Pizzas, 1 Drink, 1 Garlic Bread for $28.95 as a value meal, no coupon needed…

  • Not working!

  • February's 40% off code + the stuffed crust code still worked in Brisbane, many thanks OP!
    Had some nice Pizzas, not stingy ones with little topping!

  • Yes, 40% off code still works in Adelaide.

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