What is a good option? I am looking at internal hard rives at 2.5inch.
PS4 hardrive upgrading to 2TB. Help me find a bargain.

The Bing Lee Ebay store are having a 20% off in 2 days, meaning that you'll be able to purchase the portable drive I referenced for $95.20, assuming they don't bump prices up.
if you are willing to spend a little more, Nyko have released the data bank plus which lets you use your current PS4 HD and an external (but you can only use one at a time)
I bought the 2TB Seagate from Officeworks for $117 yesterday, not the best price but I wanted it done.
Hybrid drive didnt tempt you?
It did but the price tempted me to the HDD and tbh I don't play as often as I used to, the loading times don't bother me, my biggest problem is making time to play.
Lol I know what you mean… Thank god for game standby
I finally bit the bullet and bought a new HDD for the PS4. 2.5" HDD's are ridiculously priced and the options are pretty small. Main 2 options are to pull a portable HDD apart like above, where you get a half decent drive much cheaper than a non-enclosed HDD, but generally have slower spin speeds (and maybe read/write speeds). I chose the Seagate Firecuda (SSHD), which was a bit more expensive. Only got it at 1TB for the same price as a 2TB HDD, but you do get faster load times (but they are hard to judge how much faster).
Not sure if it is worth the price difference between a portable and the Firecuda, but I do appreciate the extra 500GB of storage.
Yeah I was going from a 1TB in my Pro so I just couldn't justify buying an SSHD and only getting the same space as the 1TB limitation was my reason for wanting an upgrade in the first place. The load speeds are fine for me tbh, it's not like the days where it had to read a game disc to load the game.
I definitely agree that if you already have a 1TB, the only option is really up. I got sick of the constant deleting of game installs due to running out of space on the 500GB HDD. My reasoning to not go to 2TB is that once you take away the system install and unusable storage (leaving around ~390GB free), you actually get over double the amount of storage moving to 1TB (890GB usable).
My only other reasoning to go SSHD was because all the games are installed on the HDD, there may actually be some benefits. The boot up time will definitely benefit from the Solid State Cache on the drive, but games won't see as much benefit. Higher RPM on the HDD may slightly improve some load times as well, but not by much (due to the original PS4 not supporting SATA III).
Finally got around to buying2 TB Seagate portable hardrive as suggested. It has taken a good half of a day to do it haha. So far so good. Thank you guys for the suggestions
Have you done anything with it yet? Supposedly the new firmware upgrade will come out within the next day which allows external Usb drives to be used to expand HDD space for the PS4.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/5xt1jt/ps4_software_4…
Looks like it might have been delayed after that.
I bought the $85 2T from goodguys last week, was a bit of a process putting it in, but i got it working fine. saved all my games on the cloud, then spent 3 days redownloading the updates.
I also put the old 1T that was in the ps4, in the case of the new 2T and plugged that into the xbox. Was simple.
Wondering why Sony isn't just bringing a 2tb out in the first place. Demand would be there.
USB3 external drive is now supported after latest update.
I went with the bing lee option :) late but it was simple enough and got a bonus hardrive which is always awesome.
If you're not afraid to do a little bit of work a lot of people purchase a 2TB Seagate portable hardrive, crack open the case and use the drive from that. If you want to read up on it, there's a pretty good article that I followed when I did the same thing a month ago. It's a relatively straight forward process, but you'll need at least a whole afternoon if you're wanting to transfer all your game data over (as opposed to reinstalling from disc/redownloading).
I purchased this drive from Bing Lee when it was on sale for $95. It took a little bit of work, but it wasn't impossible. If you're interested, the drive model inside the STEA2000400 is the ST2000LM007 which, according to the article, has "more cache (128MB vs 32MB), lower power consumption (1.7W vs 2.3W), and slightly quieter operation give the M007 an advantage over earlier models". Take that as you like.