OzBargains favourite mask now comes to Xbox! You too can make your avatar look more like Sarah Jessica Parker!
Hurry up, this deal won't be around furlong!
OzBargains favourite mask now comes to Xbox! You too can make your avatar look more like Sarah Jessica Parker!
Hurry up, this deal won't be around furlong!
I haven't got an xbox so I'll give this to my neighhhhbour.
We dont horse around when it comes to freebies
Yep, I get a kick out of these every time!
You need a Bold Personality to carry off this one …
I don't get the mane point of your comment, but hay gotta rein in the deals.
Upvoted purely for the dig at Sarah Jessica Parker.
Upvoted purely due to the high ratio of bad horse jokes!
Whats the difference between a horse the SJP?
I'd ride a horse…
I'll show myself out.
It ill behooves me to pony up and respond.
More equine goodness than a Tesco lasagne
Well i can't look a gift horse in the mouth now can I?
Not all horses look like Sarah Jessica Parker :(
I manely don't use avatar items, but I can't pass this up.
Neigh. Not for me.
Why the long face?
That avatar is the stuff of nightmares if you ask me.
Horses for courses I guess!
My enthusiasm for this deal is unbridled!
tracy grimshaw will neg this deal
Horse related pun and or word play.
Trotting out the same old stuff unbridled. Reign it in.
Everyone's jockeying for a horse pun. Well I for one just canter allow that.
If I put the order in now should I expect the horse head to be delivered before I am out of my bed tomorrow morning?
Dont have it paid tonight and the mafia will have the horses head delivered tonight!
+1 laughed so hard my voice went horse
You need a CC on your account for a free item? That's a bit dodgy Microsoft
My mane man Mynymouqe
How about Dick's?
It says I have to create avatar. How to do that? Have no idea.
Canter argue with that!