Great set of headphones for an excellent price. VAT is removed at checkout. Probably the cheapest I've seen on these. Choose between 80 or 250 Ohm, 32 and 16 available for a bit extra.
Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro Headphones - 80/250 Ohm £89.37 (~AU $146 Delivered) @ Amazon UK

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The amazing (& better looking) DT990 Pros are also a great price at $150.93 but are 'Open Backed' and 250Ohm so choose wisely people! 250Ohm cans are really designed for connecting to 'Pro' gear but can still be used with non-Pro gear if used with a dedicated amplifier. 'Open Backed' means they offer an incredible audio experience but bleed sound so everyone around you can also hear what you're listening to plus they can't isolate external sounds either.
prefer closed so everyone in the house can't hear the moans and groans
What are you into? Waterboarding and Torture?
golden showers. i have a powerful friend in the US with the same interests.
Great headphones.
Here's a deal on the 16 ohm version for $15 more.
Note leather vs velour - depending on your preference.…How does the sound signature compare to Momentum 2.0 over ear? I recently bought the Momentum's, very underwhelming and over-hyped IMO. Looking to move to something else.
Momentum 2's aren't overhyped, they're good. The sound signature might not be for you it's pretty dark (treble rolls off). The 80Ohm DT770 will have more bass and alot more treble compared to the momentum 2's, also much more comfortable give it a try, for this price you can't go wrong.
Everyone has jumped on the bandwagon that's for sure, but unless mine are faulty they are barely better than my old HD212 Pros (most will find that a ridiculous statement but I'm not exaggerating) and are outdone by my Yamaha EPH-100 and Atrio buds across the board.
I'm one very disappointed Sennheiser fan.
I've tried multiple sources, all kinds of genres and I'm just left confused about all the fuss.They are not good cans for what they cost. They have clarity but are boring as bat s**t to listen to. IMO :)
Maybe I'll give these or Crossfade M-100's a bash. Price is great on the 770s tho.
It sounds like you're after something more V shaped. The Yamaha's are V shaped and very(!!!!) far from a neutral sounding pair of headphones. Even the 770's might sound boring to you.
Be thankful you didn't buy the HD700's like me. Feel the same; very underwhelmed. Thought they had to be fake initially.
Absolutely loved my Yamahas, but since one side lost volume and I couldn't get it fixed, I have moved onto a pair of brainwavz m3 and have loved those since.
I also have a pair of audio technica esw9 which I love.
I'm keen to give these a try and have a pair at work, but would like to know what kind of sound signature they have?
Any love for the Sony MDR 1a's? I Think they sound really good. The problem is that I don't have anything to compare them with.
I actually I like V shaped sound signature and the DT770 are amongst my favorites, certainly one of the comfiest (they are my office ones, I can wear them all day long!)
Love my momentums. I have the original over ears tho. Only issue I would say is that it hurts the ears for a bit if worn for more than a couple of hours or so on the trot. Other than that no complaints great all-rounder.
I've got the 16ohm version last time thanks to Ozbargain. I find the sound is tighter and more accurate than the Momentum 2.0. The DT770 Pro is especially good with classical music.
I have got the B&O H6 and they blow the M2 away.
M2 is overrated IMO.
Just bear in mine that these headphones need proper amplification to bring out the best in them. They are also not the most comfortable headphones around (at least for me). I've had them a couple of years ago and are awesome for dance/electronic music.
Extremely good price for this! Thumbs up!
32 and 16 ohm dt 770's ones can be used fine off most portable gear, 80 ohm and up will benefit from amplification
Source: have ltd ed 32ohm 770'sI tried out my new pair of Tesla T90s (250 ohm) and my Galaxy S6 plays audio just fine without an amp. Didn't even need to turn up the volume.
It really depends on how easy they are to drive, not just the impedance.
my Galaxy S6 plays audio just fine without an amp. Didn't even need to turn up the volume.
According to this Samsung page:…One of the biggest concerns of music lovers is whether the sound volume quality will be diminished when using earphones. For the Galaxy S6, when users connect the earphones to the terminal, the high impedance fault detection technology checks the earphone resistance automatically and can reproduce the optimal power of each earphone and headphone.
Most phones will have amps on the headphone jack
@Agret: I see. I just assumed all phones were like that. Even less reason to need an amp.
I did buy a portable amp which came with some silicon straps so you can have the amp and phone strapped together, but when I tested it without the amp, I found that I didn't need the amp at all, and kind of wasted $140.
@lostn: Not all phones have that ability though, and plugging an amp into the headphone jack will just mean your amping the already amped signal the phone is putting out, ie you've double amped the signal.
Ideally you would use an OTG cable to get an untouched(ideally) audio signal to an extermal dac and amp, I believe, to bypass the inbuilt amp and dac to take full advantage of the one you purchased.
What amp would you recommend for general computer use on the 80ohm version?
It very much depends on your price range tbh.
If you want a cheap all rounder:
Fiio E10
Schiit Fulla 2More expensive solution:
Aune X1S
Schiit Modi 2 + Magni 2
O2 Amp + ODACThank you.
I've read a lot about the latter two expensive options in the past, though I always thought they were way too pricey. I think I might have to go with the E10K.
It's a good choice, a lot in the Fiio range is good bang for buck.
Check this out too:…
Any comparison with the m50s?
DT770pro is better than m50s in terms of audio quality and comfort, but I like the foldable design of m50s which is suitable for travelling.
Thanks mate, might pull the trigger on these since it'll be for home use and sound quality is all I really care about
Excellent deal! Do bear in mind that these do come with the telephone style coiled cables. However, these do come apart easily for those who would rather recable them to something of their liking.
How do you find the treble for those that have it. My previous DT990 Premium 800ohm is very sharp and irritating to my ear.
I could say that this one emphasize more on bass, some people find the bass on these cans are annoying
The bass is very strong in the 80ohm model, less so in the 250ohm model.
The treble is must less emphasized than the DT880 600ohm model which is a little sharp.
I haven't heard DT990 so can't compare.990 has the most treble, 880 are neutral for the most part.
I owned it and i absolutely love it, i really recommend to get an Portable Amp/DAC to go with it, absolutely amazing when plugged into my Fioo Q1, if you are planning to get an Amp/DAC with it, get the 250 ohm version.
The only downside of it, it really takes a long time to burn-in till it reaches the point where it sounds amazing
Is the coiled cable annoying for portable use?
mine comes with uncoiled cable, so i can't really say
Good deal. Now its up to the Aussie dollar before I buy anything overseas
I see a little confusion in the comments here regarding the cables, so I'll try to clarify it.
The 250ohm model comes with a coiled cable.
All of the other models come with a straight cable.I've tried the 250ohm and 80ohm models. I prefer the sound of the 250ohm model, but I hate the coiled cable, because of the weight. Your neck will be holding up most of the weight of the cable, which I find fatiguing when I'm listening to these for 8-10 hours a day at work.
The 80 ohm model has a stronger bass and a tighter clamping force, both of these are a negative for me.
Thanks :) changed my order to the 32Ohm version because coiled cable will suck when doing work at uni.…
Great review here. It's a nice balance between portable use and home use.
just to point out the review is talking about the 32ohm Limited edition, whereas I think the one in this deal is the "normal edition"
Read a few posts about them, apparently the 770Pro 32Ohm is the same as the 770LE 32Ohm which is different to the 770 32Ohm (Non-pro). Confusing.
Also $575 for the Dt1770 pro, which are typically closer to $1k aud. Mine were 700aud second hand, and the best price id seen for a long time…
how do you like your dt1770p? I am very tempted with the current price but reviews seem to be all over the place with mentions of extremely poor build quality I've seen being repeated as well as sound not being much of an upgrade. That in mind many of the reviews were written much closer to their release where as you mentioned the price tag was almost twice as high - for $575 I am very tempted; love their aesthetic as well.
I cant fault them, would happily buy them again. I don't have any other reference headphones to draw comparison to though. Even at 250 Ohm I'm surprised my phone (S6) could drive them no worries, but they're mostly dedicated to studio use. A bit big to carry around.
I got Sennheiser HD598 from this deal for $140, love the clarity! I mainly listen to classical music and good vocals.
Will DT770 Pro better than HD598? The price is very tempting!Not better, but different. It's warmer than the HD598 and certainly does bass better, but it's not known for classical music and good vocals. In fact, if you want a headphone that's great for classical music and good vocals, I recommend you look at Audio Technica, and I recommend you look at an open-headphone rather than a closed one.
In this price range, I recommend the Audio Technica AD900X. Great imaging, great sound stage, with clear mids and highs that will give instruments and vocals a different level of clarity.
Just my 2 cents, i personally found the 900x too bright and no low end and the wing system would slip off my head.
You should tie the wing with an elastic band. Work like a treat for me.
Warmer?? Hell nawwwww. If senheisser is the only headphones you've used extensively then the sibilance on beyers will get to you.
If vocals is what you want then upgrade to a hd600 or something. Senheisser has smooth and engaging mids.
If you want to "hear things you've never heard before" then buyer will bring out more sparkle in the upper range… Itll introduce you to sibilance aswell. It will give you a sense of more clarity.
Senns prefer pleasant listening while buyer goes for a flat fr at the cost of sibilance.
amazing price for some amazing cans.
i amplify mine with the reasonably priced Fiio E17K ALPEN 2 USB DAC Headphone Amplifier…
which is designed to work well with the desktop amp:
FiiO K5 Docking Headphone Amplifier/DAC…Both were bundled together for cheap last xmas
Apologies, def not trolling and very interested in these headphones…. but people talking about these "Amazing Cans" is getting me quite excited….
I'm applying the code but still getting aud $152.29. Anything else I need to do?
Did you choose the option to pay for it in UK Pounds? Don't fall for the Amazon currency conversion scam. Your credit card's currency conversion rates will almost always be better than Amazon's or Paypal's and in some cases free. If they aren't then it's time to find a new credit card.
How do these compare to the earbuds on Jetstar flights?
they are much bigger in size…. ;)
This is muuuuuuuuuch better! apples and oranges…night and day…i think u get the gist…
damn it… bought these 2 weeks ago for around 170… great headphones!
How does this compare to m50x, or QC35?
haven't used the bose, but these are have much better low end bass and sub bass than the m50x. the mids and highs in the m50x are sightly more detailed however. comfort, the dt770 take a shit on the m50x, 770s are some of the most comfortable headphones around.
Dang I missed this…
Looks like the Custom One Pro (white) is also cheap. If anyone is buying for portable use, I'd recommend them for two reasons - they're a bit easier to drive (not so much a problem these days), and they have a replaceable cable, so you can get a shorter cable, and/or replace it when it gets damaged.
I've got the Custom One Pro, and I'm very happy with them - they're built like a tank - but I did have to replace the cable after ~2 years of abuse (I'm not very gentle).
If I was buying purely for home usage, I'd probably go the DT770 or DT990 - all the reviews say they have a better sound stage. Or The AD900X (as @POL1T1CS mentions above) - I have those for at-home listening/gaming, and they are awesome - better sound stage and way more comfy.
Everyone foregoes the dt880. From personal experience they're 90% as good as the flagship T1 (Gen 1).
For those who are interested in buying this.
This headphone does not have noise canceller. Also, others can easily hear what you listen to. I did not like this headphone! It is good for inside the studio.They shouldn't since it's a closed headphone..
It doesn't seem to be that much closed!!
OMG I was legit about to buy these and it says BIGTHANKS has expired! 12:07 AM in the UK now…
I Have the m100 from vmoda, any one has used this and m100? I only into dance n ele music.
What's your question? They are amazing for electronic music and will complement the m100 well.
(I have the LE 32ohm version)
which one is better?
Sorry I can't answer that, they're both great headphones. The M100 is in Inner Fidelity's Hall of Fame:…Here's two differing opinions: if you love your M100 I'd leave it at that, if you like it but think something similar could be better give the DT770 a go (take into account some models/people say they need long burn in).
As a rule of thumb once I've found a pair of headphones I love in its category (e.g. portable, sealed, open) I don't bother looking for others in the same category.
cheapest ever?