This was posted 8 years 1 month 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dead Rising 4 Deluxe Edition Windows Store - 10CHF/9.98USD - Possible Price Error (-70USD/87% off)

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Reposted from reddit :…

Includes both the season pass and game.

If your lucky your card will work through the swiss store without issue. Simply change store to switzerland in your region settings and purchase using a fake address.

From an aussie over on reddit

It's still working. Just create an PayPal Account, link your 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard to it and follow those steps that were mentioned above. I bought the Game a couple of minutes ago and my Credit Card so far always failed to get passed those Pricing Glitches but through PayPal it worked without any hassle besides switching the Country Code of my Windows System and adding a swiss adress.

If that fails to work you can attempt to buy a 15 swiss gift card from the MS swiss store through a VPN much like people do with singapore and then redeem on your account

If your like me and those 2 options failed here is option 3 which worked for me.

Buy a swiss 15chf Xbox gift code from works out about 20 aud or around 14 euro they will provide you the gift code key, redeem said code on your ms account then buy the game using your gift card credit.

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closed Comments

  • No luck on my end, but I've been having a lot of issues with cross-region purchasing being blocked as of late. I'm not gonna chance the gift-card not working, but congrats to those that have luck with this one!

  • thanks downloading now :) gift card route worked for me, anything good for the 5 CHF left over?

  • Keeps reverting to the US store for me whenever I click "Desponsible su le marche" or available on the market.

    • -1

      Use Swiss vpn

      For free u can use hola in chrome

      • Thanks.
        Edit: Got it to work. Did what was suggested above and created a new Swiss paypal account. Purchased with a debit card as my 28 degrees is already set up on my legit account.

      • +15

        Do not use Hola. It has been shown many, many times over that it's incredibly dodgy.

  • Thanks, got it to work with the gift card method.

    • Same, cheers OP!

  • +8

    Good price, but I think they really let the ball drop on this game. Just looking like another cash grab now

    • wow that's horrific

    • Thanks for that link, made me not want to even bother…

  • Games through windows store? Do you know if this uses UWP (Universal Windows Platform)? It's caused issues in the past

    UWP apps have some limitations that dramatically affect top-tier PC games. Square Enix's Rise of the Tomb Raider recently debuted on PC both on Steam and on the Windows Store. Those that forked over for the Windows Store version were disappointed to find a host of limitations, including not being able to turn v-sync off, no SLI or Crossfire support, and no .exe file that can be loaded into Steam for use with its overlays or Big Picture mode.

    • I will never forget the tears and frustration trying to install Fallout New Vegas on launch night, as it needed Windows Live, but Windows Live decided to discontinue. I didn't know it needed it at purchase, but it has scarred me for life. I would gladly go through all this hassle if it was a Steam/Origin or maybe even Uplay client, but never for Windows Platform.

    • +1

      TO be fair, Gears of War 4 is one of the best-optimized PC games and it uses UWP.

  • for anyone that has done the gift card method.

    Did you buy the CHF giftcard then plug the number into the micro soft store link that said 109AUD?

    • switch to swiss store

  • +2

    PC should be in title.

    • +2

      Yeah I was hoping it was for the Xbox

    • . .

  • +8

    Thanks for sharing, I was going to buy then I looked at the reviews of the game. Giving it a miss.

    • I still think it was one of the greatest games of the year.

      • +1

        How dare you not agree with the masses?!?!

      • Why?

    • Dead Rising 3 was a waste too personally. Won't even touch this. DR2 was fun though.

  • Great game. Paid $78 on release and felt it was worth every dollar. Just a little short though compared to other DR games.

  • +1

    Well did it via code redemption, Just need to work out what to spend the other CHF 5,00 on.

  • +1

    Is this a play anywhere title? Will buying it on the Windows store bring it across to the Xbox? Thanks!

    Edit, doesn't look like it,

    • +1

      It is silly that they have a Xbox-one and windows version but it's not play anywhere. Pity. I was hoping it was becoming the norm.


    You can not purchase on this store, please go to store

    • +1

      You need to use vpn

      • Urgghhhh

        No way im doing a paypal transaction via VPN.

        Too hard :-P

        • You just load the site. Is vpn no vpn for PayPal

  • I didn't need a VPN, however both Commonwealth and PayPal didn't work - I was able to purchase it via Bendigo Bank card.
    Thanks for the find!

  • When I click on the link It opens windows store and even though im connected to VPN, it still shows AUS $

    • +1

      You need to change the region in Windows.

      • +2

        settings -> time and language -> region -> change to "Switzerland"

        • Thumbs up!
          With the method, no need for vpn
          MS store will than ask for a new switz address, just add anything you can find in google "tourist attraction"
          new profile added, with what few have said so far about this game i thought i might give it a miss

  • I get a not supported on your device error?

    • Yeah its frustrating I get that message cause I am on my phone. Obviously i just want it purchased so they can link it to my account.

  • Dead rising 4 is a fun time, but short (and somewhat shallow)ride . I enjoyed it for what it is, but it definitely lost some of the charm of 1/2 (3 was ok).

    If people have heard complaints about the game but un-sure if to get the game (especially at this kind of saving. ill list some issues with the game. The main Complaints are:

    1. Frank west is like a completely different character from DR1/DR2:OTR. The character has no real development besides being a very cliched tongue in cheek zany character. DR1, frank west was quite serious as a character and rarely was tongue in cheek when it came to story development (most of the lol's were player created with dressing him up in woman's clothes for example).

    2. The story of 4 actually undermined the entire franchises story (well mostly the first game) in a big way. I cant really detail this as it is spoilers, but basically a returning characters motives are radically to fit the story of DR4, it was very clumsy in how it was done and also undermines the 1st game's story.

    3. Core game mechanics of time management have been taken away. Alot of people think that the time management made dead rising, dead rising. The whole idea is pressure a person to feel some sort of tension un-related to zombies. This was removed from the core game in 3, but they had a seperate mode to add time constraints in.

    4. Maniacs are a terrible substitute for psychos, they just play out like named/themed human type enemies that die in seconds. This is my main issue with the game, psychos were just fun ideas for boss battles, all with different personalities/themes. Maniacs are just shit in comparison.

    5. true ending hidden behind a pay wall. Really hate this business model.

      1. true ending hidden behind a pay wall. Really hate this business model.

      Thanks for the review! thats me out.

      • You're welcome, i believe the above deal will allow you to see the True ending when it comes out.

        • Yeah true, as it's the deluxe version.
          However I wasn't thaaaaaat interested in the game so I'd rather boycott devs/publishers who pull this nonsense.

    • I should also mention the PC version of the game is known to have many performance issues, but have been patched up.

      Rather than listing the technical faults ill just link the reddit page for Dead rising 4 faults.…

  • +1

    Using a VPN to buy credit from the site in the OP, I was able to purchase it.

  • I cant even click the buy button. Its greyed out. Does using a VPN solve that problem?

    • +1

      Same problem using Tunnelbear to Switzerland and region changed to Switzerland on my MS account. I can't Spiel abrufen.

      • +1

        So I translated the text underneath the greyed out button. Because I'm on mobile (at work, can't use my Win10 PC) it's telling me "This game is not supported on your device. Some hardware may be required…"

        So I guess you a) need to do this on PC and b) need Windows 10 on that PC to be able to make the purchase. I guess they never thought anyone would use their store from mobile, even though it's mobile-responsive?

        • that's the stupid thing…. it doesn't even allow you to do it on PC if it doesn't meet the min specs. I just want to buy the key!

        • +1

          @Qmar: Same mate. Considering going home at lunch time to log on to my Win 10 PC :-D

  • +4

    IS it even worth $10?

    74 Metacritic 3.4/10 User Score

    • The game is some good mindless fun, once you start picking apart the game it falls flat.

      Think of it as a summer block buster movie.

      At that price with Season pass included, i would say its worth a go.

  • Finally fought through the mess that is Paypal, Managed to buy a gift card in another language for about $20 which was more than I was hoping it would be, and then Finally, Finally purchase it in the store to say they are having trouble with "this Product" and to look back later.
    I can see it in my purchased games but I cant install, so looks like I may be stuck witha 15Euro gift card I have nothing to do with

    • +1

      After all the foreign language "wrangle" of the gift card purchase:
      You need to change the region code on your computer (in Windows 10) to Switzerland.
      Use the time/region settings make sure it has been applied.
      I turned off my Win 10 "location on" setting.
      Using my VPN set to Switzerland I then re-opened the Windows Store and was able to redeem the gift card, but needed a Switzerland address to apply it.
      Here is the Australian Embassy one I used?

      Chemin des Fins 2
      Case Postale 102
      1211 Geneva 19

      Gift Card accepted and applied to account.
      Then I opened the… above and was able to purchase DR4 deluxe (Windows version).
      It is now downloading in Win 10 as approx 45 GB download.
      The Switzerland setting is still on the VPN.
      Convulted I know, I hope it helps.

  • bought using an EntroPay eur digital visa card I just happened to have some credit on… seemed to work no problems :) hope I get to keep it!

  • Option 3 worked for me. I used tunnelbear as my vpn.

    • Is that a free VPN?

      • tunnelbear is free with a 500mb traffic limit… which is generally enough for purchasing stuff

        • Financial transaction via free VPN….protozeroxx is a brave man! :-)

        • @britta: I figure it'll be fine because it has a paid option. Also I only used PayPal so if someone steals money my phone will tell me

        • @britta: if it was entirely free I'd agree… but given the paid options I'd say it is fine

  • I am at work but if someone figures out a way to purchase it on a mobile device I would appreciate it greatly. I get the message that my device isnt supported. (like I am going to play it on my phone anyway right?)

    • +1

      Maybe try switching your browser to desktop version rather than Mobile.

      Besides that i don't think much can be done til' you get near a PC

      • Looks like it needs to be a Win 10 PC that meets the minimum specs too… Trying on work PC (Win 7) and getting the same message as mobile.

        • Fair enough, have not even touched the Games for windows (we have reverted back to Vista. Yay!……doh!) yet so just throwing random ideas :)

      • I know, i figured that much. The mobile vpn I was using works fine but no dice on the mobile.

  • Any other trustable websites can buy the CHF credit?

  • +2

    Given the reviews, this might not be a price error.

  • +1

    gift card worked for me with vpn and 28 degrees mastercard.

  • Deal is still working, had to use the giftcard though. Will try and speed through it incase it gets revoked. If you are worried there is a way to play offline.

  • Can anyone get the game to load? Won't even open for me. 980ti's here.

    Edit: Nvm game is fidgety sorry for doubleposting

    • Beat the game in an 8 hour sitting. Too tired for work now.

  • Option 3 worked as of this evening. I used my PIA vpn subscription set to Switzerland. I also spoke in a Swiss accent to my housemates whilst making the transaction. It all worked!

  • damn just seen this, looks like it was a price error that lasted a while, price is currently CFH110, did anyone get their purchase revoked?

    • Nope, its still there. Doesnt mean they cant revoke it at some point. Already finished it anyway.

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