This was posted 8 years 1 month 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Cat Adoption (Save $120) @ RSPCA Vic 19/1 - 22/1


Need a feline friend in your life? If you've been thinking about bringing a four-legged buddy into your home, then now is the time. RSPCA Victoria is waiving its $120 adoption fee for cats from Thursday Jan 19-Sunday Jan 22. That's right, crazy cat ladies and gentlemen: for no money, you can give a homeless cat a forever home.

Free adoption fee is available for all cats aged four months and over.

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RSPCA Victoria
RSPCA Victoria

closed Comments

  • +14

    and please consider making a donation (even a small portion of the savings) if you use the free adoption offer

      • +2

        encourage them for what?

        • +3

          to make peace with satan

  • What about for kittens?

    • +4

      No kittens for you…

      "for all cats aged four months and over."

      • +2

        From the interwebs:


        Kittens grow up quickly, doing much of their developing and reaching puberty as early as 6 months of age. Technically, though, your little one is still considered a kitten until he reaches around 1 year old. At this age, he'll be fully grown and considered an adult.

    • +5

      While kittens are cute they turn into adult cats really quickly. Therefore getting an adult cat is just as suitable.

      • But like chicks —> hens you can leave lasting effects on them if you have them from a young age. We have 1 cat we had from kitten and one we got from rspca at 10 months, and the rspca one acts so scared around people unless approached properly. He also had cat flu when we got him but they didn't tell us, and then charged us when we came back for meds

  • +17

    can we do a price match at RSPCA NSW?

    • +3

      You can just use an Express Parcel…

      • +9

        why pay extra for express?

    • +1

      It includes all cats.

    • +48

      They are free because they have been orphaned or abandoned or picked up by councils and never claimed, and the RSPCA is simply full. If you are honestly saying that a living creature should be judged by its arbitrary looks based on ancestors then maybe you're a bit 'Mod: Removed' yourself.

        • +12

          Really jv? you honestly think that saying a living, breathing being is worse more or less due to its ancestors is not a bit of a crappy thing to do? It's this thinking that makes certain breeds of dogs "trendy" and heavily susceptible to cruel puppy farming while the "crappy" breeds are stuck in kennels and shelters for a sad life. Please note that I did put the provider in there that "If you are honestly saying….", as I may have interpreted them wrongly, but I do stand by my statement.

        • +6

          fur real? try to be a bit pawsitive mate.. some of your comments are litterally apawling

        • +1

          Reported for Reporting.

        • +1


          you honestly think that saying a living, breathing being is worse more or less due to its ancestors is not a bit of a crappy thing to do?

          Seems to work for our politicians.

      • +3

        it's interesting we must all be a crappy breed

        since we stand upright are domesticated and have short hair (most of us)
        our ancestors were.., well more like apes.

        but yes it is after new year most if not all RSPCA will be full from
        the Spring breeding,
        idiotic Christmas pet giving and subsequent abandonment
        and those lost during holiday celebrations.

    • ninja edit

  • waiting for free adoption dogs in NSW

    • +6

      While they are free and this is oZBargain where we save cash, but remember that this is free from a charity, their injection costs are coming out of someone elses donation.

      This time of year so many get abandoned so they are desperate to dig into donation funds to get people to adopt them because the alternative is they get put down because the shelters are overflowing.

  • Purr-fect

  • purrfect deal

  • +5

    Free pu$$y.

    • I wonder if kittens price match?

    • +1

      remember, its not for one night, its Adoption 😂

      • so its kind of bait and trap you forever?

    • -1

      the only (profanity) you'll ever get

      • -1

        Better than getting none at all.

  • would they have grumpy cats? love u have one 😈

  • Anyone started to feed their cats chicken wings once the cat became an adult?
    I only just started to try and so I got some chicken wings from the butcher and even cut the wings up but my cat is not interested :(

    • If you want to try fresh meats then wollies have half kilo packs of chicken hearts, livers and giblets for two or three dollars I think.

      • Has to be wings or necks (or anything with bones) for their teeth.

    • +3

      My cat eats chicken necks. It's good for his teeth.

      • did you start them from a young age?
        my cat is nearly 3 years old so im trying to get him to eat it.
        tried smashing them up and cutting them into small peices but i think he is so lazy :/

        • Yes. Under 6 months I guess.

    • -1

      My cat has fed himself local birds a few times. We are very careful with what we feed him, wife goes and gets special expensive food from the vet then every once in a while we find a solitary wing or beak on the back lawn!

      • HAHA.
        The first few years we had our outdoor cat we would find dead mice with missing heads in our backyard.
        now i think there are no more mice within a 2 house radius of ours, hehe.
        unfortunately hes not interested in getting those miner birds, those are a pain!

    • yup. mine loves them

      • did you feed your cat necks/wings from a young age?
        any tips on trying to get mine to eat them?

      • +1

        i just saw ur name, my cats name is Jango
        hehe XD

        • cant remember what age we started, would have been a few years old. just remember, in the wild, animals eat raw meat. they dont sit them over a fire and cook them :)

          this also causes the bones to become brittle, so if they eat cooked chicken wings for example, the bones can break up into little bits and get stuck in their throats. whereas raw meat, the bone will just stay one large piece.

          like any change, it needs to be introduced slowly. so give your cat the normal amount of cat food, and in a separate bowl, some raw chicken wings. then next time, maybe 80% cat food, and the wings etc etc. eventually the cat will get hungry and try the wings

          my cat also loves corn cobs and watermelon lol

        • I hope you keep him unchained.

  • never had a cat before. are they easy to take care? we both worked full time and got two young children. we don't know if we have enough time with he/she or whether they will get along with my kids

    • +8

      Cats make great pets because as long as you feed them and empty the kitty litter they can pretty much look after themselves. And if you work full time its pretty easy to teach kids how to feed them. Just put some cat food in a bowl. Done. No need to wash them. If you find a cat that is not afraid of people I am sure your kids will get along great with it. Just remember most cats are not as social as dogs however that makes the love and attention they give you that much more special.

      • Just put some cat food in a bowl.

        Cats prefer to hunt/play for their food. There are so many better ways to feed them to entertain both human and cat.

        Also read this book - - not free anymore, but totally worth it.

    • +10

      Cats are very low maintenance. They dont need walking and generally they keep themselves clean and most of the time they are already house trained. They sleep something like 12 hours a day so much of the time they'll find somewhere to kip. You do need to put them in a cattery etc if you go away on holiday though.

      You need to feed them and give them somewhere to sleep and a tray full of cat litter for the toilet. We keep our cats in the garage at night, they have little beds on one side of the garage and a litter box on the other side. They can be great fun for kids to play with and very affectionate. My kids love rolling up a bit of aluminium foil and tossing it near the cat, cat goes bananas batting the little ball with its paws then chasing it around like it's a little animal. Loads of fun and cat seems to love playing the game as well. The cat sometimes goes and finds a previous ball then comes and drops it in your lap to tell you he wants to play the game! Any game that involves hunting, stalking etc cats love, my boys invent new games for the cat all the time.

      I grew up a 'Dog' person and didnt have cats until my wife forced one on me. I am now a convert, i love the little guys, they are essentially the clowns of the animal world, very affectionate and hilarious with real personality! We have a young female cat that is so clingy with my wife, literally hangs on her every word and loves cuddling!

      • The thing I'm worried about cats is it can go two ways… A cat like yours or a dick cat.

        • +6

          I think the difference is trust. We had a previous cat that was nowhere near as affectionate or trusting. He was a rescue cat and i think he had been abused before we got him. We had him for 13 years and he really struggled to come out of his shell, was very skittish, he wasnt as playful or affectionate as our current cats. Look after the little guys and be very affectionate with them. Give them every reason to trust you and slowly most of the time they will repay that trust.

        • all cats can be dicks.
          i have a ragdoll that is really fluffy and loves to play but we cannot leave anything on our dining table because he just pushes it all on the floor.
          pretty funny when mum is looking for her glasses and its fallen off and under a chair.
          i guess not so much a dick cat more of a funny cat.
          our other cat is an outdoor cat and he doesnt really like anything/anyone.
          he comes in for food and then goes back outside and if he cant go outside he gets really pissed.
          I would say he is about 13 years old now so we just give him what he wants.

        • @Hirolol: Your outdoor cat is why I'm hesitant… Pot luck I guess.

        • +3

          @Hirolol: Reminds me of this guide to pet medication:

          How To Give A Cat A Pill :

          Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens its mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

          Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

          Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

          Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.

          Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head down with a ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.

          Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from fireplace and set to one side for gluing later. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

          Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans. Drink one beer to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

          Retrieve cat from neighbour's shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges.

          Drink beer. Fetch bottle of Scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss down another shot. Throw tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

          Call fire department to retrieve the cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat.

          Take last pill from foil-wrap. Tie the little bastard's front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table. Find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.

          Consume remainder of Scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room. Sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

          Arrange for RSPCA to collect cat and call local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

          How To Give A Dog A Pill :

          Wrap it in bacon.

        • @apptrack:
          To be fair theough he really is a great cat.
          He grew up as my sisters cat and she was hardly home and now he lives with me.
          i am probably giving him less credit than he deserves as well.
          he just doesnt like my ragdoll coz he always wants to play and jumps all over the outdoor cat.

        • +1

          that reminds me about when my ragdoll got gastro and after i had to five him some pill and everytime i think i got it he would run off and there would be a pill on the ground….

      • +1

        They sleep something like 12 hours a day…

        Closer to 18-20 hours sleep, depending on which expert you listen to. Mine have always been 19 hour sleepers. Keep in mind indoor "house" cats live much longer lives than those allowed to roam.

        They can live 15 years or so, or around 25 if you are optimistic.

        • My cat almost made 20 :(
          She was an indoor cat.

      • +1

        So many dog lovers around. I've never understood that

    • +1

      Thank you guys for your comments!

    • +3

      If you get a short hair cat then there's no brushing either!

  • Dear God I hope the wife isn't watching Ozbargain!

    • The movie?

      • +7

        Episode IV: A New Bargain

        It is a period of bad bargains. Rebel bargainers, striking from a hidden basement, have won their first victory against the evil Australia Tax Empire. During the battle, Ozbargain spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the CLICK FRENZY, a really bad sale with enough false bargains to destroy an entire planet.

        Pursued by the Empire’s sinister agents, Princess Bargana races home to her basement, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore genuine bargains to the Internet."

    • +2

      Inb4 racis…..


      • Dunno why this would considered racist

        Definition of racist: “a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.”

        Apart from it being a joke, this was something that happened and maybe still does (rarely)…not just in Chinese restaurants but many others. It just stuck as a joke for the Chinese restaurants. Funnily enough, a lot of small-minded people still believe this is happening.

        If it was a dog adoption I would have made a joke about Korean restaurants. I got interviewed by some schoolkids in Pusan and they asked if I have eaten dog. They found it hilarious to see my face after they asked 'why not'. Despite that dog is eaten there, I think they were mostly having a laugh knowing it revolts most foreigners.

        • +2

          Dog meat is part of Korean culture, sure, but where did you get the idea Chinese restaurants serve cat?
          Serious question btw and I didn't neg you.
          Never heard of this before. I suspect it's a bigoted statement, but if you can show proof I'll take it as it comes?

        • @King Tightarse:

          It's been a long time joke…and as I said not necessarily always related to Chinese restaurants. Here is an example of how these stories get out of hand


          That said, I'm sure you are aware of stories where cat and dog are controversially captured and eaten in parts of China


          It is a bigoted statement based on, as I said, small-minded beliefs and making a joke about it. Maybe it's a generation gap, but we even used to joke with the owner of our local Chinese back in the early 80's and he would laugh about it and make jokes about it too.

          It absolutely wasn't a racist comment, but if we cannot make jokes about differences in culture, whether real or perceived, then I think we are all a little too sensitive. I spent a decade in the middle east and would joke with my arab friends about having sex with camels. They took that as a joke but I'm sure others would call that racist. YET, if I make a joke about Kiwis and sheep it is light hearted banter.

        • @slipperypete:

          I also spent time living in Shenzen and was a common joke ….to be honest though, now thinking of it, sometimes it was used in a very negative way so can see why some may get offended

        • +3

          So it's a joke based on negative cultural stereotypes and or cultural misunderstandings?
          It probably harkens back to the days when Asian cultures and food seemed extremely foreign compared to Australia's but gee, even in the 1800s there were lots of Chinese people and presumably Chinese restaurants in Victoria, at least, so how foreign are they really?
          Pehaps its more of a cultural joke than a racist one?
          I get it, but I don't know how I'd feel about it if I was Chinese.

        • +1

          If i remember correctly there was a news story in Qld a few of years ago when they found a collection of cats or dogs above a restaurant. Obviously the business was closed down.

    • +4

      This is like the Goodwin's Law for pets. First one to mention a Chinese restaurant looses

  • +4

    I always find it a bit weird discounting animals… if a hundred bucks is the difference between someone getting or not getting a cat I hope they are taking it seriously…

    • +4

      I think the $100 compensates the RSPCA for the work they do looking after the cats, feeding them, worming them and neutering them prior to adopting them out. Giving them away for free is probably them 'writing off' that sunk cost because they are full and desperate and if nobody adopts these cats they are probably euthanized.

      • +1

        All true except the last word! We actually volunteer for the RSPCA, and in "kitten season" (now) it gets chokkas but we never euthanize them because of numbers. So yes, it swamps the foster home network and stresses everyone… but that said, I want all my babies to go to good safe happy healthy homes!

        • +2

          Their own statistics say otherwise
          Half of cats are in "other" (unlike dogs, which end up in behavioral since they are a safety threat unlike cats who are murderers but too small to be classed as a threat) which basically translates to "had to make room".

        • @joelmuzz:

          basically translates to "had to make room".

          Huh! Still, the "Other" category could be a lot of things, including simply not recording a category (I mean, these stats are kinda odd: eg look at the "legal" line, SA/ACT have hundreds and NSW has one?)… still 32% of euthanasias marked "other" is a very significant number though, Hmm!

          Yes, I should have only talked about the shelter I know (rather than RSPCA as a whole)… our shelter is huge, and just has the capacity to keep healthy animals as long as necessary. We actually import cats from other shelters as they are very popular here, lots of retirees :)

  • +5

    If you do, please be responsible and build a cat run, don't let it roam the streets killing bird and native wildlife!

    • +5

      Cat runs are very expensive, most cat owners cant afford a cat run. Get a collar with a bell on it to give the birds a fighting chance. Also keep your cats indoors at night. Cats are nocturnal hunters and most want to be outside at night. We get our in, entice them with food and dont let them out after about 5 o clock. Any door left slightly ajar or even a window and they will get out. We are very careful to make sure they are kept in every night. That said, good luck to any mouse that thinks it might look for food in our garage late at night!!

      • +1

        Most councils have a curfew, ours is 8pm to 8am.

    • +2

      Agreed, not all cats have the desire to be outdoors, although if you do put them outdoors, they will adjust very quickly. I had 3 rescues, all of them had been out on the street and they didn't want to go outdoors anyway, so I kept them indoors 100% of the time. No need for cat runs etc, they love running around and entertaining themselves.

      All they need is food, water, clean litter tray and brushing about once a week if they are short haired, more often if they are long haired. Also consider using spot on flea treatment on them, especially if you are living in a house where other cats roam and walk past your entrance. Those fleas do travel! No real need for it if you live in an apartment.

      • Worming treatment if they do go outside. And yearly vaccinations.

  • +2

    RSPCA be like

  • +1

    They do this to keep their kill stats down, but free adoption is a terrible idea. It makes people adopt because it's free. At least make it $10 or $20.

    • +2

      I still hope people still take serious consideration before they adopt it even it's free. like I am doing right now :)

    • +1

      we adopted because it was free. we've had our cat for 6-7 years now and are still loving it. glad rspca did it, as we hadn't considered a pet before that!

  • Came for the free cat, stayed for the inevitable JV comments.

  • Purfect for Caturday

  • +3

    It's perfect timing for us, we move to our new house on the 20th and were looking at getting our first pet. We were already planning to pick up a cat that weekend anyway and hated the thought of not getting a rescue. We will make sure we give them a nice donation :)

  • +2

    How can one not upvote free p*ssy?

    • +2

      Possy -A group of cowboys hunting down an outlaw?
      Pissy -Someone who's arrogantly argumentative?
      Pessy - not a word, although the urban dictionary says its short for "pessimistic"
      Passy - someone who enjoys passing?

      Thats all I can think of so far….

      • Posse*

        • Yes, quite right but artistic licence…

      • +1

        How about p u s s y, full of pus (soft 'u'). :)

        • I was just about to squeeze that one out too…

  • +1

    Please don't be a dick owner. Cats are a serious responsibility and they aren't cheap to look after.

    You need to be willing to take your cat to a GOOD vet and keep on top of its teeth problems (which it WILL develop each year and WILL cause the cat to suffer in silence - they hide pain rather than show it, due to evolutionary reasons)

    I spent a total of $550 for adoption fees for my two cats; I've spent nearly four times that on cat food, litter, toys, equipment, and vet bills over the past 6 months.

    If you can't afford an adoption fee, get a pet rock or a plant instead. Don't subject an animal to your ignorance, laziness or cheapness.

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