This was posted 8 years 2 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1 and PS4] Battleborn $10 at Big W (Save $15)

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The title says it all. The Battleborn game for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is now $10.

Happy hunting!

PS. I got my copy of the game from Big W at Pacific Fair, QLD.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    They reckon F2P any day now.

    • That rumour was debunked within 24 hours.

      • There were 'no plans'… in September. If its player base tanks further, they'll go F2P just to keep match-making going.

        • There were actually plans in September… for a "trial mode". It's still in the works and should be available in the coming months.

        • +1

          @kamoi: In the 'coming months,' this game would have bled whatever remaining player base it has left, and they'd be forced into F2P just like Evolve, Old Republic, etc.

        • @Strand0410:

          I'm not denying it won't eventually go F2P. It's just not going to happen "any day now". They will first attempt to revitalize the player base.

        • +2

          @kamoi: By… F2P. Be real, this game went from 12,000 consecutive players to <200 on PC. Those players aren't coming back and no one new is buying, or retailers wouldn't be selling it for $10, which is an inch away from free at this point. Whether it happens a day from now or a month, just depends on their immediate cashflow.

        • +1

          @Strand0410: I'm not arguing that. First comment in this chain says:

          They reckon F2P any day now.

          The F2P rumour back in September was debunked and they said there was a trial mode being worked on. They will not make it F2P until after they see the effect of the trial mode which has yet to be released.


          I'm not denying it won't eventually go F2P. It's just not going to happen "any day now". They will first attempt to revitalize the player base.

        • @kamoi: I doubt they'll bother with trials. This game can't retain players, whether you give them a free taste or not, and everyone knows it. Plus, 2K has seen first-hand how only F2P revitalised Evolve. I suspect it'll happen within the month, maybe two. All it hinges on is their pride, how they'll monetise, and how much they project to salvage.

        • @kamoi: Plans change so we just need to wait and see. If they were working hard on a trial mode I imagine it could have been completed well and truely by now. Three and a half months is a while (arguably a very long time) given the content should be largely there already.

          For this industry I'd take any denial with a grain of salt, especially when it doesn't seem to fit in with what's going on around it. Many many companies will deny something they are working on if they aren't ready to announce it. Hell some will deny a rumour on Thursday only to have a product announcement that shows actual product the following day. A trial may have made sense in Sept but the games almost dead now and a trial almost certainly won't bring people back, so I wouldn't expect them to at least not consider reprioritising their efforts.

          There's no way they would have confirmed the rumour if it was true in Sept as it'd piss of the existing user base (these transitions usually do, even for popular games) and it would have guaranteed that no one would have purchased the game from September onwards. If FTP is a six month dev cycle or whatever, that'd really be jumping the gun.

          I'd wait. Either way I wouldn't buy the game unless you're planning to do the campaign stuff.

    • For f2p you need to target in-app purchases and that involves recoding ….. And they aren't going to support multiple versions.
      I've noticed many of the newer Xbox gold freebies ……In-app purchases.

      Also it's easy if it's PC and steam harder with console games where you need the media ……

      For $10 bought for my son's PS4 ….Cheapest game he will ever get for his PS4 and its low risk if not good.

  • Always get a little chuckle whenever I see it drop in price. Randy Pitchford deserves every bit of it though, the thieving prick.

  • +5

    Not even worth $10

    • +1

      It's a $10 lump of coal for that kid whose Christmas you forgot to ruin.

  • +9

    finally so cheap I can buy it for my son who gave me a hard time when I didn't buy it at $64. ….happy birthday junior …… I never forgot how much you wanted battleborn….. "what now you really wanted Forza …… well Christmas is only another 10 months away" (his birthday is in Feb).

    Yes, he will get other presents …. but battleborn will be a good lead in till gets home from school.

    at school ……
    "what did your data get you for your birthday"

    • Forza 5 was 10 bucks at Target the other week :)

      • And now it's $20. :(

        • I was just kidding, but legit, that's so annoying. When it was ten I rang my local ones because a few had them in stock and there were none, then a week later when they went back to 20 they all of a sudden had a few again.

  • +4

    Overwatch destroyed this game

    • i think gearbox's reputation at large killed this game

      the north remembers alien colonial marines

    • +3

      Has to be one of the worst timed releases in recent times.

      • Gearbox are well known for their idiotic release dates. It's like they want their games to fail

      • Right up there with Titanfall 2.

    • Overwatch didn't have to do anything, this game is just crap.

  • dont get this game even at $10 lol u wont find matches

  • $10 game
    $9.90 postage

    $19.90 all up.

    Any codes for free postage
    Cant even select free pick up

  • why would anyone play this over Overwatch

    • -4

      because not everyone is a blind fan boy.

    • The single-player/co-op content is actually pretty good. Similar to Borderlands but more linear.

      For adversarial play it's Overwatch every time.

  • -1

    I have to say the final product surprised me.
    The PVE is pretty fun. PVP not my thing but can see why many prefer it Overwatch's sameness.

    Best $20 I've spent on next gen garbage so far.

    • Negs are a bit harsh. Everyone is different.
      I played the beta and had a bit of fun with it. Might give it a go again if/when it goes FTP.

  • Sweeeeet !!!!
    Just picked up my copy at Big W Broadmeadows
    Thanks Hankski

  • Yeah thanks …..Got one …..Great find.

  • +1

    The missus has been after a new shooter for a bit and while wandering around Eastland earlier I remembered this post, no signs in store but it came up as ten, even the guy was surprised.

    As of a couple hours ago, big W Eastland still has 2 copies on Xbox and one on ps4 (we grabbed a ps4 copy)

    Cheers op, made her day.

    Oh, and I don't know if it's all of them, but the ones Eastland had were day one editions with the preorder dlc code included and a little pack of trading cards or something

  • Liverpool still had one more

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