South East Asia travel - Questions (Citibank, sim card, safety)

Hi all,

Travelling through SE Asia later this month: Seoul (Korea), then Taipei, before flying into Guangzho for a day or two for a wedding, before going throuhg to Hong Kong via train.

I then head through to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) to coincide with the festive CHinese new Year period.

Just wondering:

a) Citibank debit card: whether withdrawls fee free ATMs are easy and common throughout Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong and Guangzhou?

If not, if any of these cities are notoriously hard to use the 28 degrees mastercard (i.e. cash based) - basically so we can prepare more Forex before going.

Currently we believe Seoul , Taipei and Hong kong will either accept credit cards easily or have Citibank branches anyway - it is mainly Guangzhou we are worried about so we may change more AUD to Reminbi.

Malaysia - frequently travel so not fussed.

b) Safety wise: how founded is the fiance's paranoia re: travelling with her new engagement ring? I woudl think Seoul, Taipei and Hong kong are pretty much like any other city. And relatively safe.

Guangzhou - china, not too sure, but we are only there for the day or so for the wedding and train down to Hong kong anyway, so I assume the only period to be careful is the train where some may sight it.

THe problem is it's not an expensive ring, but being a marquise cut it looks big (becuase it is long and wide, but not deep if you look in the setting) - so she's worried it'll attract attention. Due to ozb reasons I wanted to bring it…. ahem, but she would much rather forgo ozb ways and keep it in the deposit here. If i insist the responsibility is all on me, so I was thinking stuff it in the hotel safe box upon arrival at each country, where air bnb in taipei just carry it in my backpack? My only worry was aren't hotel safes able to be unlocked by employees as there's always an override code? She'd never let me live it down anyway if stolen , but it is insured…

c) Sim cards: Japan was great with a preordered sim card, given I have only a week to go I probably can't preorder anything off ebay, but is there an easy solution given we're covering so many countries?

Korea is only for 4 or 5 days, taipei 3 or so, guangzhou the day or so of wedding and hong kong for a few days transitting through. I usually grab a Malaysia sim card upon arrival at the airport there.

I assume there isn't something to cover me for all countries apart from buying a travel sim here in Aus before departing - which would be pretty crummy data and allowances, although I won't be in each country much?

Or is it quite easy to pickup a sim in the above asian countries at arrival at the airport or around most popular tourist accomoddation areas?

Thanks for any advice!


  • Korea has Citi branches but not always easy to find even with the locator. You might just put up with the small ATM fee of other banks. Taipei is somewhat better.

    For Korea you would have to rent an mobile AP on arrival. For a short stay you might just use you hotel's WiFi or public hotspots you encounter.

    BTW Korea, Taiwan and China hardly qualify as SEA :).

    • So there is citi in korea? Taipei?

      Hong kong should be fine. Ialso assume all of these Asian destinations are relatively easy to use credit card to avoid drawing cash, but I guess worse come worse a $2,3 atm fee is do'able to do an one time withdrawl of cash.

      I would probably prefer having a sim card so I can whip out my phone for instant banking (have had to before, or where my pin number wasn't working) - I am not as comfortable with hunting down free wifi spots. I find this generally more troublesome than stopping by the side of the road looking for sights and pulling out a phone. Is it easy to obtain a sim in korea, Taipei and hong kong ? Some countries have quite a tight control , you can't just run in to your corner store and buy a sim.

      Not to mention some make activation quite difficult. Whereas some countries are quite tourist friendly. Best to do it in the airport upon arrival I guess.

      Sorry - bad geography/Friday brain freeze!

      • Yes there are a few Citis in Seoul, e.g. one in the middle of Myeongdong and another inside the Shinsegae dept store Myeongdong. They are not easy to find even with GPS. If you need cash for just a few days just put up with the ATM fee at the airport bank branches, you're going to need cash the first day. Taipei is easier, use the Citi locator.

        I didn't use a SIM while I was there. I just cached the maps when I had WiFi. Never had any need to do online stuff in a hurry.

        • Did you have any good links on introductions on how to cache google maps?

          I assume by doing so it is full detail as if you were searching live? If so I might do it for the areas we are going to be in.

          We'll bring about $100-150 aud each in Korean Won to be safe. hopefully we can find some citibanks or other compatible fee free atms, otherwise we'll just wear the $5 AUD cost for an once off convenience fee for money :)

          Hopefully most places there I assume would accept credit card (bar market places and other cash economy style stores)?

        • @SaberX: Tips for Google Maps:… How much detail is cached depends on how far you've zoomed in while caching.

          Stores and upmarket restaurants take plastic of course, but like Japan, a lot of transactions are still cash.

  • i'd buy a sim card in the respective countries honestly. have previously done this travelling through asia, it's cheap enough to do so and then you get better data quantities etc.

    i wouldnt be worried about your ring in china, there's that many people there they wont really care about you lol

    • thanks - do you buy it upon arrival at the airport generally due to setting up/language barriers?

      I don't mind 20,30 aud for a few days for the luxury of staying connected to be honest. IT comes in handy anyway with a smart phone these days.

      • yeah have gotten them from the airport and asked them nicely to set it up for me also :-)

        • Thanks! Now to just avoid being ripped off in China haha.

  • c) Sim cards: given I have only a week to go I probably can't preorder anything off ebay, but is there an easy solution given we're covering so many countries?

    Not sure if this will reach in time or whether it can be sent to your accommodation…

    • Thanks but don't you have to buy this in Singapore?

      I doubt it, we're off end of next week - wouldn't chance it to get through aus post by the week :(

  • Just convince your fiance to take a duplicate ring in cubic zirconia. My wife has a 2.3 ct stone, and purchased a CZ similar ring for travel purposes, she is very happy with this practice.
    In the case of a mugging, just hand it over but look fully distressed!!.

    • it's mainly because we need to take the genuine product through customs for them to sight for the TRS… ahem. well thinking of it.

      Otherwise she wouldn't bring anything period.

      • the TRS guy didn't really scrutinise my wife's one when we claimed it last year but ymmv.

        • but they at least open up the box to look at it? It would be pretty hard to pass off odd shaped diamonds per the description that's all, and I wont be able to get cubic zirconia in a week so… unless there's an easy store that does CZ style rings off the shelf haha.

          did they open it up and take it out to look at how worn or new it looked?

        • @SaberX:
          they got me to open the box and went "yep, that's a ring" :-)

          i'd be very surprised if the shop you got the ring from doesn't also sell CZ rings that look similar, if not identical, to the one you bought.
          I was in a situation where the ring i'd bought needed to be shipped from WA to QLD and the store said that it might not make it in time for our flight so they were suggesting a CZ ring as a stand-in

        • @shakoo:

          Problem is it's marquise cut (if you google it you'll see what I mean) whereas I assume you found CZ quite easily as yours was a round brillian cut or something not of an unusual shape?

          Good that you got through though - did they flag you for a 'check' on the way back in if you stll had it?

          Did you use the TRS app to pre-do your claim, and did you find the line quite slow as they say? As i'm leaving on a work day afternoon so just wondering how much extra time to leave in addition to the 2 hours standard pre-departure tiem for international flights that one usually embarks to the airport by, in order to clear the TRS counter.

        • @SaberX:

          at the end of the day, it's all a question about how closely the TRS agent scrutinise the ring.
          In my case, I filled out the TRS app and went to the counter and the agent didn't bother looking at the app as apparently it was faster for her to just do it manually. So it took around 5 minutes for them to do it manually as opposed to however long it would take to go through the app.

          I didn't get questioned about it on the way back either but then again i flew out/in from Cairns for my international flights so…

        • @shakoo:

          thanks! Can I pre-do the manual option via online form in addition to my app though? Just incase the app doesn't work or the lines long then I'd have the form all 'ready' as a backup. I'd rather double up on work outside in my own time and then have a speedy straight-through TRS in the event we're rushing for the boarding gate…

        • @SaberX:
          i'm not sure sorry. I just filled out the details in the app 'cos i'm lazy.
          I didn't fill out the online form.

        • @shakoo:

          No probs - thanks anyway

  • For Korea, some of the Hana Bank ATMs allow your Citi card to withdraw cash without fee.
    SIM card (SK): it is possible to get prepaid sim card from some convenience stores, I've previously used EG sim card.
    SIM card (HK): it is also quite easy to buy this from convenience stores, I've previously used one of the csl ones.

    • Thanks. WIll keep an eye out for Hana. Any known bank ATMs in Taipei, HK or Guangzhou likely to accept citi cards fee free?

      With sim cars in SK and HK I will keep an eye out at convenience stores then. Only worry is how easy it is to activate being foreign? Are there no booths manned at the airports upon arrival that you'd recommend?

      • You can buy EG sim card (SK) at the airport…
        For csl (HK) you just need to pop it in and it works straight away, no activation is required.

        I'm not sure about the other countries as I didn't organise those trips myself.

        • Thanks! I'll keep an eye out for CSL in HK if it comes working already - saves me the pressure! How about setting up the relevant settings for 4g that you need usually - that's where we've been caught in other countries when no one knew how to do the APN settings or other quick items because we're not native?

          Will look out for the EG sim card in SK - I assume data allowances and cost were reasonable for the freedom it gives? Do they set it up for you at the airport?

  • I would side with your fiancee and keep the ring here. Seoul is pretty good, Hong Kong is okay. Taipei, never been there… But Guangzhou has a bad rap amongst friends.

    BTW, those countries are East Asia, def not Southeast.

    • haha my bad, didn't think too much creating the title till later.

      Taipei I would not be too concerned, it seems like a decent place. Although yeah, china and Guangzhou worries me as there are plenty of normal or good eggs, but also some quite unscrupulous characters in China.

      I only wanted to bring the jewelry out due to needing to show it to customs on the way out, hence why we're weighing our options. Peace of mind or money in the pocket…

  • Forget about SIM card, most hotels have WiFi,just install WhatApp and then you can send SMS,make Voice and Video calls for free :)

    • +1

      Yeap, understood - but I find it much more convenient to be able to use your mobile on the go for sightseeing, looking up restaurants, even staying 'connected' - albeit im not a social media slave on holidays, and even last minute things, which isn't possible if you have to hunt out wifi :(

      • Just came back from South Korea and Taiwan a fortnight ago,love South Korea,so clean and food is so yummy,also people are super friendly,love it :)

        • Great to hear! Safe it seems for the mrs to bring her engagement ring then it seems? Was it hard for you to get around - or did you find having a sim card etc. it was a breeze?

          We're very busy in life atm so we are really behind our guidebook and internet planning pre trip so just wondering how much we can wing on the go with a mobile phone and sim card.

          I take it you don't speak korean so you got around with english fine?

          Anything in particular we need to prebook or pre-organise before our flight end of this week (taipei or Seoul)? LIke in Japan or USA some things needed to be pre booked.

        • @SaberX: I was on 5 weeks trip,travelling South Korea,Japan,Taiwan and Vietnam,I could do it easily as I joined local fully escort tour in each countries and stayed back a couple of days after some trips,

          I didn't get local SIM card,just use WhatApp to make phone call,also we used Airbnb in Osaka,took Airbnb portable modem with you when you go out,and use it on road for phone call and map etc…

          South Korea and Japan are very clean and safe countries to travel,you won't see any rubbish bins in the streets,public areas etc…people just keep rubbish in their pockets and empty out when they get home :)

          Food are cheap specially street food,very yummy in all countries.

          The down side is people in South Korea and Japan hardly speak English,even they are very friendly,helpful and try their best to help you out in the street,I asked a guy in Osaka about the toilet in the street,and he asked me to follow him 200m to his office to use his company bathroom, lol

          Hotel in South Korea and Japan is very expensive so try Airbnb if you can.

          I travel very simple and light with only carry on backpack,my advice to you,just leave any expensive jewellery at home,just eat like local,act like local and then you will be fine :)

          Hope this will help !

        • @SaberX: Seoul has a lot of backpackers, prices vary but generally quite clean. If language is a concern, stick with main tourist areas (Hongdae/Hongik University, Myeongdong, Itaewon). Public transport system is very good & prices are reasonable. As the airport is a fair way out, if you will be flying out of Seoul early AM just stay the previous night at the airport public sauna "Spa on Air".
          In general, all major tourist attractions will have English speaking staff/guide.

        • @SavvyShop:

          Hi! We are staying in Myeongdong already - I think skypark 3, so not too bad! Any tips on public transport ? I think we arrive at Icheon airport at 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday so I assume we would be just in time for public transport? Hopefully our hotel allows baggage storage until the 2pm check in time.

          Is taxi or shuttle buses and other cheaper public transport the way to go usually - in particular form airport to Myeongdong?

          We then have the remainder of that Saturday through to Tuesday to be tourists, before flying out Wed AM so any must sees for a first time tourist would be great. The gf has done Seoul before so she will be doubling up , so I will try and pick unique things. I heard Dongmeung or something market is around Myeongdong anyway, and it's the place to be for food and drinks, culture etc?

          I just don't want to be too touristy , as in I still want the local exp and not just there to have foreign food and bars!

          We just want to try and get ahold of a sim card. Not to make calls but for internet. WIth that we will be fine with google translate and google maps and all.

          I think in China we will struggle (Guangzhou) as I think google maps and whatsapp are banned are they not?

        • @SaberX: Just catch the AREX from Incheon to Seoul Station then change to the metro for Myeongdong. Direct train costs a bit more but is faster than the limited stops one. Still about an hour though, Incheon is on the coast and Seoul is inland. To use the metro, buy a T-money card from a convenience store and charge it using a vending machine. Metro is the way to go. Taxis might not be too costly if shared.

          When using the metro, pay attention to which gate/exit you want and use the orientation maps in the station as needed. It may mean the difference between being where you want and being on the other side of a busy road and having to backtrack.

          As for sights, the top list on tripadvisor is fairly good, filtered with your preferences.

          Re your post below. DMZ tours are often sold out way ahead I'm told. It's not my cup of tea so I didn't care.

        • @Marcsie:

          Sounds like a great trip you had! No tours for us. we will just visit our own picked destinations, unless there is something we must absolutely join a tour for? I think like the DMZ - although based off how short and restricted it is I think we will skip such an activity as I don't think it will be overwhelming, just a somewhat historical place to be.

          I don't need the local sim card for calls. It's a bonus that usually comes with it , but we would be using it purely for internet - both whatsapp but also mainly to google on the run for what we want. IDeas, food places, google maps etc - all very convenient stuff if a sim card is available. I know in Japan i got around almost like a local becuase of it - just the language barrier stopped me from reading where i was sometime.

          NO airbnbs for us apart from Taiwan. I had heard they dont' flush toilet paper, just bin it - so that will be an eye opener haha. Or nose opener - which is what I'm worried about!

          Clean is good - but sometimes a pain as a tourist when you have packaged foods and wrappers you can't find anywhere to get rid of!

          I'm broke recently with the mortgage and life, so market food and casual restaurants that are all about local cuisine will be my highlight. Especially the bubble tea in taiwan (i hear they're huge and cheap!) - much better than our Australian equivalent!

          I found japan do'able, and with some language I got around enough - i travelled solo haha. But i find korean much harder (like Mandarin) to rope learn words, somehow I just pick up Japanese. I had heard Koreans were alot colder and less friendly than Japanese though - so I always had this stigma…. plus there is also a bias if you are a raging westerner as opposed to non-western descent.

          I will try and pack light! But the current weather in Seoul is raging into the negatives so it looks like puffy gear all the way! I will leave all valuables at home, bar the only problem is the jewelry which we wanted to claim at the airport… abit of a muchness - peace of mind versus money which I could really do with .. hmm!

          Did you ever go through China on your trips and know if google maps, whatsapp etc. are banned? I heard you couldn't google in China?

          Any recommendations on sim cards if you had ever bought any in Taiwan or Hong Kong , or even Seoul? For some reason the air bnbs in Japan love to give out the wifi internet devices with it! Which is great. I just prefer a sim card as it's all charged and stored in your phone. :)

  • Much more likely to get mugged in any capital city of Australia than the places you're visiting.

  • Kuala Lumpur is safe, I have a HotLink prepaid card and use the 3RM ($1aud) per day for 1GB of data.
    Available at the airport, before you even get to immigration!!

    • Agreed - always go there and I just pick up a maxis or digi sim at the outside of the arrival terminal now for LCCT. I went Maxis last time which seemed great, previously digi , and many moons ago I was originally Maxis. Whichever it is they all get me internet which is a life saver :)

      Edit: One thing with safety - have family living there and I would say that KL And Malaysia has its fair share of petty crime, robbery etc. Maybe the stories are perpetuated, but it's somewhere where word of mouth is not to be seen with any gold/jewelry and large rocks if you want to keep your finger/valuables! :(

  • If you will be using your own everyday debit or credit card from an Australian bank- check with the bank before you go (you should always let them know when you will be going overseas anyway - if you havent advised them and they see you are using it in a foreign country - they may block any further attempts to use it. - I know that St George insist on sending text messages each time I want to withdraw in a foreign country. Luckily, my Aus simcard will receive texts (with the code that the bank sends) . This was not always the case and made it difficult to withdraw from my everyday account - now I just use it as a last resort and have a couple of other debit cards that dont have too much money in them - I add as I need to - online..
    I have found that it is a good idea to have a few hundred Au$ in cash - 50s or hundreds - - makes it easier than worrying about atms/fees etc if you will be in a country for a short time. (often you will be charged by the atm bank that you are using in a foreign country AS WELL AS your bank back home - can add up to approx $15 depending on where you are…
    re ring - Id leave it at home - I think its a personal decision, just less hassle for me. personally. I find that the less possessions I have to worry about when I am tavelling, the easier and more enjoyable that travel is. It is amazing how little we need - the same for a few days will be the same for a few months. My last trip was 13 months - with 7kgs…going to a wedding is a little different - you need special clothes to wear etc.
    I havent been to Korea and Chine - have been to other Asian countries though - wifi is much better and more prevalent there than in Au. I rarely bother with simcards in other countries these days 9you can deposit money into a skype account and call ANY PHONE, ANYWHERE) over wifi. It doe depend on your needs tho - if you need to stay in touch with work or business in Au, then you will need to think differently to wifi. As previously mentioned, WhattsApp is also wonderful - unless the person that you want to call doesnt have WhattsApp - then the skype thng will do.

    Enjoy! Have a wonderful time - stay safe (Malaysia has its fair share of pickpockets btw).

  • Hi SaberX, I will be in Seoul on Jan 29. See you in Seoul. I will be staying in Myeongdong too!

    • Unfortunately you're one year too late :( Enjoy! Especially if you like skincare products…

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