This is going to be for 3 weeks starting today.
There is no limit of how many a customer can buy.
The weather is going to be great so go and start grabbing your mcflurries now..
This is going to be for 3 weeks starting today.
There is no limit of how many a customer can buy.
The weather is going to be great so go and start grabbing your mcflurries now..
I kinda first posted this in my comment about 15min ago but happy as long as more OzBargainers can see the deal!
Cheaper to get a 50 cent ice cream cone minus the cone and get them to put it in a container with some topping.
I call this creation the McOzbargain.
And you'll find most stores are now familiar with that term, so all you have to do is ask for a McOzbargain.
Mate if that works for you then perfect…
has someone ever ordered a McOzbargain from you?
I do it in Drive-Thru, tell them I'm in a flurry and want a McOzbargain.
good idea but you need at least 2 but really 3 soft serves worth which is $1.50 plus then the mix ins would be $1 at least to get as much as a mcflurry
bro, people been doing this for years. If the staff refuses cause they are a noob, just use the self machine so they can't do anything.
Also cones are 60c now
its now 60c in SA
Last cone I bought was 60c (in VIC).
Maccas is trying to test people's New year resolutions. When this ends they are bringing back 24 nuggets for $9.95. Btw might wanna add Tassie to the tittle.
Ive been wondering recently if fast food shops profits take a hit in the first few days/weeks of january before it all evens out less than a month later lol
Why would we put that above an I? A tittle is the dot FYI.
Maccas is trying to get people to eat as much as possible.
Added Tasmania.
Tasmania yyaaassss!
Let's see if the ice cream machine holds up
I know few Maccas stores' always give crap icecream and Maccas stores always give great soft-serve.
It's funny to see they offer "signature dish" from store to store.
Exactly how I thought when I look at the already melting ice cream the moment drive through windows opens.
I don't know if they ever mixed/blended mcflurry's in Australia, but the way they're made here is just… disappointing.
They use to mix them with the spoon in a machine, and then give you the spoon. Don't know why they stopped.
Good to know. they always blended it where I am from. Came to Australia and the first (and last) time i bought one, I found out it was nothing more than a glorified sundae. was hella disappointed.
They dumped the machine and use staff hand to mix now which make no sense to call it McFlurry.
It just look like soft serve with topping. Why can they even call it Flurry?
After they dumpthe machine i never had it. This is a shame of Maccu
i haven't had one since 2003, tried it out today. Very disappointing to what is now a glorified sundae in a paper cup :(
When McFlurry first came out, they did use the mixer tool.
The good old days with the square ended spoon, those mcflurry's were perfect, nothing compares to being mixed by the machine
yup.. and now they are smaller, less topping and cost more!
It is disappointing the way Maccas is doing on Mcflurry now.
It's much better in old way. They used to mix Mcflurry with plastic spoon with square end "pluggable" to their mixing machine.
Management aims at higher profit by lowering the cost, and dropping in quality, sadly.
Strawberry sundae suffers quality drop, too. Used to have better topping with real strawberry fruits. You may find nowadays' Maccas strawberry sundae topping look brighter red in color, taste more chemical and somewhat gives smoky burnt taste, and no fruit. $3.65 a large sundae, worth it?
Damn. No fruit. How many yrs have they stopped that?
According to Maccas's explanation, it was due to "seasonal supply".
Most Maccas store regularly use "crap topping" since ages ago, like you said.
However, there are 2-3 nice Maccas stores occasionally use better topping with strawberry fruits inside.
5 hour drive from Sydney to Wodonga. Tempting…
A true Ozbargainer wouldn't be wasting time posting and would be already driving.
Who said I wasn't using hands free as I was going past Exeter?
Can confirm available in Albury. Will cut a full 5 mins off your drive… :D
Pretty sure this one of the bonuses of being so close to Victoria. The other being able to get Savoys and not just Jatz…
what? are you saying you can't buy Savoy biscuits in NSW?
Victoria only…. Booooooooo!
I have a feeling the OP is based in the Elsternwick or Ormond store…
Great opportunity to earn yourself a McTurbo, and get your eyes on Grimaces shed
Has anyone else tried seeing if this is available in other states/territories yet?
Ive never had a mcflurry. Whats the best flavour or combo?
Has to be M&M. Monday night ritual for me and my mates.
Crunchie topping no longer available? they're so expensive for what you get i haven't bought one in so long so i don't know
I saw a couple of these $2 Oreo McFlurrys today and the serving size to me looked like it had been reduced. They are still serving them in the same size container but only filling the container about 2 thirds of the way. The topping size looks about the same.
Never had one.. is it soft serve mixed with crushed oreos?
Damn they only have 2 flavours now? That's disappointing :/
Tried to grab one today but the drive thru line up went all the way through to the intersection. No thanks.
Maccus nowaday get rid of the machine and use staff hand to mix the Mcflurry make it no differ with soft serve + toppings but price is 3 times more expensive.
Even $2 still expensive IMO.
did you put the article back to the stand that Maccas has provided?
I bet you're anti-vaccination too. Careful using a computer, last time I checked there wasn't much natural content in those. All those energy rays will fry your brain.
I am anti-vaccine because there are no clean vaccines & people should be aware of goes in their own bodies & the bodies of their children. I think that's one of the most basic rights that I would never leave in the hands of pharmaceutical companies and government. Thanks for your unrelated comment about vaccines in order to paint your lovely picture about me being a cooky person of some type. Also the one about computers too. You should be aware that everything we are using today is for State Surveillance. Wi-fi is also no good for your health. The production of computers involves much waste & pollution, so the best thing you can do is keep them going as long as possible before you buy a new gadget. Longevity is the key to reduction of waste.… That goes for just about everything you buy.
Enjoy your McFlurries.
PS. I am also anti-chemtrail. I also think genetically modified garbage should be lablled as such. Too bad it isn't. And too bad antibiotic use is being ignored.
Oh your back, lovely. I'm surprised you use any technology with the way you think. There are better ways to try and make your voice heard rather than spamming a McDonald's post on OzBargain.
there are better ways of avoiding a message than answering to it…
SUNDAE MIX: Milk, Milk Solids, Sugar, Cream, Glucose (from Maize), Vegetable Gums (407, 407a, 412, 466), Emulsifiers (433, 471), Flavours.
Milk, Sugar, Skim Milk, Milk Solids, Cream, Glucose Syrup (from Maize), Vegetable Gums (412, 407, 407a, 466), Emulsifiers (471, 433), Flavour.
Milk, Sugar, Cream, Water, Maltodextrin (from maize and tapioca), Dextrose (from maize), Milk Solids, Vegetable Gums (412, 407, 466, 407a), Emulisfiers (471, 433), Flavour, Mineral Salt (339), Food Acids (330, 331).
MINI M&M'S: Milk Chocolate [Sugar, Milk Solids, Cocoa Mass, Cocoa Butter, Vegetable Fat, Emulsifier (Soy Lecithin), Salt, Flavour], Sugar, Starch (wheat), Glucose Syrup (from wheat), Colours (171, 133, 129, 110, 102), Vegetable gum (414), Thickener (Dextrin), Glazing Agent (903).
Contains gluten, milk & soy. Traces of sulphites.
Traces of peanuts and tree nuts in the Mini M&Ms.
As of today at 3PM, this isn't available at Melbourne Central or the Maccas at Swanston & Lonsdale. They didn't even seem to be aware of the promotion at the second store!
Take a screenshot from a store that has the picture "McFlurry $2 Loose Change" (like I did before I got beaten by OP) and show it to the store that doesn't.
It's national I think
It was on the radio today on gold fm I think! however it did say 'at participating restaurants'
In the USA there's a place called Dairy Queen where they have the Blizzard. They did it for years before McDonalds and have real chunks of fruit or candy in them. My fave was a combo I came up with that has bannana and cheesecake pieces in it. McFlurries suck in comparison. They still machine mix them there.
bannana and cheesecake <sounds awesome compared to our crappy mc flurries
Does it come with the mcflurry spoon (rectangular prism like?)
Yes it does
What drill piece to bring to flurry them up?
Mine came with a regular plastic spoon in a little paper cup. Not stirred either.
Not sure if the below still works cost effectively
"Soft serve in a sundae lid with hot fudge.
Another soft serve in sundae lid with oreo.
Another soft serve in sundae lid wit m&m.
And a small cup of water."
Empty water from small cup.
Add 3x softserve and 3x topping into cup.
How much does the above cost now??
(Is there any point? Qty vs cost?)
I knw of a fittet o fish hack too.
Pm me if any1 interested.
Since when are cones now 60c
Where was the national outrage on that one?
Reading comments about McOzbargain make me feel very uncomfortable. Guys, dignity!
Some label it as "Shame savings"
Dollar in my pocket today better than giving it away to McDs
"you save 50 cents here you go somewhere else you save another 50 cents.. you have one dollar and you go to the dollar store you go buy something else… Be a man" - R.Peters
My dignity comes first.
Going to a place like Maccas and asking for a Macozbargain is pretty low. A while ago, my coworker told us that she does something similar at Maccas and everyone was laughing.
Yes, I believe in fair pricing but f@ck, there is a fine line between being ridiculous and having dignity.
Swearing over McDs?
Low? Compared to you being high?
Your coworker is saving a dollar. And you sound like you would be in the crowd laughing too.
In my experience 30%+ savings for a small fillet o fish meal if ordered "ozB style"
Seems we have a totally different point of view.
It is ok. Some see the value at an attitude, some dont. Comes down to many factors.
Just tried to order one from Bridgewater maccas Tasmania, got charged $4.65 and asked why it wasn't $2 got told that is only with a large meal.
Original price is $4.65 :O
yep ridiculously over priced, just like their thick shakes and most of the decent burgers too
Got my $2 McFlurry at the Maccas on Chadstone road yesterday. It was even displayed on their LCD screen menu under desserts. So I don't see why other Maccas don't even know about it.
Haven't had one of these for a while, but I remember they used to stir the ice cream with the spoon in the machine. These guys stirred mine with the spoon by hand yesterday. Is that normal?
I just got one it cost me 4.90 :/
I'm sure i saw an ad on tv for it this morning here in VIC shrug i wouldn't buy one anyway, just an over priced sundae.
Rofl!!! I was going to post this first. Beaten by 30 secs