Why there is no penalty for the high decibel bikes and cars in Australia?

Hi Fellow mates,

I wonder why there is no penalty notice issued for the motorbikes or cars which produce intolerable noise around the city? I see, the traffic control department is more keen towards signal jump, over speed, seat belt and, etc but not against noise pollution.

What's the allowed range in Australia? I am severely impacted as my apartment is near great western highway, NSW. I'm have nightmares due to super Bikes and Lamborghini.



      • Did you even watch the video???

        It's from South Park episode called bikers are fags….its a joke, not so much aimed at bikers but the term and what it means.

        However, it does give a funny look at bikers and their attention seeking attempts at coolness.

        My neighbours are bikers and I joke about them with this all the time….and yes I do call them fags

  • I find it hard to believe that the police ever enforce noise limits on bikes. Are they deaf? You can hear a lot of Harleys a mile away. On the other hand I do appreciate the safety aspect of a loud bike- car drivers always say, after wiping out a rider, that they didn't see the bike.

  • -3

    There isn't in Australia unfortunately.

    The only traffic offences are speeding, drink/drug driving and driving on P plates.

    Of course there are other traffic offences on the books, but if a machine can't do the thinking, the police don't take the risk.

    They might have to attend court.

    • Not sure why you're getting negged. Seems all true statements. If an offence doesn't generate enough revenue, they couldn't care less.

    • +4

      If you have ever driven a modified car you would know this is not true.

      Literally everything is a traffic offence once you touch your car.

      • I stand corrected. 4 traffic offences.

  • +1

    I live on a main road and the bikes and super-hotted up fully sik cars hooning it all night drive me insane, but it's the way my kids react to it that makes my blood boil. They can get so loud that the kids really freak out (all are under 6 years old). I have been dreaming of a way to either shoot the tires of these guys or get them busted somehow, but I know neither will ever end up happening.

    • Sounds like you are living in an unpleasant area more than the sounds of cars on a main road being an issue.

  • -1

    OP, put a sock in it

  • -1

    Call the bikies?

  • +1

    When I see these guys on stupidly loud bikes it just tells me (and I'm sure others) plainly they are trying to compensate for lack of something else….. Way to go guys.

  • People just find things to whinge about these days! Maybe write a letter to lamborghini to modify their exhausts to sound like a Prius instead.

    • -1

      ……and one day someone will do something un-Australian, illegal or dangerous or both, to you/your kids/effecting your home/your health/your family etc, and you will of course applaud them and be happy to let it all happen, and not say a word of compliant.

      I don't think so.

      • Did you even read the original complaint in this thread? It's about loud cars while living next to a highway…

        Your response doesn't even fit in the conversation.

        • Yes I did. Sorry to disappoint you ozeebee, but my comment was in direct reply to your comment, yet yours was further away from the original thread. It is in fact, a question: 'Why there is no penalty for the high decibel bikes and cars in Australia? Sadly your views re your answer do not help anyone.

  • +1

    Why there is no penalty for the high decibel bikes and cars in Australia?

    You are wrong, there are penalties. Just like the other infringements you mentioned, they can be challenged in court.

    Lambo Huracan Owner Challenges Fine For Excessive Noise And Wins

  • Coz most of them r gangsters, memsl. No gov dare chanllenge them.

  • Now you know why properties near freeways are cheaper

  • +1

    Ban Harleys. That's most of the problem solved in one go.

  • +1

    I lived near main roads and highways before, with the right building materials the sound wasn't an issue.
    The ones that I do have issue with is the dirtbikes through local parks (I'm talking ovals and kids playground type parks, not bushland) and small residential areas. Especially active around 10pm in the weeks immediately after Christmas.

    • -1

      The place I live is more than 200 meters far from highway road. I don't think it has to be considered "The Gt western highway" where you can reach 100 kmph. It's just next to Westfield Parramatta and these morons always throw me nightmares irrespective of the time of a day.

  • +2

    Some pretty stupid comments on such a prevalent problem all over this country. At the end of the day, it is the law, and our rights and are being abused by the inconsiderate and or law breakers just because they for what ever reason do not want to fit in to society's acceptable ways for everybody.

    Yes there are rules on noise, no matter where you live. Snowy has asked a fair question on a common issue, notwithstanding exactly where he lives or proximity to the road etc, but on the law covering a noise issue.

    Snowy, I am a car/bike nut, and love the mods, but I am with you, and all my mods are street legal. I luv the growl of V8's and big bikes, although there is nothing more fake to me than a screaming Lambo or such rubbish noise.

    We all read many foolish replies that state that the car or bike was/is the problem, where in fact it is the nut behind the wheel. The same for all the other excuses for saying he should not complain.

    Fact. Excessive noise from vehicles is illegal.
    Fact. You can complain, and it is encouraged to help clean up our society of idiots.
    Fact. Keep a diary, and report with as much detail as you can of times, vehicles etc, to council and police. Encourage your neighbours to do the same if they give a dam also.

    Sadly by reading many of the replies here, you are on a losing side, as many people think it is your fault, living near a road. Getting something done in your favour may well be nigh on impossible on a HWY, although being positive every little bit helps.

    I know a guy in your position, sits with a notepad, and decibel meter on his phone and a camera on his balcony, and every time a certain idiot modifies his rice burner with his screaming jet exhaust, he reports him with evidence. He goes quiet for a week and is back again, and one day he will either tire of the game or go broke changing his exhaust or get his car crushed under the new hoon laws. Half an hour effort with a beer to gain a few days peace, well worth it.

  • Harley's are a good example, they are just piece's of sh!t that need to announce themselves to the world.

  • Totally agree! Modified vehicles that produce too loud noise should be banned. I have seen many young kids and babies got scared by the noise and even cried. So inconsiderate those people who made such modification. What are they trying to prove??

  • +2

    I used to ride but moved to Melbourne and gave it up for safety reasons.

    If I ride again, I would definitely go something loud as it's a safety measure. People seem to like cutting you off, not check mirrors and a minority dive poorly which is still quite a lot due to the amount of people. If having a loud bike stops me going under someones wheels then the choice is easy.

    Saying that, even with a loud bike I wouldn't ride in Melbourne.

  • I live in the centre of Surfers Paradise & I feel your pain, buddy. So many noisy, attention-seeking douchebags in their obnoxiously loud cars. :( I used to be a bit of a bogan too, & admired some of the V8s, etc. but after 18 months the noise is driving me insane! Not sure about laws down there, but up here you can anonymously report hoons online, which I haven't done yet but have considered on numerous occasions, if you can get their plates & see them driving like dicks. Perhaps NSW has a similar thing?

  • +1

    Where on earth are you for loud vehicles to be a problem?
    As a rider of a bike with aftermarket pipes and a having had subarus and rx7s with cat-less exhausts people still swerve into you on the freeway/highway/major arterial roads.
    The horn saves lives. Drivers paying more attention to their surroundings saves lives.
    Motorbike's with aftermarket debaffled or straight through exhausts are easier to hear but it's the use of the mirrors of other motorists that will save you.

    But with out knowing where the loud cars or bikes are OP is referring to, there has not been a point where loud cars caused any more issue than normal cars.
    A (profanity) in an rx7 would be a (profanity) in a hyundai excel. The excessive revving and peeling out from macdonalds is not a loud exhaust issue, it's idiots being idiots.

    • -1

      No wonder,Monkey talks like a Monkey!!

      • apparently wayne kerr is a profanity here.

  • Bikes don't get fined as much as the noise test is done at a low level, ~5,000rpm iirc barely above idle (jokes!). Many modern bikes run systems with two paths, one is quiet and restrictive, while the other is all but open. All exhaust is pushed down the quiet path, until an actuator opens and allows the less restrictive/loud path to flow. This can be triggered many different ways, but can also let the rider disable the free flow path while tested, for an easy pass.

    In my younger years I had a modified car that would raise hell at WOT, but even at normal driving levels it was considered to loud. After going through all the crap of getting a defect notice, returning the vehicle to stock (enough to pass the tests), getting it passed and then putting it back to how i wanted it (happened every 3-5 months), I put a varex system on it. When ever I was pulled over on the street/rbt stop, I would press a button and it was no louder than a stock commodore. Also allowed me to come home at 2am and not piss off the neighbours.

    Now I drive a stock diesel SUV to cart around kids

    • @Slippage - It makes more sense. I see lot of irrelevant comments for the post.

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