Help! PayPal Decided to Close my Account Because of Security Issues?

Hi everyone,

This is the most ridiculous thing I ever come across.

Few days ago I suddenly receive an email stating that as a security measure they have temporarily limited what I can do with my account until issue is resolved. So, I went to resolution centre to figure out what's going on and what do I need to do to resolve it. So, I get this "19 Dec 2016: Your PayPal account is linked to another account that has outstanding issues. Please resolve the issues with the other account."It didn't provide any further information about what's going on and there's nothing listed in resolution of what i can do to resolve it.

So i emailed them to get further information about this.They replied saying that I need to provide them the Proof of Address documents. So i logged back into my PayPal account, attached a copy of my gas bill and driving licence as requested.

Now, i received another email saying that "PayPal appeal denied, for the safety and security of the PayPal network, we often review accounts for potential risks. After reviewing your account, we have decided to close it because of security issues."

I call them straight away to find out whats going on and the operator basically just say that due to security issue, you account is closed, FULL STOP

From the beginning till the end,they didn't explain WTH is going on, and basically just ban my account due to whatever security reason.

So what can I do?

I do use PayPal quite a lot, really upset they just do it for no reason :( I have no outstanding debts or account)

EDIT: never use my paypal account to sell anything or receive any fund from anyone, never try to do anything dodgy with the account, there's no money in the account at all, mainly use it to make purchase from ebay or other online website for personal use, it provides peace of mind in case need to return or deal with dodgy seller. Also, another reason i use Paypal lots for purchasing because i can still earn Amex points through paypal if the seller doesn't accept Amex but Paypal.

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    • It seems Preta legit to me.

  • PayPal is nothing but headaches ill second that. i had the student edge ebay voucher brought 3 items applied the discount voucher 1 min before the midnight expiry and submitted. i learnt later that paypal processes 1 item 5 seconds after midnight and charged me full price without the $10 discount voucher being applied and without any warning. ebay sent me an email saying congratulations discount voucher was applied. called paypal and sent them a complaint email to no avail, they dont care and wont accept responsibility that their payment system has flaws. avoid them if you can.

  • this scares me, im pulling all my money out of pp now!

    • +1

      Yeah, I never keep money in there, only pay via Citibank card…

      This is why I suspect the OP has been receiving funds from somewhere.

      Now why there are funds and the origin is not something we are going to get out of them, if my instincts are correct.

      Most people (~80%+) have zero in their paypal account, and only pay via card.

  • Paypal is scum. Only use Paypal for 20% off ebay sales.

  • +1

    There are costs of doing business with Paypal.

    Someone within your ip range could have been blocked which is flagging you. Paypal will blacklist certain ranges, even those of innocent users to catch people doing the wrong thing and using a VPN provider with a narrow range of ip addresses.

    We don't know what has happened but I will assume for now the OP is innocent.

    Also if you have a dynamic ip address, you can kiss goodbye to your paypal account eventually because as time approaches infinity, there probability of a collision with your ip address assigned and that which was previously used by a scammer increases exponentially.

    Get a static ip address as soon as possible, or change to an service provider that can give you this option.

    This is why things happen. You can get back into the game though, back to paying high fees to paypal.

    This only works if you are innocent, if you are guilty, well, you won't be going back. You can even read some forums to see how people get frozen almost every few days doing dodgy shit.

  • +1

    financial ombudsman, works every time.

    write professionally for all communications.

  • +3

    "Just don't use PayPal" is not an option for many. It's pretty much the only way to accept payments on eBay.

    You have the option of consulting a financial ombudsman.

  • Paypal are a bunch of cnuts but unfortunately as they are part of ebay (even though they try to deny it) there is little alternative.

    • lol They don't have to 'try to deny it' - it's a simple fact.

  • Apart from the impact on buying, selling, and using coupons on eBay, is there any effect on being able to use your credit card with non-eBay stores that use PayPal as their card processor?

  • +2

    Ironic in Australia you need to provide id to buy a $5 item on eBay, but you can plough millions in cash into residential property without having to identify yourself or the source of the funds.…

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