Hey all - might be a weird bargain but I these actually work - I use one!
Helps concentrate on breathing through your nose = better sleep. Also no medication/medicines, so 100% natural.
Usually found at random chemists for between $15-$25
Seller has made 12460 transactions with 96.7% feeback
For under $1.50 with cashback https://www.cashrewards.com.au/search/aliexpress you can't go wrong.
Also limits Jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Can be adjusted to suit all size heads.
Make a bedroom fashion statement and get a better night's sleep ;)
Updated: $1.46 link (Big Thanks to hamza https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/283647#comment-4296297
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/High-Quality-Stop-Snoring-Be… )
This doesn't actually stop snoring. It just looks so bad that no one will sleep in the same room with you when you're wearing it, so no-one hears your snoring anymore!
just a joke, OP !!