Used Lief1250
Here's mine:
It did take me way way!!!! too long to design this
Build your MSI dream machine at for a chance to be 1 of 3 randomly selected winners to win all the components of your choosing.
STEP 1: Build a system on PickPartPicker.
1. Go to PcPartPicker and log in or register if you do not yet have an account.
2. Click on Start A System Build, applying the following rules:
(a) Parts must be available on PCPartPicker with pricing. Inputting custom pricing and custom parts is forbidden and is grounds for disqualification. Using disallowed products or categories is grounds for disqualification. All the parts must be compatible with each other to be eligible.
- Motherboard (must be MSI branded)
- Video Card (must be MSI branded)
- CPU Cooler i.e. air cooler or all-in-one liquid cooler
- Memory
- Internal Storage Drive i.e. hard drive and/or SSD
- Case
- Power Supply
- NVIDIA SLI (maximum of two video cards)
- AMD Crossfire (maximum of two video cards)
- Multiple internal storage drives
- Monitor (limit of one)
- Accessories including case fans, mice, keyboards, headphones, and headsets
(d) Products and categories that are not in the above REQUIRED or OPTIONAL/ALLOWED rule lists are NOT ALLOWED and include but are not limited to:
- Any motherboard and/or video card that is not MSI branded
- All software including Operating Systems
- Other add-on cards including sound cards and networking cards
- Optical drives such as DVD drives
- Adapters, cables, PSU cables, case lights and lighting kits, speakers, thermal compound, custom water cooling parts, fan controllers, external storage drives, batteries, and food
3. The value of the final build total must add up to USD3,000 or less. If after your entry submission the value exceeds the limit due to market price fluctuations, then your entry will still be allowed/eligible within reason.
4. Save your permalink.STEP 2 (Optional)
1. Like MSI US on Facebook.
2. Follow PCPartPicker on Youtube.
3. Follow @msiUSA and @PcPartPicker on Twitter.STEP 3: Complete the entry form with your permalink.
PRIZE (3 Winners)
A dream PC valued at USD3,000 (over AUD4,000).
Used Lief1250
Here's mine:
It did take me way way!!!! too long to design this
Can you share your builds for some inspiration?
The referral doesn't give you any extra entries (Which is fair enough).
My build:
Nice. Picked some similar parts CPU, Cooler, RAM and GPU. Still finalising though.
An US$800+ monitor that is only 60hz?
Was still playing around with the build.
Now final i think
Probably should have done this yesterday but I thought it might help if I put together a kind of model for people not too into this to quickly get through the tedious part.
Base example is and i'll explain some of the parts and what you might want to replace them with.
CPU - Keep this unless you're really penny pinching for something, not because there's inherently more value in an i7 or K, but because when it comes time to upgrade unlocked i7s sell far better on ebay
Cooler - I wouldn't change this one, best price to performance cooler on the market, spending hundreds of dollars here will only see single digit temperature improvements, it's really quite a saturated market. If you need water cooling for noise, airflow, aesthetics, smaller case, whatever. Go with a corsair h60, the dual fan coolers like h100i's are only 4-5 degrees cooler than it on OC'd mainstream cpus so there's next to nothing to show for your money any higher than this.
Motherboard - I don't even know why there are more expensive options than this, the M5 gaming, a $50 step up from this seems to only add 1 m.2 slot, in case you wanted to RAID those things for some reason and 1 extra sata express, a connector with no product available that uses it. Kind of useless. only change this if a board adds somehting you need or you want a mini itx form factor or something.
Memory - Cheapest OC'd 32gb available and 3200mhz to boot, get 2 of these if you want more and if you want less just get the 2x8gb set of the same product name, it's also pretty cheap and fast
Storage - Here's where it starts to come down to what you personally want/need. Everyone uses their computer for different things, even if only slightly and storage is really what shapes the user experience the most, at least to me. I put a large SATA ssd and large 7200rpm drive here as an example of what I think is ideal but if you're not much of a file hoarder you can have a smaller or no mechanical hard drive at all and if you're a speed freak you can swap the SSD for a samsung 960 pro, it's the best M.2 option available on pcpartpicker for price and the fact it's the fastest SSD in the world, still i wouldn't go for this myself as the performance upgrade isn't worth the tradeoff in capacity for me, but it's up to your preference.
Videocard - Not really much to see here, any more expensive and you get limited returns, and you don't save much by going cheaper. If you're doing one of those cool shoebox cases or node 202 or whatever builds you might want to go for a stock cooler as they perform the best in a case without fans.
Case - Go nuts here, your case is what you're going to interact with the most outside of peripherals and displays so the thing I went with might not be what you need, you might want a colossal fan monster or a tiny console killer, just be mindful of the other components if you change this
Powersupply - Don't change this unless you need to, very good power supply with a lot of customers and a surprisingly low failure rate for this price bracket. You might need to change it if you increase your system's power draw or switch to a smaller case but I think if you're doing stuff like that you already know what you're doing.
Now you can add whatever allowed peripherals and monitors you want, if you're squeezing the boundaries of your budget here, i'd recommend first dropping the seagate hard drive, there will probably be a better deal for one on here after christmas anyway and if you're still hurting drop the ram down to 16GB and that won't hurt your performance in gaming.
I hope I wasn't too presumptive thinking this would help anyone, it just took me a while to wade through all the options so I thought I might share my work to save someone the trouble.
TL;DR - I made a base build to meet the requirements to save people time, change and add what you want
Thanks for the write up! Great starting point for me, having not built a PC for years!
Thanks so much for posting this, Lief1250! I've never built a PC before but I've done a bit of research and used your template to make this. If you've got time I'd love to know your thoughts:
The cooler seems a bit overkill for a mainstream cpu but if that's what you want, it fits in the budget so it's fine.
on the off chance you get more entries, i used Irrelevator's link, mine:
Do you need to keep it in the US region for pricing, or do you use the Australian prices?
US pricing as the prize is to the value of $3000 USD
$5.68 over price, can't decide wha to get rid of :((((((((((((((((((((((((
I say whatever's cheapest - if you've got to buy it, then its still better than paying $3k for the rest of it too!
That's true. All though market fluctuations were pretty intense on my build and when I woke up this morning it was $25 under budget so I just submitted it right then and there haha
Oh there's a referral link thing I wasn't expecting
It doesn't really promise anything but I'll start the chain just in case