Awesome headspace deal I found while searching for a steal online.
Not sure if you need to be a new member or not… The T&C's are unclear, as all I've found is the code and have had success with it. Which I'm sharing with my OzBesties
Awesome headspace deal I found while searching for a steal online.
Not sure if you need to be a new member or not… The T&C's are unclear, as all I've found is the code and have had success with it. Which I'm sharing with my OzBesties
"Sorry! That promo/gift code cannot be applied at this time.
You can only renew or change this in the final 3 months.
Need help? Contact us."
Thanks anyway!
Worked for me too - thanks feebo!
Does this auto-renew with some kind of subscription cost in a year?
You won't get prompted for any payment method after putting in the code. So no.
I will doubt as it doesn't ask for any credit card or similar information.
it worked, thanks for sharing it….
Thank you feebo, worked like a charm.
Awesome I just started getting back into this!
ommmmmmmm works.
what is….
Quote - "Headspace is meditation made simple. Learn online, when you want, wherever you are, in just 10 minutes a day"
Legend, my subscription had just expired.
Ive been using this for years. Big +1
What does it do? Are we talking reminders to get up and chill out, self-hypnosis tapes or streaming ambient electronica?
Been meaning to get into this. +1 for mental health!
where do you put the code?
Thanks, was just nearing my end of subscription
Played the track for 1 minute and I gave up… Need more stress or patience for this kind of thing.
An error has occurred during payment.
This voucher has already been consumed
Same error presented to me
Same here. On a new account :-(
after trying to redeem coupon it tells me :
-An error has occurred during payment.
-This voucher has already been consumed
Worked perfectly. Excited to dive in ASAP! Thanks OP :)
Fantastic! Thanks, OP. :)
This voucher has already been consumed
An error has occurred during payment.
This voucher has already been consumed
What am I doing wrong?
Instructions not clear. Now subscribed to foxtel
This voucher has already been consumed
Have no clue what it is but subscribed anyway, thank you!
An error has occurred during payment.
This voucher has already been consumed
Are you sure? I just tried that and getting the same error other posters are getting.
Gone :(
An error has occurred during payment.
This voucher has already been consumed. '
No more tasty vouchers left!
It’s not you. It’s us.
An error has occurred during payment.
This voucher has already been consumed
Obviously a limited number of uses.
Can confirm voucher was delicious. Source: I consumed it.
An error has occurred during payment.
This voucher has already been consumed
damn!! I really wanted this :(
Same… Got my hopes up after putting in code, then after signing up the final page is a gut punch - well not that bad, maybe a forehead slap.
Worked for me just 2 seconds ago
Could you actually check out with the code, or did you just get to the order summary page?
:( no longer works and this makes me sad, i'll have to do some mindfulness to process this sadness, if only there's some sort of guided meditation app out there for this kind of stuff
For an online remedy try a guided munition app like BF4, nothing lifts spirits more than doing some minefieldness on a lorry full of unsuspecting foes.
another code plsss
Im unsure why this is marked as expired, it just worked for me (GSML1Y)
i'm sad :(
Thanks OP.
"This voucher has already been consumed"
Love how they sign you up before they tell you the code is 'consumed'. I think we're all now signed-up members but with no access to the paid-for content. They even tell you the code was successfully applied even though it wasn't. That's why the confusion.
found on reddit, so maybe you won't feel as bad about missing out:
As another user commented, this code was created for the MaxLove Project, an organization that helps survivors of childhood cancer. They (mistakenly, I assume) posted this code openly on their website, as part of the Headspace Give Some Get Some program. For evidence, you can see the website here:
Please reconsider using this code. This code is literally meant for childhood cancer survivors, and there are only a finite number of licenses offered under this code. Yes, it was a big oversight for them to post it online, but please keep in mind their mission and who they are helping.
Oh, yikes. Thanks for posting that.
Makes me feel better. Might make the successful ones feel worse. Although now I'm thinking about childhood cancer so I feel worse too… They've taken the page down.
Yeah, I'm one of the ones who got it and after finding out I definitely don't feel great about it. So to offset that feeling I've just made a donation to their cause here:
I've also made a donation to them.
While I feel bad that the code has been consumed so the people who it was meant for cannot use it, they will now generate a new code to be passed on to those people and ensure it's not public.
Having said that, after the month I've had I feel like it will really benefit me…I've had two cars written off after they were stolen and burnt out and we lost a pregnancy after trying literally all year.
Will I get some benefit out of it? Yes, definitely
Do I feel terrible? No, because they are obviously aware of it and can fix it very easily.
If it's any consolation, the code MINDFUL will get you 25% off a year's subscription (3 months free).
D'oh! Saw this post too late to sign up. :(
While I'm here though, there's an online therapy course in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy which I shared on here recently. Perhaps it may be of interest to some of you…
Just worked for me. Cheers!
EDIT: At least I thought it did but alas I was wrong :-(
Me too - it takes you right through the sign up process, thinking the code will be accepted, then turns you away at the end - after you've already created a profile.
Worked for me- thanks :)
The code is still working for me. Thanks OP - Edit: nvm
I did it just now. Not expired
Missed out, really stressed out bout it.
Try doing some take 10 on headspace to calm down
whats that? i need to get onto head space to learn it.
Missed out, really stressed out bout it.
damn, i missed out :(
I was wrong - Its gone
i tell a lie it didnt…..
Worked for me a second ago:
Signed up with a new email (not Facebook or Spotify)
Free Headspace
One year of free Headspace
One year of free Headspace
There is no charge.
As posters have already said this is part of the get one give one program - people who subscribe offsets the cost to someone who really needs it - in this case Kids with Cancer.
I'll just pay the $10/ month if you dwliberately use the freebie taking it from someone who really needs it ur a pos Imo.
Worked for me