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Just saw this at my local big w. Looks pretty cheap for the 1tb version. Hopefully it's not a price error. I didn't buy one. Although I'm super tempted.
Mod: Price is actually $449. Someone messed with the numbers.
Moved to Forum: Original Link
Just saw this at my local big w. Looks pretty cheap for the 1tb version. Hopefully it's not a price error. I didn't buy one. Although I'm super tempted.
Mod: Price is actually $449. Someone messed with the numbers.
what is the difference between slim vs pro version? I am non expert PS4 but curious to know.
PS4 slim is same as original PS4 but in a slim case. The PS4 pro is with new hardware internals enabling 4K HDR games.
The regular ps4 and ps4 slim can do HDR too, the more powerful ps4 pro hardware allows extra detail/fps at 1080 or 4k checkerboard rendering ("fake" 4k).
Should probably edit to say it's PS4 slim, mention the two games included, and include the fact that it comes with 3 months of free stan
with 3 months of free stan
Most people find this completely worthless though.
Still a part of the deal though.
That's three months of free sg1 :) Can't find that on other sites.
Not legally anyway ;)
Is it nationwide or just store special can somebody confirm? And can we use it at jbHiFi to price match?
this is actually a pretty good deal - wonder if they can swap some games around
Just speak with BIGW Blacktown and they said they don't have any such bundle and similar bundle was on special weeks ago but not now.
Meh games
It looks that I might have no chance to sell my old ps4 again…
Why would you want to? Aren't they basically the same?
yep they are… guessing he meant to get decent money back for it to put against the upgrade to pro… loll just a guess
I mean I bought it at 500+. Now I probable can sell it around 200? Lose too much value.
The reason I want change one is because of its WIFI card. The new system provides 2.4G/5G WIFI connection. It's better to go wireless.
Sorry guys am on my phone. This is the Townsville castletown store if anyone wants to confirm the deal. Don't understand why it's not nation wide.
Just went into the Highpoint Big W store and they said it's probably a price error. It's scanning as $449 in the system.
Just got the PS4 Pro with My Republic coupon, worked out to be $350 shipped.
Please explain? What is the My republic coupon? Im looking to buy a Pro.
If you signed up to My Republic NBN before a certain date you get a $200 off promo code.
I have a Myrepublic $200 off promo code that I don't want, anyone want to swap for a working xbone?
lucky you. No NBN for me yet :(
Christ …
@BTRaynes: That was on 5G wifi on my mobile. Ethernet I get 98/35.
Best thing about FTTP is you can have up to four services connected and load balance it. So I could get 400/160 technically.
Getting negged for fast internet, Turnbull is that you?
59ms ping? Even if you're located in Perth testing with the Sydney server that's still a terrible result. I would expect single digits.
I love how this is considered great in Australia, here in NZ most properties have, (or will have in the next 5 years), the ability to get 1Gbps unlimited connection for 123aud a month.
Your pings not great. Just switched from Optus to MR UL is usually a lot better
@Wellington: For $59 PM for 100/40 do many people really need to pay more than double for 1Gps? Not to mention NZ's average is only 1Mpbs higher than aus currently?
@Soluble: It's normal for Darwin. We have old core switches. It doesn't concern me to be honest, I can stream 4K and the ping stays low for international.
This is from another connection in the office, remote site.
Same here…wa only got on to ADSL2+ for a bit over a year ago and no NBN in sight - which means I am more than 3 years from the possibility of getting it.
Thanks to the StupidMixTechnology…oh…I meant MTM…I probably won't see FTTP anywhere in the foreseeable future either.
We were lucky, got priority as we still had ADSL 1. Finished just before libs got in.
Got the 500GB version from JB HiFi couple of weeks ago for $299. 1 TB would've been a lot for me considering I won't be playing more than 5 games at a time anytime.
The issue for me is that some of the patches for games are huge so if you delete the game to save room then later put the disc in it has to redownload the entire patch again
Any deals on 3ds in Big W?
Was on the way to work and heard on the radio selected retailers are doing bundles for $349. The ad didnt specify the retailer and what ps4 bundle it is. But this sounds like it could be one.
Just went into BIGW and the console was $001
Some kids are playing with the numbers on the box apparently
Mods deal dosnt exist
Looks like it does from the photo… Is it Townsville only?
No deal at Calamvale Shopping center QLD. Keen to grab one
Though I have played a bit of Ratchet and Clank..I dont like both games. I got the $299 deal at JB Hi Fi….For fans of these games, this is pretty amazing!
its a pricing error, i just picked one up. these bundles are supposed to scan at $449 but someones messed up the board out the front. id say they changed it as soon as i bought this back to $449. nice last minute xmas present! unless the 3 months stan card comes in the ps4 box, im fairly sure i droppped it somewhere in the store on the rush out, so merry xmas to whoever picks it up and can somehow make use of stan :D
Just called up. It's $449. That's the only bundle they currently have in stock.
As this is a price error, it isn't a valid deal, and off to the forums.
Can anyone post a receipt that was able to get it at $349
any deal on the pro version ?