Hi, we put an offer on a property which is a diseased estate and the contract clearly stated that executors have been appointed as part of the will. I specifically asked if there are any other contestants to the will before putting the offer down and was informed the will is set and there are no other family members contesting. So the Grant of Probate process went ahead on the seller side.
2 months passed and the grant of probate is not forthcoming. I later learned that one of the seller family had put a caveat on the property. But I learned this not from the seller/agent.
I wanted to ask if the agent has a legal obligation to disclose if someone else has placed a caveat on the probate to the buyer. If so, can I take legal action against them for wasting my time and money…given I have now spent money for a house building inspection and get council plans and what not.
That question should go to your solicitor, if you don't have one you really should get one now imo.
Was a title search conducted after the offer becomes unconditional? I thought caveat would show up in a title search.