This was posted 8 years 2 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One S 500GB + [Battlefield 1 or Gears of War 4 or Minecraft] + 4K UHD Movie $299 @ EB Games


One Day Only!

Similar to This Deal but with less game choices, less colour choices, No physical game…. err but you get a 4K BR. :D

$299 gets you

  • Xbox One S Console
  • Battlefield 1 (Download Code)
  • Your pick of 1 4K BR movie (Batman Vs Superman, Mad Max Fury Road, The Lego Movie)


  • Xbox One S Blue Console
  • Gears of War 4 (Download Code)
  • Your pick of 1 4K BR movie (Batman Vs Superman, Mad Max Fury Road, The Lego Movie)


  • Xbox One S Minecraft Console
  • Minecraft
  • Your pick of 1 4K BR movie (Batman Vs Superman, Mad Max Fury Road, The Lego Movie)

$149 if you trade in your old Xbox One 500GB Console.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • I was gonna post this too, but the prices seem to be wrong on their website.

    • +3

      Yeah, I uploaded this picture to avoid the flames and questions. Hopefully it will update soon.

      • Where did you make the picture from?

        • Picture is on their website. Deal is instore only. $50 cheaper from Microsoft store today. Same deal $249

        • +1

          @universe: what! Where's that?

  • Any idea how much it would be if you trade in a 1TB?

    • Doesn't say, but don't forget you get trade in value depending on what EB World Level you are.

      • -2

        Extra 60% on $1 is $1.60!!

      • Do you mean that $149 could come down further depending on my EBLevel if l traded in my XB1?

        • yeah, an extra 20% if you are on lv4,and an extra 50% on your birthday if you are on lv3 and 4.

        • +1

          @Hsinking: pretty sure 50% is for games only not consoles.

        • @cnut:


    • You can phone them to confirm, but normally it is 50% of the pre-owned one on their website.

      Trade a 1 tb one for a 500 gb one, BTW? The 4K player may be fine, but as long as you play games, very soon you will find 500gb is not enough at all.

      • +1

        500gb maybe enough though to last until the Scorpio arrives

        • +5

          Connect a USB 3 HDD to the console and use that for storing your games.

        • +1

          1TB is, in my opinion.

          I will skip one S, and go for Scorpio when it is released.

      • I'm wanting to upgrade to 4K as I have a 4K TV. I will use an external HDD for storage.

    • -4

      EB won't accept all models of 360. Your 1 TB is worthless.

      Consoles we trade: XBOX 360 Slim 4GB, 250GB, and 320GB, and XBOX 360 Slim E 4GB, 250GB, and 500GB
      NOTE: We no longer trade XBOX 360 Arcade, Pro, or Elite consoles

      • +4

        It's an Xbox One not a 360. You're comment is worthless.

        • Hard lol

        • -1

          In this case it's your, not you're. Your comment is worthless.

        • Sorry, I thought you were talking about the 360. Which would be completely worthless.

    • +11

      Feel free to post one then….
      For someone with two posts you seem to do a large portion of those complaining :)

    • -1

      Wii U? lol u filthy casual

  • Pretty great deal with the trade in. Also im clicking the link but cant find the offer?

  • These are looking far more tempting with the announcement of Dolby ATMOS coming in 2017! That I cannot wait for! DTS-X isn't cutting it these days.

    • +1

      Agree - my biggest hesitation with the Xbox One S as a BluRay player was the lack of bitstreaming support for Bl-Ray discs (Atmos,etc). It looks like it's on it's way now which is great.

  • Damn. I have bought the previous console bundle from EBgames for $360. It has 2 more games.

    • Yep. Me too. That means I bought SkyRim for $69

      • Ouch! i am paying 30sih each for Fifa 17 and forza horizon..

    Xbox One S 500GB Consoles are available for just $299!
    The following bundles are available while stocks last!

    Xbox One S 500GB + Battlefield 1 Token + One 4K Movie $299

    Xbox One S Blue 500GB + Gears of War 4 Token + One 4K Movie $299

    Xbox One S 500GB Minecraft Console + One 4K Movie $299

    • Is the trade in deal applicable for all of these bundles?

    • Is there any EB Level benefits when trading in too? Like bonus percentage?

      • +2

        $149 left to pay when you trade a 500GB Xbox One Console.

        So base trade value of $150 + EBW bonus on top.

        (Thurs 15 Dec Only)

        • How much if you trade in a 1TB Xbox One instead?

        • @Angel2305:

          No special deals for 1TB xbox.

          $160 base trade credit + EBW

        • @Icarus1: $160 or $150?

          So say you're level 4, it's $299 - ($150 + 20%) = $120 for it?

        • +2


          $150 Base Trade Credit +EBW for 500GB Xbox One (Trading towards $299 console deals only)

          $160 Base Trade Credit + EBW for 1TB Xbox One

          So yeah for level 4 that's correct 20% bonus.

        • @Icarus1: I phoned my local store yesterday and they said the base trade credit was $130 (with another 19.50 EBW). Is there any way I can get be sure to get the base trade credit you're quoting when I go in tonight (e.g. quote a code)? Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but I've had my fair share of 'fluid' EB pricing policy arguments with various stores, and I rarely end up purchasing as a result.

        • @slacktech: so you're level 3 then for that amount?

        • @cnut: I just rang my local store and they cleared it up. The $130 credit is if you're just trading the old unit in. If you're trading in to purchase the S today your base trade credit will be bumped to $150, making your total trade in credit $172.50 (and of course the bundle will be $299, making your out of pocket $126.50).

          I'm level 3, so if you're a lower level your bonus credit will be lower and vice versa if you're higher than level 3.

        • @slacktech: Sweet. Cheers for clarifying!

        • @Icarus1:

          Any deal for XBOX 360 trade-in?

        • @novroy:


          Only deal running is trading 500gb Xbox One towards the 500gb Xbox One S

  • in store only?

  • -4

    Movie is ten bucks. Game like $30?

    So really $260 for the console

    • +3

      Where is the movie for tenner?

      • +3

        In his dreams.

      • Jb 24$ sales for 2

        • that is only when JB has their 20% off Bluray sale, otherwise normal price for the aformentioned 4K Blurays is $15.99 each or 2 for $30!

        • @genes888:

          we are ozbargainers, we buy then and it was just one, so eh, shruges, not gona argue over a dollar or 2.

    • +4

      Where can i get Gears 4 or Battlefield 1 for $30 …

      • -1

        Ocau resale value

  • +2

    Id go for the Batman 1 if u haven't seen the movie
    Real 4k…

    • +1

      I have this Blueray which came with the $368 Bundle. But, I watched disc one. It was ok. Now I wanted to see the extra story version in Disc two. I could not find any clip selections. Do I have to go through the whole movie again? Oh dear. I can not watch that again.

      • Haha no idea. Wait a yr watch it again :)

  • The Xbox One S has had so many great sales in the last month. As a level 4 member, a trade in for me would result in the bundle being $120 which is a steal, but I can't help but want to tell myself to wait longer and see if it will get any cheaper..

    • How so? The value of your old Xbox One will continue to decline.

      Also is it definitely $120 with level 4? I'm hearing mixed reports.

      • That is a good point about the old console actually.

        Yeah looks like it, at the bottom of the email are the T+C's that states *EB Trade policy applies. Console must be working, complete, and traded with Xbox One controller. Not to be combined with any other offer except EB World level bonus. Offer valid 15 Dec 2016 only.

        • Sweet. Yeah others called up to clarify. It's $150 base plus EBW bonus. Apparently the trade value is obly $130 but they're bumping it up for this deal to $150.

          But the consoles will be worth less and less so this is a pretty good time to do it.

        • @cnut: My issue is right now that my computer is a piece of garbage and I'm thinking of upgrading that instead as realistically, my Xbox One works fine. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about computers apart that it costs $$$ so not sure what I'm chasing. Just something good enough for gaming really

      • I called my store ant they confirmed $120…$150 was before EBW discount. Definitely trading up at that price given I want to get Battlefield 1 anyway.

  • Hmm tempting as Ive got access to 8% discount gift cards too :)

    • Reward Gateway is 10% Off isnt it ?

      • Unfortunately my work only has 8%

  • in store onli?

  • I'm not usually one to point out grammatical errors, but it seems that the distinction between "less" and "fewer" has been completely forgotten. Even ads get it wrong!

    If you're referring to the plural of an object, it's "fewer" - eg "fewer game choices". If the object can't be counted or doesn't have a plural form, then you use "less" - eg "less storage".

    Solid deal though. Now let's debate whether there should have been a comma before 'though'.

    • Thank you. That was actually quite informative!

  • on a side note, if anyone wants to sell their GoW4 digital DL code, PM me! thanks

    • +1

      Lol. I asked one of my uncle to get GOW4 bundle and give me the code free, when he was about to buy a BlueRay Player for $500 today. :D

      • haha.. free game for U and $200 saving for you uncle! great deal… no I wish I had an uncle who will do the same deal for me!! ;)

  • How do you get the deal? In-store only?

    • Yeah in store only.

  • Managed to get a blue GoW pack put aside until this evening when I can get there to trade in my launch console, great deal, thanks OP!

    • Congrats. I got the last one from North Sydney Store (for one of my relative).

  • Damn these cheap Xbone deals! After months of resisting I finally caved.

  • -1

    Sold my old one with Kinect and 5 sports games for $200 on gumtree. Then bought a Xbox one S 500gb and bf1 + batman v superman for $249 (today only) from Microsoft store sydney. Good price

    • Any other choices they had? For Games and Movies?

    • i thought it should be $299.

      • I could not call them because of waiting time, but when I checked on Microsft Chat, they claimed no such deal going on at the Sydney Store. $299 for XboneS+Disc is only deal they have. Confusing.

        • I called them and there is only $299 bundle on sale. Once $249 deal shows up…

    • $249 in store only? The website shows $299

    • +1

      Sure? I just phoned and then they said they only have the bundle which is the $299 one.

  • BUSTED…you better post your receipt!

  • Has anyone got a link to the advert that has the $150 trade in deal? Can't seem to find it on their site.

  • Only paid $135.1 to 'upgrade' (EB World level 2 member) could reduce it more if i sell off BF1.

  • Got the Gears bundle paid $96 as I traded in some PS4 games I had finished

    • It's a good deal! I added a controller and a copy of Master Chief collection and paid $64.70
      Having the Kinect was an extra $24.20 trade in value, also had play and charge on the controller so was an extra $7.70

  • Damn And here I am waiting for a great deal on PS4 Pro. Any deal coming for PS4 Pro does any one know in EB Games ?

  • All the signage in EB games say 'free 6 months XBox live with every XBox one purchase', but the clueless girl I spoke to said that wasn't the case for this one day deal. Anyone know if she was right or not?

    • May be please ask EB Games the question in there Facebook page and Twitter. Best chance of getting an official response that way.

  • I'm deciding between the Battlefield 1 and Gears of War 4 bundle. I don't have xbox live so for offline play which game would you guys suggest picking up?

    • +1

      offline is gow4…but bf1 is the better game

      • +1

        Yeah that'd be my opinion as well. Note there's a promo running until the years out where if you play Gears of War 4 you'll get a code for all the 360 titles which are backwards compatible. Should give you a lot of single player game play.

        That or buy Live. Can get it on sale for around $50ish at times and the games you get each months a great way to build up a library.

    • Couldn't find the Gears of War bundle in stock near me so had to get the Battlefield bundle. If anyone wants to swap games, let me know.

  • +1

    I'm a fool. Impulse buy, justified because I have a 4k tv and needed a new bluray player… Buyer's regret setting in fast!

  • Got it for 134 with my level 2 card trade how good. Cheapest 4k bluray player on the market.

    • Yep, I was shocked when I got there and they told me it would be only $134, thought level 2 wouldn't get me any discount so absolutely stoked!!!

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