This was posted 8 years 2 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$299 Xbox One S 500GB Bundles with Express Delivery @ Microsoft Store

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Great buying for some solid XB1 bundles with decent games.

Gears of War 4 XB1S 500GB bundle for $299 Delivered
Minecraft XB1S 500GB bundle for $299 Delivered
Halo 5 XB1S 500GB bundle for $299 Delivered
FIFA 17 XB1S 500GB bundle for $299 Delivered

Don't forget cashback from your favourite provider too.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    They keep dropping the prices…might wait until it's free.

    • This is the cheapest I have seen it so far delivered. JB deal was solid although only offered 2 bundles unlike this MS deal with 4 bundles :)

    • +8

      Same thing happened around this time last generation to the PS3.
      The S models probably won't drop below $200 until the end of this console generation and the phat models will likely hover around the prices we've been seeing them recently for a few more months and then largely disappear from the market. At least if past experiences are anything to go by.
      I'd say now's a good time to buy (if you know you're going to buy one eventually that is), there may be a slightly better deal around the corner but it won't be anything to feel cheated about.
      Of course I could be super wrong and the bottom falls out of this boat and they'll be $150 by March, it's not impossible, but if I were in the market for an xbox I'd buy one of these at this price

      • Some good insight here, never know what the Boxing Day Sales might have. MS probably has been price dropping to get people on board as they know once you buy a console, you are essentially locked into the ecosystem unless you have several consoles and a PC etc. That's where the real money is made for MS and Sony.

        • That's part of it, but it also just happens when you transition to a new model.
          The old model's price sinks like a rock then after a few months of production the new model drops at a good rate and the old model is taken out of production.
          Microsoft is being a bit aggressive with it, but it's not unprecedented, it happened with the PS3s last time around because they were the weaker selling (and performing but don't tell our sony friends I said that) console and they needed to pick up some sales.
          Same thing this time around except I suspect microsoft isn't taking as big a hit from it as the Xbox is likely around the same cost or less to make as the ps4 compared to the ps3 which by all accounts should have cost more even after removing ps2 hardware from the equation.

        • +1

          True. Also Microsoft is pushing few games on both XB1 and PC platforms ( you have to buy once and play on either).
          Its a good console and only downside being Live Gold, else games are being sold at same price as PC which used to be much expensive in the past.
          Dont forget about the 4k video play which is a big plus as well.

          Great deal OP !!

  • So like… what could I sell a few months old 500GB fat Xbox One for?

    • $170?
      I sold my elite console minus the elite controller for $275. HTH

      • Damn, was hoping for a cheap upgrade. :(

        • I thought originally the fat XB1 would become timeless and kinect would be popular unlike on 360. I was very wrong on both fronts…

      • How manage to sell for that price? ebay?

        • Gumtree… after going through at least 10 prospective buyers who seemed pretty interested until the last minute.

  • Will the Xbox Two be out soon?

    • 1.5 will be the next one I'm predicting. Half the size and double the performance ;)

      • 1.5 will be the next one

        That would just be a fraction better though.

        I'd prefer one that was a whole lot better.

        • True was trying to do a Moore's Law reference, naming of consoles has become a bit obscure these days.

        • -1


          Moore's Law reference

          You realise it's not really a Law. Nobody has ever been successfully prosecuted over it…

        • @jv: Yes it's an observation. It could become law to make companies like Intel continue to overhaul their chip performance every 18 months.

        • @ShamelessBargains:

          It could become law

          Maybe you should petition Annastacia Palaszczuk to get it passed through parliament then?

        • +2

          Modern product names are the scourge of society and my attempts to google them
          "New 3ds"
          "Geforce Titan X" (the second one)
          This applies to all of them but I can't even figure out what the pricing on the new 3ds was at launch in different regions because every time I search all I get is results from the original 3ds when it was new. (profanity).

        • +1

          @jv: yeah not a bad idea. With the state of QLD politics, anything is possible these days :P

        • @jv: you should tell Newton that.

      • Well given the successor to the 360 is the One, my prediction is the next model will be the…

        XBox 0.0027(recurring)

        360th of the name but 360 times better. You heard it here first.

  • Might buy one only as a 4K HDR Blu-ray player…

    • +1

      good idea, probably cheapest one on market. Can sell game for around ~$40 and get cashback of ~$10 bringing it down to around $250.

  • +1

    Mmmm… not bad at all. I have a fat white one that looks good though.

    • +15

      I have a fat white one that looks good though.

      Can we please keep the conversation to game consoles !!!

      • ;)

  • Must have black!

  • 1 month free EA access is pretty awesome. Been playing NBA 16 & Battlefront all day. Need for Speed Rivals and Battlefield 4 were pretty good too. Going to play the shit out of them before I play Fifa.

  • I'd buy one if it had GTA5 for the game, not interested in any of the others.

    • +1

      Should be able to sell Fifa for gta price

  • 500GB halo bundle is sold out.

  • +1

    I have PS4, wondering if I should buy this cheap bundle as well :/
    Since it's so cheap, I am very attracted to one of these deals

    • +1

      It depends on what games you are interested in playing on Xbox. I have PS4 as well but there are no Xbox exclusive games that are interesting for me but your case may be different.

      The other factor that you should consider before buying is if you like to play online do you have many friends who has Xbox? then definitely go for it playing online with friends is actually more fun than playing with random people that you don't know.

      I like story kind of games like last of Us, Uncharted Collections, God Of War etc so I am sticking to PS4 for now but let's see if Microsoft release any games that would peak my interest then I might go for Xbox 1S as well.

  • Dang it, I'd want either Halo or GoW but that blue console looks weird to me. Do you guys reckon there'll be better deals for Boxing Day? I've found BD sales to be disappointing the last few years.

    • It can only get lower…

      • Uhh…what? This could be the best deal available, give or take the few bucks difference with Aldi or whoever, so of course the price could go higher.

        • I mean in sales, the price has dropped a lot in such a short time even with them bundling extra items. In the long term the price can only go down.

          So wait for Boxing day was your question, I say yes, wait ;)

        • @4892:

          I expect boxing days sales to be identical. As they are usually.

  • Damn. Wanted the Halo 5 bundle. Sold out :(

    • Not sure if you're in Sydney but the flagship store may have some left?

  • +1

    Can anyone who owns this confirm if it can Pass through HD audio eg. DTS, dts-hd etc to a receiver

  • Ebgames is also doing a $299 promotion for today only. Includes BF1 and one movie.

  • So is the gears of war bundle the grey version or the white version with the disc included ….that would also determine the controller included .

    • As per the link:
      500GB Grey version - Gears of War 4: Standard Edition (disc)6
      1TB White version - Gears of War 4: Standard Edition Xbox Play Anywhere Download7

      • I bought the 500gb GoW 4 and it most definitely did not come with a disc. Just a downloadable version that's taking days to come through. What pig's garbage.

  • If there was a dead rising 4 bundle i'd buy it.

  • Looks like FIFA17 bundle is back to 499

    • +2

      That's the 1tb model

  • +1

    woohoo just ordered my fifa pack for $299 with free shipping :)

  • +2

    Thsnks OP. Managed to price match minecraft bundle at HN to make use of Amex $100 rebate.

    • Nice under $200 for an XB1 is insane :)

    • I talked to HN live chat guy and he refused to price match it as it's supplier price. Which store did you manage to price match it? Could you upload a receipt?

      • Target have the same console for $299. I used target for the price match. Sorry won't be home till late tonight to help you.…

        • that's cool. Thanks mate

          P.S. managed to get a promo code from online chat with your link. i'm happy now

        • Hey unity1. Did you successfully use withAmex offer. As in, did you get Amex email notification

        • +1

          @Goldberg: No, did not receive AMEX notification. Sometimes they come, sometimes they don't, but always get the credit statement so not worried.

        • @unity1:
          Thanks heaps. Now to look for a couple of low priced items to get over the $300 mark 👍

    • +1

      HN is now selling the Minecraft version at $299

  • +1

    What's the best pack to purchase if you are going to sell the game? I'm kind of assuming Fifa 17 or Gears 4….

  • this is a clearance stock. Xbox Scorpio will be released by mid next year according to Microsoft. True 4K gaming.

    • +1

      So just buy this, and then buy the Scorpio in 11 months time when it's released.

  • Wait till "Hardly Normal" have their own deal out
    They might do a Buy 2 Blu Rays and get a Xbox S Free

    In any case, loving the competition

    I remember paying a whole lot more coin for Day 1 Xbone

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