This was posted 8 years 2 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

½ Price 185g Sirena Tuna $2 @ Coles (Starts 14/12)


If you missed it 3 weeks ago at Woolies, it's back again at Coles. Enjoy :)

EDIT: Special continues for 2 weeks. Ends Dec 27.

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closed Comments

  • Finally!

    • That's what I was thinking, but take note, it's for the larger can not the smaller 95g ones with the different flavours

      • +1

        There are different flavours :-). There's Italian, Chilli and for the health conscious Springwater in the 185g. In my book, that's all you need….

        In saying that, if the smaller cans were ever $1 a can, that would be awesome.

        • +1

          I'm a lemon and pepper fan, shame it doesn't come in the big can, none the less this is the best brand of tuna no mater what the flavour

        • Is the springwater still or sparkling?

        • +1


          definitely sparkling. They add extra bubbles with a sodastream. That's what I heard anyway

      • Yeah it's the 185g ones that I want. The plain in oil one goes well with brown rice and veg.

  • +4

    I went through 7 different Wooliest last time and only managed to buy 0 cans.

    And only got enough rain checks for 3 sets of 5 cans because apparently rain check books are always lost.

    I will camp out the local Coles for 100 cans this time.

    • +2

      Yep in the afternoon of the first day of Woolworths sale the Tuna isle shelves (and front end display) looked like an imminent nuclear attack was happening. Hopefully some available at Coles this time.

    • During last special,I've seen at least 4 ww stores with plenty stock I Vic. I'm not a big fan of canned anything, only bought a few haven't tried yet.

    • just get a rain check, you can get a whole tray as max amount.

  • +8

    When your Nonna finds out Sirena is now made in Deesshisheesha…

  • why would you buy this tuna when woolies 425g tuna is $2?

    • +3

      because Woolies tuna is crap

      • +2

        I actually think the mid sized tin of Woolies tuna in oil ($1.15) is up there with the best. Recognisable as fish, not mush like some other high end brands.

        One can with 2 minute noodles does me 2 lunches.

        It also was the only 72% + fish per tin. I noticed it has a new label, and now 65% like the rest…same price though!

        • Aldi tuna is fine. I might try this to see what all the fuss is about. I'm prepared to be disappointed.

          Any fans of this tried the really expensive, tapas-grade tuna from Spain?

        • @tightwad: Make sure it's the 185g. The large can is all oil.

          That being said, I havent tried the new label 185g can now with less tuna (but now the same % as Coles).

          For the fishing people out there, keep the oil in the freezer in a small ice cream container. It makes a cracking burley mixer. Also, squid go nuts for it (dip your jig in it).

        • +1

          Cheap stuff is fine. Just mix it with anything you can find. Salad, mayo, roadkill, vodka etc

          Having a can tomorrow for lunch. Wish me luck.

        • @tunzafun001:

          Fresh tuna used to be not much more than price (probably gone up recently.)

          For me the whole point of tuna is as a cheap, healthy protein. It better be amazing to be on par with fresh fish.

        • @tightwad:

          Well, I actually tried one of the flavored Woolies tuna tins today. I didn't like it, as it was all mushed up like the other name brands. I'll still with the plain label woolies tins.

          As for price, at $1.15 for 185g it's under $10/kg. (Working on around $6.20/kg / 65% actual fish). It's no sushimi, but it's better than say a pie!

    • +5

      Because when the only variety left to choose is woolies brands, it won't be $2.

      • Do you think that day is imminent?

        • +3

          No. But neither is the end of the human race as a result of global warming. She would do something about it now?

        • @Flyerone: Well comparing altering the entire planet causing vast swathes of human catastrophe and what brands of tinned tuna might be available doesn't seem like a fair analogy.

        • @Diji1: Smaller minds won't follow, I'll grant you that.

        • @unloadmymind:

          Cigarettes are safe, drink driving is ok if you are a good driver, the world is flat and ghosts, UFOs, etc, are real.

          Still, not everyone can be smart….

    • +1

      It's not the same fish.
      Woolies tuna is not yellowfin (not at that price, they do have a yellowfin one also)

      • +1

        They use skipjack which has lower mercury levels than yellowfin

        • It's also a cheaper fish, and doesn't taste the same.

          If worried about mercury then eat sardines.

      • Do you know the difference between yellowfin and genus thunnus? I have purchase from two different coles and one of them is yellowfin and the other is genus thunnus

    • -1

      Because as everyone knows Sirena is at the bottom of the list for sustainable fish supplies, and evil adds a certain taste to it that you just can't find anywhere else

      • If you're dreadfully worried about sustainability you shouldn't be buying tinned fish.

    • +2

      Woolies used to sell a tuna in 100% olive oil, even a version with extra virgin olive oil not now.

      The Italian style Sirina Tuna is in sunflower oil with a dash of olive oil. Sorry Italians do not use sunflower oil. It is not as healthy

      If I have to buy Sirena then drain the oil and add olive oil I will just buy the same size Aldi can for $1.15 every day.

      • Sirena is an Australian brand, produced in Thailand

  • +1

    Where is this processed, Thailand?

  • But the Coles own brand tuna is $2 every day and the type of tuna they use tastes better (yellowfin)

  • +2

    I will definitely pick up a a few, but I do find Sirena to be a bit saltier than others. I do not add salt to anything, so I can definitely tell the difference in salt levels. I normally buy the Aldi tuna for $1.80 a can and I reckon it is the best value for money at the every day price. In the past I have averaged 4-5 cans of tuna a day (cheap source of protein) so I hope my opinion counts for something lol

    • +1

      That is a lot of tuna

    • +4

      How are those mercury levels Jeremy Piven?

      • Not sure, haven't had time to check. I have been to busy working full time as a thermometer at a weather station lately!

  • +1

    I highly recommend people here to try the COLES brand Yellow fin Tuna it's really good quality and always $2 . Woollies has the same alternative make sure its the Yellow fin not the skip jack which is an inferior Tuna

    • I agree that the Coles yellowfin one is good stuff - tastes the same as Sirena to me.

  • Tuna and those at the higher end of food chain has much higher concentrate of minerals ie lead mercury as well as chemicals.
    Shouldn't eat too much too often

  • +4

    Not trying to put anyone off, Just trying to inform people who might be concerned! Sirena still uses a less sustainable type of Tuna.

    • +1

      Stocks are limited! Never to be repeated! Once it's gone it's gone!

      • Get it while it's hot!

  • Has anyone seen any of the new flavours in the wild?

    Im interested in the peppercorn one but I haven't seen it anywhere in South Australia from looking in about 5 different coles/woolies/foodlands

  • The comments are fishy at best. What's the deal with Sirena anyway?

  • where does the john west tuna rank compared to woolies/sirena? I've always eaten john wests

    • +1

      John West uses skip jack tuna which is inferior quality tuna but more plentiful in the ocean. If u care more about environment then John West if you sacrifice environment for taste and quality then Sirena or Coles Yellow fin

  • +1

    Ahhh Sirena, the Eneloop of the tuna world!

  • Can someone explain Sirena? Can/packs tells you the history of Sirena, but then says the name is licensed.

  • Any Telco specials?

  • glad Coles is offering this…Woolworths are pathetic for stock

  • Are they selling insect protein in a can yet?

    • you can easily get cans of silkworms at any korean grocery stores.

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