Found this game today for $5 Brand New at EB Games. Played it tonight and isn't too bad considering it's only $5. Not sure on store stock as you need to use your postcode to check nearest availability.
Stormrise PS3 Game only $5 Brand New at EB Games

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awesome well-designed game
so tempted to neg, but for $5 i'll let it slide, I havent found a game under $10 ive enjoyed without being flippant about it because of the price
You should give it a neg seeing as you are obviously a tight a$$ and would probably still whinge even if it was free…Some people are never happy:)
my ass and its tightness are none of your concern
Gamespot review:
"This frustrating, broken mess is one of the worst strategy games in years."
that explains the $5 price tag
So gay. No stock of the brand new one near me, but plenty of used ones…
Possible to get used ones for the new one's price?
watch out, p4in704d is going to come out and give you a lecture abt the g word and call you a high school kid ;P
maybe the game is not THAT bad considering it is only $5, but how about ur time spent on the game? is it as cheap as $5?
It is a give away price fore sure.