This was posted 8 years 2 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo/StarCraft/ Warcraft 3 Battle Chest $9 Each @ JB Hi-Fi & EB Games


The Diablo Battle Chest includes:

• Diablo II complete game
• Diablo II Expansion: Lord of Destruction complete game
• Diablo II Strategy Guide from Prima Games
• Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Strategy Guide from Prima Games

Possibly combine with Extra 5% off Wicked Wednesday?

EB games Credit to spackbace

StarCraft Battle Chest $9

Warcraft 3: Battlechest $9 Credit to Legsweeping

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Strategy Guide $1 credit to D3ni3d

Related Stores

JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +4

    Same price @ EB (link)

  • +39

    Insert coupon code: "WIRTS LEG" for an additional 15% off.

    Just kidding. That doesn't actually do anything.

    • +4

      I lol'd. If you've got Wirt's Leg he's already had 15% taken off.

      Still have my Diablo 1 cd at home and play for nostalgia every now and then. Played Diablo II a lot during Uni (carpal tunnel syndrome anyone ?) and this contributed to some less than optimal academic results.

      Off to JB tonight before I go home so I can say I owned a legit copy.

  • +1

    Diablo II was great in it's hay day, I can personally attest to spending long hours farming soj and late with diablo super hell I can't recall what he was called but hammerdin was op. Are the servers actually still up for this?

    • +1

      Yes they are.
      There are still the few die hard fans on streaming and some even do the speed runs.

      I loved the days of smiterdin.
      Uber diablo was fun

    • Also a lot of mods around with servers, like Path of Diablo.

    • Loved it. I remember the bugged oculus rings. Was fun as. Countless mf runs.

  • +2

    o m f g… great time with Diablo II series… Hell cows anyone?

    • Only if we get to kill the King


  • +2

    same price for warcraft/starcraft battlechest at EB

    • I get $9 postage, not sure about everyone else

  • +3

    This must be the oldest game on the market that's still actively being manufactured and sold.

    • and to me, it's still the best

  • Plenty at the Moore Park Super Centa store.

  • Can anyone find the Warcraft 3 BattleChest on jbhifi?

  • +1

    original starcraft, now i'm interested
    also why no warcraft 2 love, I prefer it over warcraft 3 anyday
    Seriously blizzard, warcraft 2 hd

  • Surely the number of people who want these games but don't own them yet would be slim to none.

    Great price, but I'm sure they won't be flying out the door.

  • Been waiting to get a new legit WC3 key for when they add to launcher.

    • +1

      what do you mean "add to launcher"?
      I've been wishing for a wc4 to come out but I just don't think the demand is out there for RTS games (unless it's StarCraft) anymore. Could totally be wrong, just my opinion.

      I'll buy another copy of this just for the key if there's still an active group of players out there

      • There are fairly strong indications that there will be a WC3 "HD" or "Anniversary Edition" patch and it will be added to the launcher with all your other favourite Blizzard games.

      • Yes!!! You are my new favourite ozbargainer! :P I have been wishing for a wc4 ever since wc3 scene started dying and got robbed by dota players etc. lol
        I'm keen to buy another copy of the battlechest too and would play this all day and night if there were people out there to play it with haha

    • The multi key launcher?

      Closest store selling wc3 is 700km away. Last I played wc3 it was full of players who barely had the skill to control more than one unit at at time in an RTS, hence they played dota.

  • +1

    If anyone is interested…

    Looks like they're making all of these hd

    • +2

      That's an article from last year. Considering they didn't announce any of this at this year's blizzcon I wouldn't bet on any of them being released anytime within the next year.

      • They also said at BlizzCon this year they weren't planning an hd remaster of any of them and wanted to keep making new fun games instead.

    • Isn't Diablo I "homage" just released?

      • +1

        maybe an event for diablo 1 is the best we can hope for, but the original diablo was good anyway, doesn't need a remake

      • It is in the D3 test sever - it comes out across the board in january

        • And only January (note, not on PS3/360).

  • -8

    I can't believe anyone still wants to buy Diablo 2…………

  • +1

    What year is it?

    • +1


    • +4

      Running from Skynet are we?

  • +2

    i ordered the WC3 battle chest from EB and just got this email.

    It seems the team couldn't find all your item(s). They searched high and low, but zip.

    We will refund the amount listed below automatically. (Please be aware this can take between 1-4 business days).

    Our deepest apologies.

    The EB Games Team.

    1 x Warcraft 3: Battlechest - PC

    • +1

      Well that sucks.. I was looking forward to buying myself a warcraft battle chest..

  • -2

    lol @ 5% jb hifi 'special'
    how pitiful.

  • Diablo II was the best and still is a perfect example of how an rpg should be made.

    Diablo I was a great game in itself and kicked off what is to be a great series.
    Diablo III is not so good, they have potential but for some reason the soul of the game isnt strong enough.

    • +2

      I agree.

      on paper, Diablo 3 looks good.
      yet when I play it, it just does not feel right. It feels like an inferior clone of Diablo II.

      Diablo II is the bomb and still is after all these years.

      • Hence I didn't even bother with Diablo 3,did t have interest to play at all.

        Even SC2 is not as good as the original.

        • Picked it up for 10 bucks to see how it is and shelved it after a while. Diablo II is perm install on my lappy.

    • I love RPGs but couldn't stand Diablo series, including 2, so I'd say Planescape Torment is the perfect example of how an RPG should be made.

      Probably an unpopular view on this page..

      • +1

        Diablo and P:T are like chalk and cheese. They're not really the same genre at all.

        • I agree, but both are RPGS, and the comment I responded too was about how Diablo is how all RPGs should be made.

          I didn't like Titan Quest or Dungeon Seige either, same Diablo formula I guess, APRGs. I really liked Divinity Original Sin though, I'd class that an Action Role Playing Game, but I'd choose Planescape, Baldurs and Pillars.

  • +1

    If you haven't played Warcraft 3, should totally pick up the battle chest, bargain for $9

    • yeah, if only they had stock!

  • +1…

    Strategy guide for Reaper of Souls for $1!!!

    • +1

      $10.31 postage sorta kills the deal

  • Reaper of Souls Books not being shipped or available in any store , i had ordered 3 recently (as gifts for mates who play) and the order was canceled, i suspect they simply haven't removed it from their site since the sale recently.

  • Does any retail place still sell Warcraft Battlechest containing 1 & 2 + their expansions?

    Warcraft 2 is still my favourite, 3 was different and I never touched WOW at all and probably never will!

    • +1

      Believe me Warcraft 3 is the best RTS. You are missing out heaps.

      DOTA, LOL games are all clones of custom map in Warcraft 3

      I have yet to see a decent RTS apart from that one so sad.

      • Yes Warcraft 3 is not only the best RTS game ever made, but the best PC game ever made haha. (Can you tell I am wc3s biggest fan??)
        Let's have a game!

      • I have played it but I didn't like the micro management and number unit limitation.

        Although a good game, the two are quite different.

        • Number of unit limitation is a game design so you don't just outnumber another opponent….its just a game mechanic.

          Micro management is the key to success. Even C&C titles slowly went to micro same as SC2

        • @neonlight:
          Do you happen to still play or know if anyone, anywhere still plays wc3? I haven't played in years, but I would def get a copy and install in a second if I knew there were people to play with/against!

  • Any good graphic mods for Diablo II to make it look pretty?

    Picked it up today due to Diablo III not really doing it for me, have fond memories of D2.

  • Dude, slow much. This started back on the Black Friday sale back in November. You JUST noticed this? FYI: Got the WC3 and D3 warcraft on that day online.

    • +1

      Sorry about the late post, I wasn't accessing every corner of the internet during all these days that has passed. Had my life to live.

  • JB Central Canberra down to a single copy of Diablo 2. Went in looking for Starcraft, no luck unfortunately.

  • Perth CBD report:
    Nothing in EB.

    JB Hifi Murray ST has SC1.
    JB Hifi Enex has Diablo.

  • Picked up the Starcraft boxset, something to play on the laptop when I'm overseas next month.

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