Colonoscopy - Not as Bad as I Thought It Would Be

I apologise if this article grosses people out a bit but I thought I would write it because I was apprehensive before I went into the procedure and it turns out to be not as bad as I thought.

The prep work is, indeed, a tad disgusting - but as my other half so eloquently put it, it is like peeing out of your backside. I had no cramps, no accidents and the stuff, although everything that is wonderful in artificial flavours and sweeteners, is not completely disgusting to drink. I ate as little as possible for the previous couple of days - a) cause the tell you to, but b) because what went in had to come out.

The procedure itself is a snap because you are asleep whilst they are doing it. When I woke up I had some very delicious sandwiches and the only real side effect I've had is the ongoing indigestion I've been suffering from the the last 6-12 months is almost gone. (Bonus). The other good thing is they tell you immediately if there is anything suspicious - in my case it was normal (very relieved). They even give you piccies of your colon - will need to go on Ozbargain to find a suitable cheap frame (only kidding).

I found the below forum whilst doing research beforehand, which I found very funny (some of the comments are a bit weird and inappropriate, but the main guy is hysterical. It also has a link to a Dave Barry article that is also very funny).…

My suggestion is not to read the articles after you have taken the prep stuff; unless you are sitting on the loo at the time. You would, quite literally, crap yourself laughing.

My point, and I do have one, is that it is the things you ignore that will get you; so get your checkups done. I ignored my age spot for a while until it developed eyes - yup that was the melanoma. 16 years later I'm still going strong but I have a pretty decent scar on my arm where they took the 1cm safety margin all the way around the melanoma to be sure. I use it to scare people it to getting their spots checked. (Something people should do annually).

Look after yourselves people; better to sort things out than worry.


  • +1

    Thanks for the info.

    Any reason why you had one?

    • +1

      I know when I need one I'm gonna look for a new doctor.

      Preferably a female.
      And Asian with little fingers.
      It could be the start of a very special relationship.

      • +1

        That was for prostate exams. This one you are unconcious for so they could have the hands of a gorilla and you ain't going to know about it.

      • I thought that was for testicular cancer checks to make your package look XL ;)

  • +5

    Polyps run in the family; as does a number of types of cancer - including my own. I'm also a tad doubious about the accuracy of the "poo" test so I asked the doctor if it was a good idea, given the family history. I was pretty sure it would be negative, but knowing is much better than assuming.

  • +1

    Yep - from personal experience I can say the procedure is a doddle but the prep of cleaning out the colon is not very fun.
    Only after-effects I had was MASSIVE wind for a little while - which was not entirely unpleasant.

    • +1

      Looking to fart the National Anthem, were you?

      • o.0

  • In your experience, what should I be expecting in terms of sensation or emotions? Is there anything I can do it more pleasurable for me or Dr. Shawndry? Should I have a safe word?

    • Hmmm, maybe you should be posting on Reddit or Playboy. My overall emotion was boredom. As in, "surely there can't be anything left in there to come out" - after I had gone to the loo for roughly the 30th time. Read an entire book over the "prep" timeframe. I would suggest a book rather than watching Telly; putting down the book is quicker than sorting out the pause button when you are in a hurry.

    • You can ask to be conscious during the procedure. Couple it with a prostate exam (For added fun, get them to do both procedures at the same time!), and you're good to go.

      • +1

        do you make eye contact with the doctor?

      • Should you make them buy dinner first?

    • +1

      These seem like questions that may be best directed to an accountant.

  • for me the worst part was the trip from home to the hospital for the procedure….. as per comments above hope it's not too far, as you may need to visit bathroom somewhat urgently along the way…. if it's more than 5-10 mins, I'd start planning some toilet stops along the way in case needed…. you'll thank me later ;)

  • +2

    Any deals on colonoscopies?

    • +1

      will OfficeWorks price match?

  • +1

    Well this post is a bit shit :P

    • +1

      Actually it was a LOT of shit.

  • +2

    Fortunately, I had my regular colonoscopy going on 3 years ago now. Doctor told me immediately that lesions in the anal canal could be cancerous. Turns out they were - symptoms - extreme itchiness which just would not go away. Thought I had worms - nope. An excrutiating operation with stitches, followed by chemo and radiation where the sun don't shine. A whole lot of pain, so yes I do recommend checkups and there is a family history - not this sort which was actually squamous cell - but others.

    • +1

      This sounds like a big procedure. Wishing you all the best for the future and hope everything turns out well. This is the sort of reason I raised the topic, I wanted people to realise that it might be uncomforatble and confronting but it was important. Thanks for your contribution.

  • 3 years later and my body is still somewhat sensitive. Gastro stop every day for me just in case.

  • +1

    I think it is great having this open and frank discussion.

  • Why did you go to hospital to get it done, instead of the ozbargain way?

    • We could do it with one of those cameras they use to look down drains and co-opt a really good friend to assist. I also think a good bottle of spirits is required to get drunk enough to let them do it - so there will be cost offsets.

  • Just had my second colonoscopy in 3 years. Highly recommend freezing the prep 30mins before drinking and adding lots of ice! You can barely taste the prep through the cold slushy texture.

    Had a combo of pico prep and colonlytely for the last one which actually tasted okay. Had moviprep the first time and it was awful!

    • I had Glycopreb and Picoprep. I'm did put it in the fridge, but I was trying to chug it down fairly quickly so didn't go down the slushy path; probably something to keep in mind for next time. Mine was an afternoon procedure so convincing myself to take some more of this stuff the next morning took a bit of work. I knew I had to do it, but getting back on the porcelain train was not appealling.

      • Yeah i knew i wouldn't be able to chug it without throwing it back up the wrong end so the slushy worked a treat!
        Well i am glad mine were morning procedures because i could not go again for round 2 in the morning :S

  • Just make sure not to have any drink with sugar in it. Why? Because it activates the stomach acids and when the prep forces the contents of your stomach out the rear end, it burns and leaves it red raw.

  • +1

    Billy Connolly summed it up best…

  • Yeah it's really not that bad. Skull the prep cold, don't go anywhere.

    It's not like having exploring gastro diarrhoea, it's painless.

    Too many people advise this procedure is horrible, when it's a mild inconvenience at worst.

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