• expired

AmEx Statement Credits: Westfield Gift Card, Myer, Woolworths, Nespresso, Rebel, Dymocks, Witchery, Body Shop, BCF, and More


Summary: Westfield, Myer, First Choice Liquor, Sunglass Hut, Witchery, The Body Shop, Dymocks, BCF, Woolworths Online, Country Road, rebel, Nespresso, Supercheap Auto

Lots of Amex Statement Credits this month, most notable are the Westfield Gift Card and Myer offers.
There are a total of 13 offers below. They all expire on 24/12/2016.
Offer can be stacked with Mobile Wallets Offer

Update 9/12: There have been reports of Amex's automated system not working for the Westfield Gift Card statement credits. The advice from Amex is they are aware of the problem and to wait 2 weeks or until the statement is issued before contacting them. Thanks to giu for contacting Amex for clarification.

Westfield Gift Card(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, on Westfield Gift Cards in-store or online at Westfield by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 30,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=91080WestfieldGiftCard

Myer(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $150 or more, get $35 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $150 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Myer by 24/12/2016 to receive one $35 credit. Limited to the first 35,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=86825Myer

Sunglass Hut(network.americanexpress.com)

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Sunglass Hut by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 20000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…

Witchery(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Witchery by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 30000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=78299Witchery

The Body Shop(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $50 or more, get $15 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at The Body Shop by 24/12/2016 to receive one $15 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=67621TheBodyShop

Dymocks(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $50 or more, get $15 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Dymocks by 24/12/2016 to receive one $15 credit. Limited to the first 25,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=67112Dymocks

Boating Camping Fishing(network.americanexpress.com)

Spend $80 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $80 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Boating Camping Fishing by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…

Woolworths Online(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.woolworths.com.au by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 35000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=25305WoolworthsOnline

Supercheap Auto(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $70 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $70 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Supercheap Auto by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=28024SupercheapAuto

Nespresso(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $80 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $80 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Nespresso by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=71822Nespresso

rebel(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $50 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at rebel by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 35000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=85658rebel

First Choice Liquor(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $150 or more, get $30 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $150 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at First Choice Liquor by 24/12/2016 to receive one $30 credit. Limited to the first 35,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=91337FirstChoiceLiquor

Country Road(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Country Road by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 25,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=9140CountryRoad

Don't have an Amex and want to get in on these offers? Get a referral bonus when applying for a card using a referral link from the Amex referral wiki.

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AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers

closed Comments

      • The AMEX customer service person told me a refund that puts the amount below $100 would mean I wouldn't qualify for the credit according to the Ts & Cs.

        Would be happy to get the credit though. :)

        • From what ive read on other ppl's experiences on ozbargain and also my own, u wont get the credit only if the whole amount is refunded.

        • +1


          Looking at my transactions, you seem to be right.

  • Thanks for this!

  • I did the Woolworths online shop, but within 5 minutes,cancelled, the order. Not trying to scam the system, but I forgot to add the Woolies $10 discount code. Then I thought…. "bugger, there is no guarantee that Amex will NOW work", and so when I re-ordered I just paid with egift. As it should Amex account shows a debit, and then a credit for that $ amount. But now it also shows a $20 Statement credit for Woolworths shopping.

  • Could I please ask a question for those who did purchase the normal Westfield giftcards (not the XS cards) - outside Westfield, which shop can you use the card at? Is it only the Woolworths group (as I notice some ppl stated that they were able to use at Caltex Woolworths, Woolworths supermarket etc)? Thanks!

    • Aldi

    • +1

      Coles & Woolworths (outside Westfield)
      Coles Express
      2 x small restaurants

      Haven't yet had it rejected. I think the red & XS cards are both normal EFTPOS cards. Those who paid the extra $2 for the XS card may have been ripped off by Westfield (no surprises there).

      • Those who paid the extra $2 for the XS card may have been ripped off by Westfield (no surprises there).

        Great! I'm one of the suckers who paid the extra $2 to be able to use them outside of Westfield.

      • If this can be verified somehow, there'd be a serious case to bring to the ACCC for false and deceptive advertising…

        • +5

          Have they been deceptive?

          "Red cards work inside Westfield"… correct

          "XS cards work anywhere"… correct

          Do they advertise that Red cards don't work outside a Westfield?

        • @PBG:

          It doesn't have to be explicit. It can be deception by omission. Witholding the truth is not telling a lie, but it doesn't mean it's not a deception anyway…

          But sure, Westfield have got wriggle room.

        • +2

          worst case scenarios, they jack up the service fee of the red card to $4.95… or they go back the old system where the red card definitely did not work outside of westfield. no need to spoil a good thing.

        • +1

          @lamprey: Not only would they jack up the fee, you may never see them sold at a discount again like they have in the past.

      • +1

        Just successfully used my red Westfield card at the small cafe attached to the Byron Bay lighthouse - as far (east) as you can get from any Westfield as possible

  • hi not keen to open new thread, i just received my new amex issued essential card. previously i have one bank issued card already and have amex connect account setup.

    so in the amex connect website, should i just add my new essential under one amex connect account?
    will this works well? considering:
    1. so in the future i can add 1 offer to both cards so i can get two cash backs (if using 2 cards of course)?
    2. sometimes we have amex issue specific offers only, how this will work as i will login to one account, will both (all) offers shows up?

    or better create another amex connect account? i prefer combine actually.

    • +2

      I have a bank-issued Amex and have also just received my new Amex-issued Essential card, which I activated last night. It would not allow me to add the card using my Amex Connect login (I'd tried it, just out of curiosity to see whether it would work, which it didn't!), you have to set up a separate account through the main Amex website for any Amex-issued cards. I think Amex Connect can only be used to register bank-issued cards.

      So judging by that, you will have to log into each account and add the offers to each card separately. There are plenty of people on Ozbargain who have a lot of experience with Amex cards, accounts etc, so they can probably advise you better than I can, I'm just going off my own experience with receiving the new card.

      • same here, activated last night wow what a coincidence!

        yeah i didnt try to add actually :) so it wont work - good to know.
        i think you might be correct here. once you setup/register for amex online access (the real amex not amex connect) then under your card photo scroll down and you will see "offers and places" there is the amex connect version for amex issued card!

        so annoying to have to login to 2 places to add an offer.

        • Yes, my card arrived yesterday - I was surprised it came so quickly as I only applied last Friday, and living in WA (Wait Awhile) and given the time of year with mail delays etc, I thought it would take longer to get here!

        • @SimbaGirl: same again, applied on the weekend, arrived yesterday but im in NSW. no need to upload payslip or anything (asking credit limited $3000). maybe because 5 years ago i had gold card (but then have cancelled)

        • @dragonindespair: I didn't have to upload any information either, and the application was approved almost immediately. I've never had an Amex-issued card and didn't ask for any particular limit, just ticked the "you give me what you think I should have" box LOL as I was mainly getting the card to take advantage of the Amex offers.

    • I'm in the same boat as you, and had to have two accounts. One for bank issued Amex, the other Amex. Also need to setup accounts for subsequent supplementary cards.

    • As SimbaGirl said, seems like bank-issued, and Amex issued-cards do not mix. A separate Amex account is needed for Amex-issued card. However, more than one Amex-issued cards can share an Amex login. Both my Essential and Qantas Discovery cards share the same login, so I can login once to save offers for each card individually.

      • what if my wife issues me a complimentary card. can i add it into my existing amex account login?
        (im talking about amex issued cards, vice versa)

        • I have a feeling no, since the account belongs to someone else. But I am not certain. If you do get around to trying, would appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

    • +1

      Each Amex card needs its own Connect account.
      Same goes for supplementary Amex cards.

  • +1

    I got my westfield gift card split across multiple amexes at parra Westfield yesterday. They were happy to do it - I went to the counter near target on level 4.

    • so one gift card per amex card yea?

      • No I bought 1 Westfield gift card with payment split across multiple Amex cards.

  • +3

    Re First Choice Liquor Coles/Myer Gift Cards: NSW Forestville are now sold out.
    At 5pm 18th, Brookvale (63 Winbourne Road) have HEAPS! - many different designs too. Easy to find their gift card board full of them at cashier. My guess 50 - 100 qty.

    • Does Brookvale allow buying multiple cards, or paying with multiple AMEX?

      Forestville was restricting 1 gc/amex per person.

      • At Forestville I bought 2 GC's with 2 diff. Amex's. At the one time, but in 2 transactions. I don't know about Brookvale, as I only needed 1 GC by then.

        • Thanks mate, I will call up and confirm. :)

  • u can get the westfield card unlimited times yea?

    • Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $100 or more on that Card, in one or more transactions, on Westfield Gift Cards in-store at Westfield or online at westfieldgiftcards.com.au by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 30,000 Cards to save the offer.

    • Yes but the statement credit only once.

      • thanks
        i find many of the places i have already used my offer is still sitting as ävailable on my portal
        same with yours?

        • -1

          Go for it. Then report back and let us know if you get multiple credits

  • If I buy the $100 westfield voucher (it's on my amex ready to go), I can use it at any woolworths supermarket outside of a westfield?

    • If you get the XS card, you can use it at any place that has an eftpos machine.

    • +2

      Westfield Red and Westfield XS cards are identical underneath. Only difference is branding and extra $2 fee. I've used the Red cards at heaps of places outside Westfield (small local restaurants, our dentist, 7-eleven, Bunnings, Coles, Coles Express, Woolworths, Aldi and Harvey Norman). Never had a problem. In fact I haven't even tried using them once inside a Westfield's lol

      The old Westfield gift cards were only usable inside Westfield, but they changed to EFTPOS cards now which work everywhere.

      Save your money and just get Red card.

      • +1

        Interesting. I think I'll take the plunge

      • +1

        At least next time I'll know!

        • +2

          There won't be a next time now that it's all over ozbargain.

        • @JIMB0: bugger! Anyway doesn't bother me. At the end of the day whoever took advantage of the offer is still in front and that's all that matters

      • +1

        Westfield Red and Westfield XS cards are identical underneath.

        No, they are not.

  • Westfield service desk was horrible, refusing to split a $200 gift card over two credit cards, so I had to do $100+$100 and pay the activation fee twice. Paying extra money (activation fee) to be an unsecured creditor…

    As soon as I mentioned using two credit cards, they asked if it was for Amex's deal and I stupidly said yes. Because of that they decided to scrutinize ID. Since the Android Pay cards do not have your name, they wanted to see the plastic card. So troublesome.

    • +1

      I don't understand why people would make the work harder than it should be.

      Many moons ago when I was working retail, it was often easier to split payment than it was to split gift cards.

      • +1


        • You've mentioned this a couple of times, but without explaining how preventing a split payment helps prevent fraud.

        • How so?

        • @roughana: when tracking back it is easier for the managers to isolate and fraud easier. Coz they don't want to do more work!

    • Can you tell me which westfield is this? My supplementary cards are not under my name. This is gonna be troublesome as I was hoping to use apple pay to avoid the ID check

      • +2

        All depends on how u look and who's behind the counter. If you llook like a questionable student with 4 virtual cards you may be asked for proof. If you look authoritative then more than likely u won't.

  • Pitt St Westfield still refuses to let me split payment over 2 cards. Gave in and bought 2 GCs instead :(

    • +3

      If Amex charges merchants a flat percentage, the acceptance cost for Westfield would be the same with split payment.
      Westfield is just being greedy with wanting more activation fee. That's why I went for the $2 cheaper Red gift card.

      • +3

        Yeah I got 2 red GCs too.

        I think credit card processors usually charge a flat fee plus a percentage per transaction, e.g. PayPal charges 30¢ + 2.9%. So technically it does cost them marginally more for a split payment. But I think the extra $2.95 activation fee they made doesn't remotely begin to cover the bad impression they left with me and the lost future business as a result, so whoever made the decision to ban split payments must be extremely short-sighted.

        • +1

          The opportunity cost to them from us now not visiting as often is much greater than 30c

        • +3

          But I think the extra $2.95 activation fee they made doesn't remotely begin to cover the bad impression they left with me and the lost future business as a result, so whoever made the decision to ban split payments must be extremely short-sighted.

          Agree. Within reason, give the customer what they want. It's not like the $25 is being subsidised by Westfield in the first place. Why make it more difficult? What I don't understand is, when you go thru the effort of promoting something, trying to get people into your store to buy something, to then impose some stupid rule that simply pisses people off. If Westfield were that pedantic about split payments, they shouldn't bother at all. At least you don't leave people with a bad impression.

        • +3


          It's not like the $25 is being subsidised by Westfield in the first place.

          I would think it is (or at least in part/majority). Amex doesnt do these promos for the generosity…

        • @SBOB:

          I would think it is (or at least in part/majority). Amex doesnt do these promos for the generosity…

          Even if part/majority of it was covered by Westfield, they still only really gained $2.95 by not allowing split payments, since there's no limit on how many GCs you can buy individually. It's not like they're saving $25.

        • @SBOB: Other than transaction fees, I am not aware of any other costs for any promotion participants.

        • +1


          so Amex just chooses retailers it likes and pretty much throws money their way…. sounds realistic

        • @SBOB: No, but I'm sure Westfield as a group collectively can contribute significant to Amex coffers in terms of transaction revenue.

          Based on your scanario, shop small businesses had to contribute a portion of the rebates. Sure they contributed in having an increased usage of Amex and thus, more transaction fees to fill their coffers.

        • +2


          I don't count the shop small promo in the same category as these.. Shop small (I believe) is Amex trying to make sure small retailers keep accepting Amex..

          These are shop specific rebates,and it seems unlikely to me that Amex is just gifting companies like Harvey Norman, nespresso, Bob Jane, woolworths etc large sums of money..

        • +1

          @SBOB: I agree. The targeted big shops must be contributing something to all these credits.
          Meanwhile Shop Small is different story, completely funded by Amex.

  • Westfield Airport West also does not allow split payment across different credit cards for the one gift card purchase, so I had to buy multiple gift cards and pay the service fee each time.

  • My Nespresso offer just suddenly disappeared from my saved offers . anyone else ?

    • No, my unredeemed ones are still there

    • I had my Westfield offer disappear from my DJ Amex on the main and supp cards. A gift card purchase was made on the main card but no credit appeared for two weeks. Then one day when I logged in, the offer disappeared. Called Amex to find out why. Raised a case and a credit appeared two days later. Not going to chase up the supp card since no purchase has been made.

  • +1

    I can confirm user PGB's previous comment that "Westfield Red and Westfield XS cards are identical underneath. Only difference is branding and extra $2 fee."

    Westfield Red worked fine for me as a swipe+PIN EFTPOS card at a non-Westfield store. Don't bother telling the cashier it is a Westfield gift card because they'd just get confused.

    • +1

      I was unable to use the Red card at Officeworks. If it worked for you so far, great, but they are not identical.

      • -1

        Can you walk us through what you did exactly? Where the breakdown was?

        • I swiped the card in the terminal and the card was immediately declined/refused as not acceptable.

        • @roughana: Thanks for the response. Seems strange. In the past few weeks I've used the Red cards in lots of places and never had a problem. Including Bunnings, Coles & Coles Express which is under the same Wesfarmers umbrella.

          iamprey below suggests OW have blocked Westfield altogether as last year they couldn't even use the XS card in OW - seems even stranger.

        • +2

          @PBG: Thanks for the tips. I used the Red card today at 4 different locations: Big Watermelon at Bushy Park, caltex woolworths petrol, Japanese restaurant and a butcher shop. No problem at all. Shouldn't have bought the XS card which costed $2 more :-(

        • @PBG: i was able to use the grey eftpos card at ow last year but not this year.

        • +1

          @gm3stevens: Love how we are getting negged for presenting facts. Boy there are some greedy OzBargainers.

          FYI I used the Westfield Red card again tonight in Bunnings. No problems!

          These neggers have to run out of negs soon :)

        • +1

          @lamprey: Well that is really odd. I cannot explain that. At least both the Red and XS cards are blocked at OW - so our suspicions of them having identical functionality still hold water.

        • +1

          @PBG: +1
          You helped keep my $4 away from Westfield's hands

        • +1

          @Fobsessive: Welcome :)

        • Why are folks using the westfield cards at places that don't surcharge for AMEX, and/or at places where AMEX bonus points are earned?

        • +4

          @Some Guy: If you use the Westfield cards, it's like you get 20% off which is better than earning points.

        • @gm3stevens:
          You get 20% off no matter where you spend it so you're forgoing points using them at supermarkets or servos. I used mine paying online bills and Aldi.

        • +3

          @Some Guy:

          had no idea you could use it online. How does it work?

      • +3

        the grey eftpos card doesn't work at ow as well. it did last year. officeworks has chosen to block westfield's account for some reason.

  • +4

    If you are buying online, looks like you can avoid paying service fees by using this link:

    • +1

      But don't you have to pay $5.95 delivery fee? I could not find an option for click and collect equivalent.

      • +1

        Yes, the delivery fee is still there, so it is $5.95 (delivery fee) online vs $2.95 (service fee) in store.

    • Noice!
      Where'd you get the link from? Can we get one for the XS card? (Even though it's becoming apparent that the RED card can be used in the same way)

    • +1

      Thank you. You saved me a last minute trip to the mall.

    • +1

      Thanks. Ended up being too lazy go on a last minute trip to the mall so I ordered 4 online using your link, using my main card and supplementaries. Shame we could not adjust the card value to $95 and get it just over $100 to activate cash back without service fee being included. Still I appreciate the link nevertheless.

  • +4

    Jus did a 4 way split at Chatswood. The guy was really nice and more than happy to do it. He even asked if it's the Amex thing and was iinterested about how it eexactly works which I explained. No attitude. As a gen x I much prefer to deal with the gen ys and younger. They're not as grumpy or by the book as the older crowd. PPreviously was rrejected and almost accused of criminal conduct by a couple of old cows.

  • Woolworths Online(network.americanexpress.com) can we get wooly gift card?

  • +1

    No more Coles Myer gift cards at Naremburn. Forestville First Choice still has ~10

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