$1 Tier:
Train Simulator 2016 and Roller Coaster Tycoon are only available on PC. Youtubers Life and Car Mechanic 2015 are not available for Linux.
$1 Tier:
Train Simulator 2016 and Roller Coaster Tycoon are only available on PC. Youtubers Life and Car Mechanic 2015 are not available for Linux.
I do agree that the bundle is bit meh. That said, I think if you are after Big Pharma or Democracy 3: Collector's edition, BTA was lower than their lowest on isthereanydeal.com. Big Pharma was $4.99 and Democracy 3: Collector's edition was $7.49.
I kinda ended up buying the bundle for Big Pharma and Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Big Pharma is sadly not that great. It's fun at first, but the combinations you need to put together are purely random - so passing a hard level might only require some of the most basic components, or you might need a lot of late game gear to produce even early targets. It's just a bit unsatisfying that the targets aren't crafted in a way to lead to fun, challenging progression, but rather lazily built and left up to chance.
:( It's kinda sad to hear that. I just got through the tutorial bit.
I guess that's kinda how all procedually generated levels without good foresight can end up being… sigh. I will enjoy my early games and hope that the inevitable annoyances do not bother me until I get my $5 bucks worth of joy.
Yep some missions are stupidly easy one run and basically impossible the next due to that randomisation.
@Oversimplified: I bought Big Pharma in a previous Humble Bundle, which I got before I caved and bought Factorio.
Being that they're both sort of similar games, I have to say Factorio is absolutely leagues better than Big Pharma. Big Pharma has SO MANY LEVELS that are all virtually identical except they unlock later technologies in the later ones. There's enough to get the 'dollar per hour of fun' though, but significantly less than Factorio has.
TL;DR, if you're looking for a cool production game and don't like the look of anything else in this bundle, save your money and get Factorio next sale.
digital copy of Rollercoaster Tycoon
In case anyone is interested in the analogue version: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3567/roller-coaster-tyco…
Looking to get this for RCT. Was thinking about the GOG version but cant pass up Steam version!
RCT is worth the $1 but 2 and 3 are by far superior …and then planet coaster!!
2nd Tier is looking tasty… I don't actually own those games for once…
That hours spent creating rollercoasters with excitement rating 9.5+ while picking up guests and drop em in the lake..memories
haa haa…..I never did that…what happens when they are in the lake?
The only thing I did for kicks was to build rollercoasters with gaps in the rails for 'hang time', many did not make it.
wiggled and gasping for air, then drowned…mwahaha
they removed this feature in RCT3, guests can swim. No more fun
I loved these simulator games when I was a kid, but now as an adult, the concentration to fun ratio isn't high enough to warrant spending time on it.
If you're going to sit down at the computer for hours crunching numbers, reading charts and making business decisions you might as well get paid real money for it, no?
Damn it's sad to say but I kind of feel the same way…
Yep, my tycoon simulator these days has become MYOB accounting software.
Well, sounds like it was good training then. You don't have to go through the roller coaster of starting from scratch!
Why not do both?
$1 minimum for OOTP '17 is an absolute steal if you're interested in a detailed baseball simulation game
Despite being a big tycoon fan, I dunno if I can justify 12 bucks for the whole bundle. The first tier is worth it though, just to get a digital copy of Rollercoaster Tycoon.