Wechat offer free calls to countries including Australia, China etc at the moment, only 2 days left. List of countries are https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/73294/44455/wechatlist…
Have a good night.
Wechat offer free calls to countries including Australia, China etc at the moment, only 2 days left. List of countries are https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/73294/44455/wechatlist…
Have a good night.
Better than Tinder?
Tel me more about this feature please :p
wechat is a chinese app by tencent I believe so you're likely to be hitting up chinese girls
i believe the penetration of wechat outside of china is minimal
Minimal I'd agree but big amongst the Chinese contingent outside of China
Oh look, another guy perpetuating the stereotype.
based on there being 195 countries u have approx 1 in 2 chance. Can you list or direct us to the the countries that this app will work?
ahh ok thanks
how do i sign up
use your mobile, or FB.
Chinese government will listen in on your calls?
since it seems that everyone here has a china android, thats a given
Yeah, but alas ASIS/GCHQ/NSA/etc can't. so your audience is a bit limited.
Aussie government gets it first.
Expect your whole calls to be recorded and analysed.
welcome to 1970
I suepect that there's an app to grab Red packets as soon as it is shared. Did anyone know what that is? I have noticed that 1 person seen to grab every Red packet and always have the same response. Never said anything in the group.
Who listened to head of many countries, including close allies?
Not China!
Why never learns who f#(k you?
No no no.
Make no mistake. Remember only in a free democratic country you have the right and the chance to know the corruption. In totalitarian dictatorship you go swimming in the ocean inside a block of cement. So Kudos to those governments who listen to my calls but let me talk about it.
Cao Ni ma
bloody rude bastard hahaha
Thanks OP. You mention only 2 days left - I can't see this listed anywhere on the link: Are calls free to Australia for another 2 days or is the app free for 2 more days?
Calls to the listed countries are free for another 2 days, after that, charges applied for call (wechat out) functions.
is it only 2 days more of free calls?
Is it?
Use this; SUDO - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/273352; I have been using it for the past couple of days and it seems to work fine
what's the limitation on the free calls to for example Vietnam?
There are none as far as I know, call quality depends on the data connection; its only available on IOS
Nice app to get happy endings